
The half-breed

They had her surrender and snarled at her with their sharp, long teeth. She knew she was doomed. She has finally met her end. Even if everybody forgives her and lets her go, Delta Logan won’t support them. He is dangerous. She examined her surroundings, her eyes wondering for a way out. However, it was a dead end. They were in the middle of a jungle. The only thing she could hope for was an unexpected miracle. Delta Logan strides forward, followed by Rebecca, and her witch friend, Rachael, while the rest of the lycans pack moves behind her. Instantly, an idea crept into her head. Rachael is a witch. That means she was not fast like those lycans. “You can do this,” she assured herself. As Delta Logan dived at her, at the last minute, she stepped aside and the Delta collided with a tree instead. Before any one of them could react, she dived at Rachael, her elbow aiming straight for her teeth. Before Rachael could blink, Joy’s elbow collided with her mouth and the force removed the front teeth in the process. She pushed her out of the way and then grabbed a tree branch she had seen earlier and used the force to propel her body on top of the tree. Joy was sure of one thing, she couldn't outrun Delta Logan and the pack on dry ground. But she could do it on top of trees. Dan had taught her that. He had been training her for a day like this. She swung her body on top of another tree, and then swivelled her body midair, did bar hop skills, and grabbed another branch. She could hear the rustling of leaves behind her which suggested that they were now chasing her. Yet, she did not panic. She has been in this wood many times without number, and she knew her way better than them. After jumping for what seemed like forever, she could see the exit of the woods. It was a few metres ahead of her, and that made her double her effort. She was sure that Dan would be waiting for her at the exit of the woods.

Alegria del Autor · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Chapter 19

Dawn of Glory [the half-breed]

Chapter nineteen

Theme: Tracking

Strutting on the rural field of the upper aisle is Nicci, the red widow. Besides her stood Sarah, and surrounding them were the warriors of the late Duke Thane, son of Thawing. Their red uniforms were glistening in the morning sun, and they spread as far as the eyes could see. They are well-lined, and the look on their faces could be deciphered as that of war.

"People of the upper aisle," shouted the red widow, her voice surprisingly booming throughout the entire field. "I intentionally brought you here so I could inform you about the new order I had just received from Lord Darius through the memo book."

She examined their eyes one after the other, and they had expressionless faces. The red widow smiled inwardly at how she was grasping them. She got exactly what she wanted. She wanted to instil fear in their hearts and make them bow to her alone. Duke Thane was torturing them with his whip, and the Red Widow wasn't ready to do that. She will kill anybody that dares disobey her at first sight. 

She wanted them to learn that none of them could dare go against her order, just like she had been doing to the people of the desert land. Not only that, she didn't want anything that could jeopardise her current mission. That's part of why she's still keeping Sarah with her. She might not be powerful and pernicious like Lord Darius, but she can still be the second in command. She can still be the most fearful being in the middle land after he's gone.

"As you all know, I'm now your baroness after your Duke was killed some days ago by that strange rogue wolf." She said and paused to catch her breath. She took the opportunity to examine their faces one after the other. When she was sure that none of them would squeeze his face or murmur, she continued. "Lord Darius ordered us to bring the strange rogue wolf to him, either dead or alive."

She took another deep breath and walked to the high patio that was made for Duke Thane whenever he was about to make any special announcement. In the middle of the patio stood a pulpit, while the memo book, quill, and blood jar were on top of the pulpit. "Why don't we just tell them the truth?" Sarah whispered into the red widow's ear. "At least it would be better if we let them know what they were about to face."

"No!" says the red widow. "At least not yet. I still have some towns to conquer before I let the cat out of the bag." She elaborated.

"Are you referring to the lower Isle people?" Sarah asked in confusion.

"Sure," the red widow replied. "My sources told me that they were planning to attack me and help their people. They said I became the baroness of the upper isle without following the protocol. So, they are preparing for war, and I must give them." She clarified, and the rage in her voice was visible.

"So, what are you suggesting?" Sarah asked. Even though she already knew what the red widow was trying to do, she decided to play ignorant.

"As soon as I finish addressing these people, we are going down to them." Says the red widow. "And you, Sarah, will lead the team." She said this with an authorized tone.

"But that's against our deal," Sarah complained in frustration. "Our deal is that I help you sniff the location of the being that bit me, then make her pay before you deliver her to Lord Darius." She said, letting out a weary sigh.

"If you dare me, I will lock the radar back to your neck, torture you, and force you to lead me to her location." With rage, the red widow says. Slowly, she pushed Sarah out of her way and returned her gaze to the people.

"The people of the upper isle, your neighbouring town, and the people of the lower Isle have gathered soldiers against us. What did you suggest that we do to them?" The red widow asked with her loud, melodious voice, which bloomed throughout the field.

"We can't attack the lower Isle people," the people's chorus said in unison. "They are our people."

