


Our First Christmas Engaged

Now that everyone knows about Jace and Andi. That was making the boys get the itch to settle down with their women. At one point, Nash was giving me a look, and I told him to back off. A baby could wait.

/"Come on, Mags! By the time it gets here, we’ll be married,/" he said.

/"Nash, I get you to want a baby, but no. What is wrong with you, guys? Jace told everyone he and Andi got married and are expecting. It’s like your brains went on vacation,/" I said across the bed.

/"Ma said it’s something about feeling the need to reproduce. It happened with her and Dad./" he shrugged.

I shook my head. /"Come on. We need to finish packing, so we can head home./"


As we finished packing, we heard the girls yell at the brothers.

/"Nixon, it’s not happening!/" Kat said.

/"But come on, Kat! You enjoy hiding the sausage!/" He spoke.