

" you really think you can get away with it huh" " No it's not what you think. w- what are you doing " " payback. this is what happens to people who decive me"

Nessa007 · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 9: extraordinarily beautiful

" Mahira, the sky is so beautiful"

" Yeah, it is"

" Mahira look out the window" 

Mahira tilted her head and looked outside

" Yeah, it is. Excuse me wanna use the restroom" 

" KK"

 " Raj..." 

Priyanka didn't get to finish cause Raj grunted put on his ear phones, eye mask, covered the his face with the blanket and faced sideways.

" Hmph, some people can't appreciate beauty"


On the way to the restroom Mahira saw a guy and a girl kissing into a private suite. Mahira saw their side profile and the eyes of the couple and Mahira met and the boy eyes glinted with surprise; the girl looked jealous and pulled the boy closer then they entered the private suite.

Mahira felt the guy looked familiar.

The guy was clearly handsome, wait, more than handsome super gorgeous, giving off the vibes of an aristocrat while the girl who was a brunette was one beautiful specie. But that was none of her business she just felt the boy was familiar and tried to remember him but stopped cause she couldn't and it was wasting of brain juice. After relieving her self she went back to find Raj sleeping with his head phone and the blanket covering his entire body.

She guessed that Priyanka tried to make him look at the sky; she looked at Priyanka who had slept and covered her with a blanket and sighed

Inside a private suite in the airplane two people are kissing roughly suddenly the boy pushed the girl away.

" What's wrong? "

" Get out. I hate repeating myself"

" No what the hell happened? Is it because of that black haired Chinese girl"

" Rhea I hate repeating myself" 

Rhea tried to kiSs the guy but was held by her neck

" I told you to get out didn't I "

" I- I'll g- go,ple- please, let g-go P- please" 

Rhea stammered.

The guy let go of her and she breathed in the breath of life.

The black haired guy indeed saw Mahira and felt she was beautiful infact extraordinarily beautiful,He had to get that Chinese- indian beauty. He has seen different kind of beauty Norwegian, Mexican, Jamaican, south African etc but never a Chinese Indian.

She must be his.Mahira didn't know her face had cause the break up of a couple until...

Mahira felt some one charging at her, wanting to grab her hair and instinctively grabed the hand.thoufh she has always been a light sleeper but not from childhood. This time wasn't cause of light sleeping but instincts 

" The little beauty isn't asleep yet? Well that's good" said Rhea.


" Hello ma'am how can I help you"

Rhea looked coldly at Mahira and said. " You can help me by throwing her out of the window"

The air hostess frowned and wanted to talk but Mahira gave her a sign and she kept her words to herself.

Mahira said"miss judging by your clothes you must be a wealthy young miss and your family has power, influence and status it's also aristocrated right?"

Rhea looked suprised then she gritted her teeth and said "you might have good eyes but that doesn't mean anything"

Mahira raised a brow.

Looking at Mahira's beautiful face Rhea felt more angry and said " what's with the look. I can get your family destroyed in a minute, do you know who I am? "


I'm writing my mid- term which is gonna be added to my exams so I'm sorry.

This chapter isn't complete I'll update it later gonna prepare for school.

Hello. I know I'm not a very serious author but I'm sorry. I really want you guys to encourage me also by commenting and giving reviews. please I'm just 13 yrs I'm not that strong and please support or I'll cry the whole night again.

Nessa007creators' thoughts