
What Club?

My name is Moonlight and I'm a lawyer. Well not really a lawyer but a newbie lawyer. Becoming a lawyer has been my dream ever since I was a child. But now I regret that decision, I graduated at the top of my class at Harvard. And I was asked to work at the highest-ranking law firm there ever was. Crinkle&Barns firm was the best of the best and only the best get in. When I was asked I was happy didn't know what to do. But now I regret that decision, all I do around here is paperwork and watch cases. And the paperwork is sooooo, ugh. Stacks after stacks when will it end.

"Moonlight comes here now" my boss called me. What did I do now, did I make a mistake on a paper. "Yes, Mr. Barns?" I said, " I know you haven't been in some cases and I want you to, so I've prepared for you a nice easy case a pro-bono case if that's okay with you". "Okay that's more than okay that's great I'll take it," I say." He says to me in a nice tone" It's the case of an unpaid ticket so you should be in and out". "okay sir I will," I said that in a sad tone. "You may leave now," he says in a weird tone.

As soon as I walked out of his office a person is running and bumps into me. It was a man a tall man and all he say's is "move it!" in a loud tone. What's his problem, and he drops something a card a weird-looking card. I pick it up and read it, It say's "The Hell High Club enter at your own risk" the what club. What kind of club is this, and why does it sound cool. Maybe I'll go after work, crap I don't know where it is. I flip the card to the back and I see a bar scan code. "Maybe this is the way I'll go tonight after work". Wait what should I wear, you know what it doesn't matter I'm going.

Hello thanks for reading my story please comment if you have any thoughts or comments about this.

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