Letting out a deep breath, Nicci walked down from the balcony and went straight to the general. "General, what did you think about this?" The red widow implored the general with a calm voice. She bit her lower lips, which were painted with red lip veneer before she started walking around the general.

At the sight of her and the hearing of her voice, they cause General Rick to shiver in fear. With a trembling lip, he said "My lady, we can't attack them. They are our only trusted allies. They serve Duke Thane with their whole hearts; their loyalty can't be questioned. Not only that, they have saved us many times without numbers. They have risked their lives for us more times than we can count. We can't just wage war on them."

"I know," the red widow said. "They are loyal to your former Duke. But now that he is dead, they should have pledged their loyalty to me instead of waging war." She clarified.

Finally, Nicci stopped walking around with General Rick and walked back to the terrace. "As you can all see and hear, your general has given us a reason not to wage war against your neighbourhood town. The red widow's voice booms out again. Now we are going to take a vote. If you are against fighting with your people, move to the right. If you want us to fight them, shift to the left. And don't forget how my clipper killed your guards earlier." She concluded, and everywhere was quiet.

"Sarah, now it's your turn." The red widow says to Sarah, and the latter nods her head as if she understands what she just said. Sarah steps forward and zooms in on her vision. As she did this, she could see everything. Even from afar, she could see the expressions on the people's faces. With the look in their eyes, Sarah was sure that they were considering staying at home.

But it seems the killing spree they witnessed earlier is disturbing their minds. After a few minutes of waiting, none of the people moved to the right. That could only mean one thing. They have now accepted the red widow as their baroness.

Seeing this, she clapped her hand and walked back to the pulpit, as Sarah stepped back.

"You have all made a good decision," she said with a sly smile that was visible at the corner of her mouth. "Now let's march to the battlefield where we shall duel with the Lower Isle people." She said.

"I can't allow that," General Rick argued. He walked away from the rest of the soldiers and moved towards the balcony. "The Lower Isle people have never done anything to deserve this. They are trying to help us, and I can't let all their previous sacrifices be in vain." He elaborated, causing the red widow to clutch her fist in anger.

"Same here," another person replied from behind. "I can't slaughter innocent people with my blade. Besides, Duke Thane didn't teach us that."

"Is there anybody else that wants to protest against the current issues?" Sarah asked with a smirk on his lips. 

"Yes," some soldiers replied to her in unison. "We would rather die than kill innocent beings." 

"I love your courage," Sarah said before returning her gaze to the red widow. "I want you to offer them something." She said, and the red widow nodded her head, signalling for her to continue. Let's bind them all, then drag them to the gate of the lower Isle people. When we got there, we would offer them a chance to surrender their arms and join our force. If they agree, then we will spare General Rick and his men."

"What if they decline?" asked the Red Widow.

"Then we would send them the head of General Rick and his men as a warning. I'm sure they will surrender. And if they didn't, we would kill them all." She clarified.

"Thanks for the advice," The red widow complimented Sarah. Slowly, she walked toward General Rick and his men. She raised her hand, drew a strange pattern informed by an X in the air, then altered it to a circle. A thick shrub appeared out of nowhere, binding General Rick and his men, and their mouths were also glued together. Seeing this, the remaining people moved back in fear.

"Don't panic," says the red widow with a smirk, as if nothing had just happened. "Just like my clipper said, I'm giving them a second chance. So, let's march out for war. " She said, Reluctantly, the people raised their spears and used their sharp ends to strike the ground. Those that were using shields and swings followed suit by slamming their swords against their shields. The loud whining of Zerta also filled the air. They were raising their front legs so high that their rider had to cling tightly so they wouldn't fall, then they would bring them back to the ground.

The soldiers roared out loud, an outcry of war. Their voices filled the whole room before they turned towards the exit. Not waiting anymore, they march out for battle against the Lower Isle people. "Can you see that your men have now followed my order?" The red widow whispered in General Rick's ear. "Just keep praying to Lord Darius that the same luck that saved you now should never leave you."

"Whether you kill me or not, I'm sure your downfall is near." General Rick retorted with a scoff. "Even if you conquer the lower Isle people, I'm sure the true half-breed will find and kill you."

At the hearing of that, the red-headed expression changed from happy to shocked, before it was replaced with a resentful one. "I don't care how you know about the tales of the half-breed, but I promised you one thing. I will keep you alive until I find and kill her."

"Then I will be happy to see how she will grant you a painful death," General Rick retorted with a smile. "Just don't kill me. At least let me witness the fight between you two. Moreover, don't forget to tell the people the truth about their Duke's death. " He said. 

The infuriated red widow wants to strike General Rick and kill him on the spot. However, she controlled her anger, hit him on the jaw, and walked past him and his men. Sarah walked towards them, grabbed the long silver chain that was used to bind them together, and dragged them towards the exit.

