
Chapter 2

-2 years later-

Perseus was in his room, reading books about math, this last 2 years had been great for him, he had achieved to greatly increase his divine power reserves and had managed to get 5 more test subjects, 2 were classmates that he had invited to his house to sleep one night and had managed to control them, other 2 were his moms best customers and the last one was a homeless woman that lived usually near his house, his house hadn't changed much but his room had changed drastically, it was full of books about mythology and mythological monsters, it also had his favorites, human anatomy and plants, all his servants were used to test new experiments on his powers, he had learned he could change peoples age, but it took him far to much energy, he also learned his power could be used to medical uses, he also had a pair of black wings on his back, he supposed that was from his father, he also had founded out how to mix his soul with others to make his stronger, however it took to much will power, and he wasn't strong enough to try with multiple humans jet.

Last year, Perseus found a lady that her soul power was enormous and black, so he tried to do the good boy act on her to take her soul and see if he could mix his soul with hers, however when they arrived at his house she had transformed into a woman with the bottom part of a green snake and with a big spear, she attacked him and almost gave him, however thanks to the training he had made he dodged and taking the small notebook from his backpack he said in his secret language, "ATTACK!" and dozens of shadows dogs came at the monster too surprised to do nothing as the souls immobilized her and took of he right arm with the spear.

When she was immobilized Perseus took his ink pen and quickly wrote the ritual on the monster bare chest and after it was done, he took all of the soul and mixed it with him, however this process took too much of him, so he fainted, he woke up 2 days later, however he found out that if he gave an order to his slaves, even if he fainted they would keep on with their duties, and secondly he found out about a new metal, which came from the spear of the monster which he found out was a greek monster called Dracaenae. When his mother arrived he tried to cut a small cut on her finger to see how sharp it was, however the blade passed right through her finger like nothing, so he tried with his own finger and it slashed a small line in the finger in which it started flowing blood, so he tried with the monster but instead of red blood, golden liquid came so he guessed that was a special type of blood of monsters.

-2 months later-

Perseus hadn't seen any other monster since the attack of the Dracaenae, until today.

He had seen a new kid coming to his school and his aura was as big as that monster, however his was kind unlike the Dracaenae who was dark, but that didn't matter to Perseus he was just thinking of experiments he could do with his body after using his soul.

Weeks passed and the new kid was always looking at Perseus when he though he wasn't looking, however he didn't care, he kept doing like nothing and getting the best grades, however he had ordered one of his slaves to follow him after school, the homeless girl, and his other 2, his classmates, to bully him and see how strong the kid was, such a disappointment, the monster was so weak, but his soul was stronger than the one of 10 adults at the same time. Perseus was tired of waiting, he would do his move on the next trip that there was to the park, there he would take his soul and taste how good people soul tasted like.

Perseus was being followed on his way to his house unnoticed by a monster, the monster was a Dracaenae again, and she was making sure to not be noticed by the kid in front of her that had such a strong smell of death, she had been following this demigod for the past 3 days and had seen that this kid had almost no experience in combat, thought that wasn't surprising, this kid was 8.

The Dracaenae was about to strike to the kid when he turned to his house door, however before she could attack his neck on a quick kill, another kid attacked her with a club, and however she knew that this kid wasn't neither a mortal or a demigod, she knew this the instant she saw his legs, however before she could defend herself the kid continued to hit her with the club on the head until she died and she turned to gold dust.

The other kid was called Charles and he was a satyr of Camp Half-blood to find demigods, and the moment he saw Perseus he knew he was a demigod and a powerful one. When he saw that monster coming to kill him, he went quickly to strike her down, however he forgot something essential.

Perseus was right in front of him.

Charles was taking a breath after his rather fast fight, however he sensed a presence behind him, thinking it was another enemy he turned around with the club ready to hit his enemy, he was about to hit it in the head until he saw it was the demigod he was supposed to protect, so in an attempt to not hit him he threw the club away in order to not hit him, and it worked.

Perseus saw the fight between the two monsters, he guessed the one that had died was supposed to kill him, and the kid or monster or whatever he was, had protected him. However he wasn't the type of person to thank others so instead he said.

"Who are you? And why did you follow me?" Perseus demanded to his classmate while moving his eyes and making his animal shadows he had on the area search for any enemies.

"This might sound weird, but you are in danger, I can help you understand." Charles saying while looking for any monsters in the surroundings just in case the Dracaenae had reinforcements or any friends around the zone.

"Wait, if I am going then I have to tell my mom about it, and you must tell me everything that you know about what is happening." Perseus said while formulating a new plan of action, while his main slave could tell the other slaves to continue with their normal lives and to save the money until he came back. The new experiments that he wanted to do would have to wait, and also the making new slaves, he already had 4 candidates for the job.

"Ok, but I will go with you up stairs, also take some clean clothes and the things that you will need, nothing useless." Charles said while going to the door

When Perseus and Charles arrived, Perseus told Charles to wait outside while he talked to his mom about him going away for a time, or at least that was what Charles though. What really happened was that Perseus gave the order to his mom of collecting all the money of his slaves and saving it until he came back, also to contact all his slaves and make them continue with their old lives. After that Perseus went to a small whole on the wall and took out a bag full of cash, he was always ready in case of something like this happening, and in the hole he had two bags, one for money, and another one with clothes, a phone, his passport and other 3 fake ones that he got thanks to his slaves, some rations and a water bottle, cleaning stuff and his collection of black notebooks that he had gotten through the years full of animal souls and his slaves souls with their personal information.

When Perseus came out he went directly to his room not sparing a look on the kid on the chair, when he went to his room he took his book about human anatomy and also about poisonous plants. When he came out he had 2 huge bags and was ready to go to the place that Charles wanted him to go.

"Ok I'm ready to go." When Charles heard this he went to the door and told Perseus to follow him out side to take a cab, however when Perseus saw that they were on a completely deserted place he looked at Charles like if ready for him to attack Perseus. What he didn't expect was he to whistle and 2 minutes later to be an old taxi being driven by three old ladies with no eyes.

"Quick get inside." His companion said while he entered the taxi and took out a golden coin. "Quick to Camp Half-Blood." He ordered the old ladies who complied and turned on the engine, Perseus thought the years had made a small rule to himself, every time he got on a car or bus he had to put the sit belt on, just for safety. After that ride he knew he had been right, the old ladies went faster than any car he had ever seen and in 10 minutes they were already on their destination. After getting out of the taxi Perseus saw that they were on the middle of no were, Charles told him to follow him into the woods, and after a couple of minutes walking they arrived at a huge arc in which said. "Camp Half-Blood" in language that he identified as Greek but he didn't know how he understood, he guessed that it was a demigod thing.
