


A Thanksgiving birthday


Nash and Maggie invited my family and me to Thanksgiving. We’re celebrating Marshall and Murphy’s eighteenth birthday.

We packed the house with everyone except for Michael. He couldn’t make it for some weird reason. Sometimes, I didn’t know what was going on in my cousin’s head.

As we all gathered, it was nice to see everyone together. Lex and I hung with each other while Lakin and Mia seemed to have disappeared. That wasn’t good.

While we were downstairs, they were upstairs in one bedroom. Mia had Lakin up against the wall as they were getting busy.



/"We shouldn’t do this here,/" I said as Mia attacked my lips with her own.

/"That’s what makes it fun, baby. Live a little./" She continued to kiss me as things became heated. Our hands roamed each other as Mia pushed up my top and bra, making her way down to my chest area. I let out a groan.