
Hidden Lifestyle

In the long years, humans have existed and conquered planet earth, slowly evolving and developing the blue and green planet, by starting small.

Humans are gifted with knowledge and have numerous capabilities to make the world a better place to live for the next generations. Due to these plentiful abilities, there are some people who have invented unbelievable and amusing things, contributing plenty for the younger generations, who are believed to be the key to the world's utmost greatness.

In a comparison of the past and the present, the past, now considered as what we call tradition, is part of the growing history of every country. A starting point of what humans used to live off to.

The present, considered as the new age, is where we see millennials, where we could see the progress of the development of each country. Although, not all are unicorns and rainbows.

Sure, in every country, we see what people see, but we never take notice of what is hidden in the slums, who are forced to hide in the dark due to political issues, poverty, and corruption.

Back then, sure there are unexpected fights and wars that were initiated due to territory disputes, and back then, it was a hard way of traditional living. However, if we bring up what the world has become of today, a lot has changed, and mostly everything is different.

Technology has been introduced to the people of the world in the early 1900s. Inventors, scientists and intellectual people were convinced that this is another form of knowledge that could help people gain information faster, no matter the distance. Slowly, technology evolved and develop to the point that it also became a national problem.

Back in the old days, kids would scatter around the park playing tag with friends. Now, they have isolated the park or any field for that matter and locked themselves up in their room, eyes glued into the screen of their gadget. I have read viral news spreading online of how this is bad for a person's health, especially players who love to play games all night long, not getting enough rest the body needs.

There are numerous cases of deaths due to this smart technology, yet, people turn the blind eyes on and never cares. But I do.

Because I have a very precious friend who has fallen into such horrible cases, and I hate it how the government cares more about priceless papers with valuable numbers printed on it.

Sure, it provides us what we need daily, but it doesn't buy us the next life. It doesn't buy us permanent happiness and the lovely feeling of contentment.

Living in a remote area, I hunt what I eat and mostly seek for what the forest provides for me, may it be fruits, vegetables or fresh deer meat. I have fallen victim to the government's silly antics of stealing money from the community. Now, I also hide in the dark.

Kicking the door to my cabin open, I dropped the deer I caught, huffing as I did so. Taking my recurve bow and bags of arrow to the living room, I plopped on the couch, placing the weapon beside me. I removed my blood-covered leather jacket, throwing it to the hamper filled with minimum dirty clothes. I grabbed my laptop from under the coffee table, opening it up. I stood up and went towards the kitchen to wash my bloodied hands while waiting for the program to start.

Living in the middle of the forest, practically cut off from the technological city and roaring engines of cars, it's not easy to make a living. I found this cabin, broken and abandoned with weeds wrapping every wood. I used the money my Father left for me to rebuild this as my home, I need not recruit carpenters, even though I haven't finished college, I am raised by an intellectual inventor who contributed a lot towards the rise of complex techs found in laboratories, even in the military.

I got my father's genes but I never got to know who my mother is. My father told me she had died giving birth to me, so the urge to meeting her immediately flew out the window. I have invented a couple of weapons and machinery by myself in this cabin, it's for my own pleasure and to sate my boredom. I live alone, and the only people who know where I am located is my best friend Catina.

She seems innocent but she's nowhere near it.

She has skills in hacking complex codes and creating viruses. I found out about it during high school, and right as we met, we are then labeled as freaks inside the campus. But we never cared, since her eyes are always staring at the monitor and I am occasionally breaking up cellular phones to create something different.

I sat back down on the couch facing my laptop, I am planning to create what my father dreamed of creating but he never had the chance to do so.

The Artificial Intelligent nano-droids.

His description for it was to help other people get out of slavery since the AI nano-droids have the abilities to satisfy your needs.

But I was no-where close to a specific design that could hold these capabilities. I huffed as I applied auto-shift on the laptop, it will shift in different designs and it will alert me once it chose a capable design.

I stood up, grabbing the deer and dragged it towards the backyard where I would skin it, fillet it and cure the skin. It's a long process but I got nothing better to do. I finished everything at dusk, throwing the pale of blood and guts out deeper into the forest, leaving it to be devoured by the Eagles and crows.

Since I am completely covered with disgusting blood, I grabbed my towel and my change of clothes before trekking towards a waterfall nearby. It was enclosed with big boulders and large trees, there, I often hunt fishes if I am too lazy to strike a good deer.

Once I got to the waterfall, I placed my towel on the nearest branch and started removing my clothes. I watched the pond the waterfall created as I removed each fabric clinging into my skin leaving my underwear on. Then, I did a dive, scaring the school of fishes underneath. Tonight was a full moon, such a gorgeous sight it is.

I rubbed off the blood on my skin until it's back to the normal fair shade it has always been, I grabbed my dirty clothes and washed the blood off of it. Once I was done, I wore a new clean pair of underwear, a plain white shirt, and black sweat pants. I grabbed my wet clothes then walked back to the cabin in my regular flip flops.

"Lydia!" I heard a familiar voice call my name the moment I appeared from the tree line, then I saw her.

An awfully familiar tall brunette with hazel round eyes.

"Catina, what are you doing here?" As far as I know, she never comes to me unless it involves something unusual. She stopped in front of me, her expression gave her away. I clenched my fists, gritting my teeth "Let's talk inside"

Whatever it is she came for, it's not good.
