

They tell you stories about the greatest super heroes, some out of state and others in your very own town. But they never tell you the stories about those who couldn't make it to that level of fame.

The culture has grown to praise the gifted citizens, everything revolves around them. Maybe if you were a little stronger, or a little faster, a little better, you could have made it.

You could have made it.

"You guys know about the mighty hero gallid?" A teenage boy, with gray eyes and dark brown hair. His ragged clothes hidden under a plaid sweater he picked up from the local Hero's Thrift shop. He should have gotten new clothes from there, but he couldn't put it all on once he began to glitch.

"I live for her! She's my muse!" Another teenage boy, who hid his scarred hands under a pair of brown leather gloves, placed them over his heart. His hair Nordic blond and his eyes brown. He wore a long sleeved turtle neck. His right big toe poking out of his shoe.

"I glitched right under her the other day! She was a real beauty!" The glitch stood up, showing his crowd of three where he was exactly. He made sure they could still read his lips as he moved around, specifically for the girl who plugged her ears.

She sat right next to the Boy with the gloves. Large plugs in her ear and her hair drooping over them. Her clothes looked like they were straight out of a jail house. She wasn't, her clothes were though. She picked them up from an unfortunate member in a mission, who tried to catch her, only to be killed in the process. She wasn't deaf.

"Gahlid, I asked her to help me once and she said 'believe in yourself, you'll be greater than I.' Im ashamed I ever trusted her." The last person spoke up. She had a very expensive pair of sunglasses and a marriage band on her finger. Her long black hair pulled up into a ponytail. She placed her hands under her armpits. Clenching them as she spoke. Her breath was cold. She had gotten her ornaments from her gift. She's able to summon anything, literally anything, and she doesn't get to choose. She was so sad about it. About taking.

"You can't trust phony heroes, i might admire her, but i don't listen to the shit that comes out of her mouth." The Nordic Blond sighed, looking at The Thief. He loved looking at her, at her brown eyes hidden so well behind the glasses. Her plump lower lip flaking from the dry skin. It lacked moisture. Her freckles which were barely visible on her brown skin.

The Thief looked at him, just briefly, and shook her head. She stood up and walked a few feet away from her friends."I'm starving."

"Steal us something, Thief." The Nordic Blond taunted. He leaned back against the couch and gave her a smirk. Quickly she turned around with furrowed brows and slammed her fist against the wall.

"Parasite... stop it!" The Glitch interfered, he stood up and walked over to the thief. "Pizza? Or a sub? I don't know, what do you guys want?" He turned towards the quiet girl and she shrugged. It always came without a warning, but every now and then he got a strange feeling in the tips of his fingers. They would start shaking and it would climb up and down his spine. That's how he knew he was about to glitch. He'd start glowing and flashing and literally glitching before he finally said, "I'll be Back."

'Richy... stop please." The Thief spoke facing away from the quiet girl. She walked up to him and sat on his lap. "You understand how hurtful it is when you do this..." Her eyes began watering and she sniffled.

"I'm sorry... I understand, it just gets to my head." He almost got a kiss out of her. But they weren't a thing, and The Thief loved hurting him as much as he hurt her. She got up and walked away to an empty room, filled with only one mattress.

The quiet girl looked at The Parasite, he was attractive but she didn't see any other good qualities about him. She couldn't dwell on his hair for too long, she was afraid the shininess would trigger her. And He loved smiling about it too, he knew exactly why but he didnt believe it was possible. He wouldn't do such a thing, none of the teens have seen her shift, but they're afraid of her. Rightfully so, they've heard the stories, they've seen the evidence.

She was only 10 when she was kidnapped, taken across the country with 6 other kids. Continuously, the place where she was being held, sedated and experimented on her. It took then 4 years to get the results they wanted, a mutt. A weapon for war. A creature who is incredibly sensitive to light and sound. They used it against her, trained her up. She would unwillingly shift into the mutt at the sight of a bright flashing red light, or the sound of a high pitched noise. Designed to kill anything in her path. Year six, she found her way out and ran until she couldn't run anymore. She learned she was the only one who survived the treatments.

The Parasite hated his shoes, he had really nice shell toed shoes when he first meet the group. All the running wore them out and he hated it. He cried for days, it was the only thing he could still hold onto. He missed his mother, but she didn't.

"No pizza." The Shifter spoke, then out of nowhere The Glitch appeared onto the table.

"I'm sorry, the police caught me, they said they'll find me once I'm gone. They traced all the thefts to me." His voice was in a small panic.

"Calm down, What do you suppose we do?" The Parasite stood up and looked up towards him. The Glitch jumps down and paces around the room.

"We have the run, I think they know were squatting here!"
