




I tell everyone that I’m not going to homecoming. That’s code for you’re going. Did I mention my friends tackled and dressed me?

Kat and I struggled. I tried to get away as Kat grasped at me

/"Get back here!/"

/"Get off me!/"

/"No. Not until we dress you!/" She grunted.

We wrestled on the floor.

/"But I’m not going!/"

/"Oh, the hell you aren’t!/" Marcy said.

As I struggled with them, Macey walked over, whacked me in the head with a book, and knocked me out.

/"Well, that’s one way to get her to cooperate,/" Marcy said.

/"She was giving me a headache./" Macey shrugged.

/"Okay, let’s get her dressed,/" Kat said.

They stripped and changed me into a dress along with shoes.



Once the girls finished, they alerted us. We bound and gagged Mags. I hoisted her over his shoulder, then carried her out to the car.