
The Grimoire Of Azreal

A boy abandoned on the footstep of the grand forest god temple. with the power to manipulate life force and the mysterious seals that limit his power, he needs to get stronger to make sure he can live right to protect his small island from the looming threat of other countries, whose greed affects the small island. but secretly, there's a threat that far outmatches the might of these countries...

Heinzbeansscranner · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

The rock bear

Waking up, the boy looked at his own appearance and nodded.

it had been 2 years since the catcus had evolved, and the foxglove and Piwik plant had evolved too.

the boy couldn't open up the 3rd seal, and also evolve the plants again no matter how much he tried

the catcus plants had 6-inch needles, of which the boy used to throw with speed

the Piwik plant had evolved, and so did its effects, small wounds and cuts were healed in a petal, and a large rash and long cut are healed within 3. the pink on the plant got lighter and lighter, looking like a cherry tree.

the foxgloves evolution made its internal poison stronger, able to kill a rabbit within 2 needles.

the boy did his stretches, before walking out to see Juugo, who looked more like a 12-year-old than 8.

the boy sighed, before looking at Paraona who gave him some pancake's

the boy gobbled it down, while Juugo was whining about how there wasn't enough honey

"The bee tribes are having a hard time." Paraona scolded the boy, as she turned 17.

countless men had tried to court her, but she had politely refused all of them

"My taste is a man with big muscles!" She screamed suddenly, causing her brother to look at her with confusion

although women don't normally work, they had to be able to get a job at a placemaking clothing and dealing with leather, meaning both of them had a large array of clothes.

going back to his room, Elias clicked his tongue.

no matter how hard he tried, he was stuck on the 2nd seal, and it may take years till he reaches the 3rd seal.

no matter how hard he tried to secure the plant, the boy couldn't get one from the botanical gardens, so the boy opted for something else.

in the 2 years, the boy wasn't idle. he was looking at things that could benefit him, and he found a book about crafting items and saw potential in it.

the boy had brought wood and string and sat down at his desk.

the boy was making a small crossbow that could fit on his arm that used the needles he had.

it took the boy 3 months, but a suitable prototype was made. although crossbows are meant to shoot arrows, the slender needles had greater penetration, and the crossbow would provide speed with his small stick-like arms cant.

the boy fitted it to his arm before he heard a knock on the door

"Dont forgot about the event tonight," Paraona muttered to him, causing him to nod.

every 5 years a festival is held to worship the forest god. It's the only time that all the tribes come together. the festival is a celebration, but they're a youth tournament to show this generation promising fighters to the forest god.

the boy nodded, but he had different plans for the day.

the boy was sick of the stagnation, so he decided to go into the forest in an attempt to find some plants for himself.

the boy packed the essentials before going into the forest.

Juugo stared at me weird when he saw my gear, but shrugged and ate the leftover pancakes

the boy walked in the forest for hours and hours, only seeing common plants he had no interest in.

the only thing he was interested in was a grapevine, which he collected and stored in a pot he had in his bag.

the boy heard a roar and saw a bear and a human fighting

the human man was using plant magic to constrain the beast while using his Kenjustu to hurt the bear.

the bear was solid, however, with its whole body fortified in heavy rock.

it was a rock bear, a natural predator for any animal or tribe living on the island.

the bear used its own magic, rock magic to shoot boulders now and then.

the man was losing, which was evident by the countless cut's and gnashes present on his arms and bare chest

the boy sighed, before loading up an arrow on his crossbow

the boy had practised him aim beforehand, so he pointed at a place called a "Vital" which in the bear's case its Eyes and Anu-


the boy decided to go to the eye, as the bear's eyes were fairly large and due to the fact it might blind it

the boy shot it and watched the arrow go through the bear's first eye, causing it to roar in pain and anger

the boy used the tree's as cover as he dodged the bear's charge

countless trees were torn down, but the boy threw a couple of healing needles to the man and led the bear deeper into the forest

the boy jumed from tree to tree , watching as the bear followed him, roaring at its lost vision

the boy saw another figure come in play , it was the man from just a minute ago

"BOY, CATCH THIS WHILE I GO FIND HELP!" He screamed, throwing the boy his sword

the boy dodged the charge and managed to throw a couple more needles, of which bounced off the bear's skin easily

the boy clicked his tongue, before jumping in the air and landing on the bear's back, of which was flailing desperately

the boy grabbed the sword and slammed it into the other bear's eye, before sticking countless poison needles at it and then jumping off

the bear was angry as it shot countless boulders at him, which the boy dodged.

the boy moved forward, before finding himself at a cliff, the bear on the other side

the bear rushed to the boy, causing him to sidestep.

at this moment, the bear knew

it fucked up.

the movement couldn't be stopped, as the boy leisurely walked away as the bear fell off the cliff.

he wasn't an expert, but that bear was dead.

the boy sighed, before collecting some of the scales the bear had shaken off.

these go for a high price when making armour, so the boy collected all of them before 6 figures rushed at him.

"[Plant magic: Healing buttercups]!"

flowers enveloped the boy, passing the vitality onto his body, causing the boy to sigh

warriors had their swords out, shouting

"boy, where did the bear go?"

the boy pointed off the cliff

"This isnt time for fun and games boy, tell me where the bear is-"

a huge splash was heard as the 5 people froze, before looking down the cliff.

although brief, the bear managed to use a stone ledge to hold each self, although its heavyweight and slipping claws caused it to fall

the man sighed, "26 people we lost to that fucker."

the man the boy saved gave a sigh

he had big muscles and a tall body, so the boy was thinking he should introduce him to Paraona

The 5 people looked at the boy and muttered

"What shall we do with you..."