


The next day


I woke up and made my way downstairs. My brothers were up and eating. I walked over to the coffeepot and poured a cup of coffee, then sat down between Parker and Paxton.

/"How are you feeling this morning?/" Payton asked.

/"I don’t know,/" I answered, shaking my head. I felt in a daze. /"I don’t know how to feel./"

My brothers looked at me. Shaun and Britt came into the kitchen.

/"It feels as if I’m in a nightmare that I can’t wake up from, and it terrifies me,/" I whispered, looking at my cup.

/"It’s a stage of grief,/" Pax mentioned.

I sat there and placed my hands on my face as I cried. Parker wrapped his arm around me, offering comfort.

/"What are everyone’s plans?/" Payton asked, taking the attention off me. Payton didn’t do it because he wants to ignore my grief; he did it to keep things regular.