


Oh, dear God


With school starting, so did everyone’s antics. I tried to stay out of it, considering I was dealing with enough as it was. It didn’t stop the others from dragging me into their mess.

Between arguments, pranks, and anything else, I hid from everyone. These people were crazy.

Someone knocked on the closet door, then it opened. Nash crouched in front of me. /"Is there a reason you’re in the closet?/"

/"Oh, there’s no reason./" I shrugged and smiled.

Then someone said, /"Maggie! A little help here!/"

Nash came into the closet and closed the door. He sat opposite of me. /"Are they driving you nuts?/"

/"A little./" I gestured with my finger and thumb.

/"You became the person they go to for issues./"

/"Yeah, I’m the sickest one in the house, and they still find me./" I nodded, making him chuckle.

/"They’re worried about you./"

/"About what?/"