
The God Of Darkness's Journey (Dropped)

Noah Silver gets reincarnated as a half-Incubus with the help of his grandfather. Important information if you want to read this novel: "....." means they are talking. '.....' means they are thinking. [.....] means system is talking. (.....) Author's Note "'....."' means they are talking through telepathy or some other skill. WARNING: This novel contains mature content so please read at your own risk.

Death_God_Ryuk · ファンタジー
5 Chs

1 Meeting My Grandfather

'Hey there, I am Noah Silver the protagonist of this story and I am currently flowing through what is called the void' thought a transparent gold soul as he was floating through the void. This soul had probably gone mad from floating in the void for 10 years as this is the 69th time he had thought of this line.

Suddenly this golden transparent soul was teleported to a white room and there was an old man with short dark blue hair, dark brown skin and golden eyes sitting on a throne.

"What the hell where is this and who are you and how can I talk suddenly" Noah asked with disbelief as he was very surprised.

"Finally I found you my grandson, how was floating in the void" said the old man with emotion

"First of all it was terrible and second, did you just say grandson" said Noah in clear surprise.

"Yes as I am your grandfather and also the God of destruction" said the old man casually.

"THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION you are a God wait if you are my grandfather than does that mean my one of my parents is also God" Noah said with shock now knowing that he was the grandson of the God of destruction.

"Well yes and call me grandpa Zeno from now on and your father's true name is God of Time Chronos" the old man Zeno said with a smirk on his face.

"Wow" Noah's mind was blown from utter disbelief.

"All right than my precious grandson let's get down to business, as I have been searching for you for 10 years in the void, so that I could reincarnate you and you could go on a journey to become a God' said the God of destruction Zeno.

" Wow really than can I get some wishes as well and choose the world I reincarnate into" Noah said with expectation in his eyes.

"Of course you can get 5 wishes but you cannot choose the world as the world has already been chosen for you but you can choose your race" said the old man Zeno.

"Oh ok then but before I choose my race and wishes can you tell me a little bit about the world I will reincarnate into" Noah said with excitement.

"Well this world is called Orion and this world has many races and it has a level-up system like one of those games you played on earth, there are also many different classes so I would recommend you to use one of your wish for a class and oh yeah I almost forgot here choose one of these skills" as soon as the old man said this there was a blue screen with some skills and their description written on it.

Ding![ Time Stop: The user can stop time as he pleases without any restrictions.

Time Acceleration: The user can accelerate time as he pleases without any restrictions.

Time Deceleration: The user can decelerate time as he pleases without any restrictions. ]

"Am i getting one of these skill because my father is the God of time and it is kinda like a legacy" Noah asked

"Well yes because you see your father was also given a skill related to destruction as a legacy at the beginning of his journey, this is just a God society rule" said old man Zeno casually.

"Hmm..... alright then I will choose [Time Stop] as [Time Acceleration] and [Time Deceleration] are only good when you have both of them, and I have also decided on my wishes and race" said Noah after thinking about an hour.

"Oh I am very interested to see what my grandson chose" said the G.O.D Zeno with interest.

( G.O.D is a short form of God of destruction)

"Alright so I want my race to be Primodial Human/Primodial Incubus and here are my wishes:

1. I want the [Death Blade Saint] class as my class in Orion.

2. I want a super OP skill that gives me more stat and skill points than normal every time I level-up.

3. I want an amazing weapon that suits my class from your armory with the power of destruction of course.

4. I want a heavenly talent in using blades and death magic.

5. I would like to change my appearance." said Noah as he listed off all his wishes.

"Hahaha great you have chosen quite some good wishes, alright I will recommend you the fire dragon death blade " the G.O.D Zeno said as he showed Noah a red blade with a silver dragon as it's handle and it looked really cool.

"Whoa it looks fucking awesome and it even has a cool name, I will definitely pick it" said Noah

"Alright now you can choose your appearance and just remember that you will be reborn as a 10 year old ok "as soon as he said this a blue screen appeared before Noah with a lot of buttons to change his appearance.