


Finals and going home


After spring break, the rest of the year flew by. Now it was time for finals. Nik gave us time off to study; then, we worked a few days before going home. Now I know why coffee is essential to college life.

Once I completed my last final, I went home and crashed. Sleep is fantastic when you spend nights studying. Everyone else did the same thing. While we were snoozing, Matthew was busy with his life.


I finished working on a car, and Beau walked over to me.

/"All set?/" Beau asked.

/"Yeah, the timing belt needed replacing along with other belts,/" I answered, wiping my hands on a rag.

/"Here,/" Beau said, handing my paycheck to me. I folded it, sliding it into my back pocket of my work pants.

It was my last car for the night; then I went home to have dinner. I pulled into the driveway and got out, going inside the house. Ma had dinner ready, and I went to get cleaned up.