
The Grimoire Of Azreal

A boy abandoned on the footstep of the grand forest god temple. with the power to manipulate life force and the mysterious seals that limit his power, he needs to get stronger to make sure he can live right to protect his small island from the looming threat of other countries, whose greed affects the small island. but secretly, there's a threat that far outmatches the might of these countries...

Heinzbeansscranner · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

The Beginning Of A King

a long long time ago a demon came to this world, by using a power no other demon could possess.

It was something a normal demon wasn't. it was friendly and wanted a family. and so, it went to the humans.

the humans treated it with disgust and fear, so it went away and hid. One day, the demon decided to start its own family, one that it could become friends with. And so, it conjured its power into 3 things. a Wolf, a fox, and a rabbit.

Its children lived in peace and satisfaction, as days turned into months and months had turned into years. The small family he had made had turned into thousands of members, of which a community was made for them to live and trade.

the demon was happy with his life, and then a human girl came. she had being outcasted for not being able to use magic and not being able to speak, and so the demon brought her in as one of his own.

The demon and the human became friends and got married. the girl had a pair of twins for the demon, a boy and a girl. one could create life, and one could destroy it. The years flung by, as the demon watched his 2 children fight for dominance over eachover.

their battles had killed his wife and a portion of his family, making him fall into despair.

The demon, in his rage, banished both the boy and girl. The eldest son, the giver of life, went from nation to nation, healing the masses and creating a life for people to enjoy, while the youngest sister of destruction went to rule her own nation as a cruel dictator.


A baby was laying on a podium, in the middle of a remote place. it was a temple, surrounded by thick vegetation and bustling wildlife.

on the crying baby's back, there was a tree tattoo. the tree had 8 marks on it, one was glowing, and the rest were dormant.

the shine was decorated with fruits and marking on the walls, but the baby was silent. not a single cry or word could be heard from the baby boy .

a girl came from the ground, to give her offerings to the god of the forest, which lets her small tribal forest thrive with wildlife and fruits.

she gave a small prayer to the god, before looking at something strange. it was a baby, quietly looking at her.

she slowly went up to the baby, before picking him up and clothing him a piece of cloth she tore from her clothes

"Hmm." She muttered, "Wonder who left their baby here?"

She poked the little baby, which stared at her

she pinched the baby, but it remained calm

"Is it sick or something?" She muttered. her grandma told her that baby's that don't cry are normally sick, so they should be treated with medicine

"I'll give him some medicine then ill put the baby back on the podium." She thought to herself.

she grabbed the baby and carried it through the lush jungle. a clear path had been etched out from the temple back to their rural village, so it wasn't long until they reached it.

the people looked towards the girl with wonder, before muttering

"Who's that baby she's carrying?"

the village was made from simple wood and other sorts of materials that can be founded in the forest. the villagers ate meat and lived off the fat of the land, which they praised the forest god for.

the girl carried the baby boy back to her house, a shack where she, her baby brother, and grandma lives. her parents died when she was


"Ah, paraona-" She muttered, before looking at the baby boy "Where did you find him?"

"Near the temple of the forest god." She muttered

"Ah, those silly people." The grandma muttered, "Dont they know that we don't accept human sacrifices to the forest god anymore?"

"Are you sure he's a sacrifice?" The girl muttered, "Perhaps he's someone that had being abandone-"

"No! Abandonment is taboo!" Her grandma shouted, before saying "All human life in this forest is sacred, and people who don't think don't deserve to live in the forest!"

The girl ignored her, before saying "The baby wasn't crying, should we see if it's sick?"

"Hmm." The old lady grumbled, "Bring him here."

The grandma lifted out her arms before her grimoire came out of her holder

"[Healing magic The forest god's blessing]" She muttered, causing her grimoire to shine in a green light that enveloped the boy

the boy moved a bit, before falling asleep

"How strange, it's almost like he doesn't have any emotions." She muttered, prodding the baby before her hand was swatted away from the baby

"Quiet! let the boy sleep!" The old lady grumbled, before picking up the boy and placing him in a crib next to their own, the girl's baby brother.


stones were thrown at a boy, who easily dodged them. his emerald hair and eyes flashing under the harsh sunlight of the jungle

"You dont belong here!" Boys of his age were throwing rocks towards the boy, as he easily dodged them

"Yeah, you weren't born here! you look different!" Another one shouted, causing another to shout "Yeah!"

the 5-year-old boy stood silent, as he looked towards the duo of boys. he watched as they scrambled when they saw his adopted mother, the lady that had found him. the granny had recently died, so she decided to step up to the head of the family.

when he was little, they had questioned the villagers and asked the people from another village whose baby was this, but nobody took responsibility. such, they decided to take him in as their own, even though there was scorn from other villagers, due to his different appearance, having much lighter skin and weird eye and hair colour, which contrasted the villager's brown eyes and dark hair

the boy followed the lady, who sighed

"I know you can't talk, but can you please show at least a tiny bit of expression?" Paraona asked, causing the boy's expression not to waiver in the slightest.

She gave a sigh, before walking back to her home, of which her young brother was there,

although he was lacking in the brain department, his body was massive for a 5-year-old, being a lot taller than him

he looked at me, before laughing

"Did those punks do anything to you, Elias?" the boy, Juugo, punched his fists together "I'll make sure to beat them up if they did!"

"You will not do that!" Parana shouted, almost what a mother would sound like, even if she had just turned 15

Juugo rolled his eyes, before looking at me

"Have you activated your magic?" He interrogated "Sparks of my magic means that I have plant magic!" Juugo patted his chest in pride

"Stop torturing him, he can't speak," Paraona muttered, watching as the boy followed the guy

"If your magic is like our parents, you would have healing-based plant magic", Paraona muttered

The boy looked at them both with a blank expression.

the boy walked out of the room and closed the door, before looking at the house plant that was near his bed.

he channelled a small bit of magic into it, watching as it moved briefly before going back to normal.

this was HIS magic.