With full force, the people of the upper isle line up at the gate of the lower isle people. Even though it was cold, and the sea wasn't helping matters by blowing a cold breeze into their nostrils, none of them dared to shiver. They had witnessed what Nicci, the red widow, and Sarah could do, and none of them was ready to be her victim. Positioning themselves on the ice, stretching as far as the eyes could see, were the soldiers of Duke Thane.

Not long after, they parted ways, while the red widow emerged from their midst. With a slow tread, she washed her hips towards the fortress gate of the lower Isle people. Behind her was Sarah. She was still holding the chain that Nicci used to coerce General Rick and his men. Perhaps a dozen in number. "

"People of the lower Isle," the red widow began her speech, and everyone became as silent as a graveyard. She examined the fortress gate with her eyes, and she could see that it was built in the same way as that of Duke Thane's people. The only difference is that this was twice as tall as that of the upper aisle. It was also built with a hard boulder, which seemed impenetrable to her men. Still, she wasn't going to give up. Even if it meant sacrificing all of the Duke of Thane's soldiers.

"I came here to offer you a deal," says the red widow again, and that earns a murmur from the lower Isle people. At the balcony of the fortress gate stood hundreds of archers, spearmen, and canyon shooters. The soldiers were cladded in black outfits, which glistened with the help of the morning sun. 

"What can you offer us, good for nothing bloody killer?" A man replied bravely from the top of the balcony. "I will advise you to release those soldiers from whatever spell you are using to bind them against their will."

"What's yours, soldier?" Sarah pleaded alongside the red widow.

"I'm General Drax, commander of every legion and knight of the lower Isle army." According to the man.

"Noted," Sarah said with a smirk. "I promise that you will watch with your eyes as I massacre your family. I will cut their ears, poke out their eyes, then feed their bodies to the vultures." Sarah elaborated.

"That's if you get the chance to penetrate our defence." Says another man beside General Drax.

Seeing that the argument is becoming heated, the red widow quickly chirps in. "Take it easy, my able commander, will you? At least, you should listen to my offer before you begin your threatening speech."

"If you have anything reasonable to say, kindly go on before we descend on you. I haven't got the whole day." General Drax retorted.

"General Drax, or whatever your name is, why don't you tell your men to surrender their arms, open the gate for me, and let's join forces together? By doing it that way, we won't have to spray blood." Says the red widow, followed by a murmur from the soldiers on the lower Isle.

"We aren't cowards," says General Drax. His voice is so cold and firm. "We would rather die while saving our town, rather than laying down our blades and flying like cowards. Besides, what did you expect me to tell my Duke? That I give myself up, along with my town, and join hands with you. That's ridiculous."

"I knew it. I have already told her that you won't accept the deal, but she insisted that I should offer you a chance." Nicci said, her gaze now resting on Sarah. "Okay then, let's do this the hard way." She said,

Not waiting anymore, Sarah unsheathed General Rick's sword, swung it, and brought down the head of his soldier. As she did this, blood splattered everywhere. The Lower Isle people gasp in shock at what they just witnessed, while Duke Thane's men shiver in fear. Sarah licked the blade in her mouth and walked towards General Rick, who was screaming in agony at how her men were killed in front of her.

"You know, I should have killed you," she whispered into his ear, but the general was too drunk to reply. "However, the Red Widow wants you to witness how she will conquer these people with the same soldiers you are commanding," Sarah says as she points her hand toward the soldier. "After that, I will give you a slow and painful death."

"Even if you kill me, my spirit will live," Says General Rick boldly. "And don't forget, you will fail in your mission, and I will watch with my own eyes how the prophecy half-breed will kill you. Then you and your mistress will know that the middle land is now on the path of salvation." General Rick said before splitting into Sarah's clothes.

"I will forgive you for that," says Sarah as she walks out of General Rick's sight. The upper Isle people are now talking about formation. The shieldmen are moving forward, followed by archers and those that can throw spears. The same goes for the Lower Isle people. even though they were sluggish in drawing out their weapons. Nonetheless, they couldn't allow the red widow to order them around just like she was doing to Duke Thane's men.

"Archer," says General Drax as he raises his sword. "Fire!" He screamed, brought down his sword, and his men released a volley of arrows instantly. 

As the sky darkened with arrows from the lower Isle people, it headed straight for Duke Thane's men. The painful screams of soldiers filled the atmosphere as the arrow hit some unlucky men. It pierced their skulls, ankles, and foreheads. Amidst the chaos stood Sarah and Nicci. Sarah could be seen stretching her hand forward, and the arrow that was meant for her and the red widow bounced back as they came in contact with the shield.

"Men, fire back." The red widow ordered her men. Not wasting any seconds, they swung into action and started shooting back. Amidst the chaos, still stretching her hand forward, is Sarah. She sniffed in the air as if she was smelling a familiar scent, and her hair grew on her back.

Sarah mumbled to the red widow, "She is not far from this place," and the latter focused her attention on her. 

"Who are you talking about?" She asked, bewildered.

"The one who bit me, she is not far from this place." Sarah clarified.