
1 Taste of Meat

In the ceritain place, there's village covered with orange color. Its not like the village itself is orange or because its evening, in fact, its night at the time, but because that village is on fire.

A lot of scream, cry, and laugh can be heard from the village.

Scream and cry from the villager that get attacked, and laugh from the bandit that attacked the villager.

A man chased by another man wielding a sword with crazy look on his face. The man that get chased fell to the ground and get slashed on the back after that.

Woman get raped in the middle of a burning village. The woman try to resist at the beginning but because of power difference between woman and man, she failed.

A child crying beside their parents corpses. Their parents try to protect them but in the end they get killed.

That scene can be seen everywhere in the village.

On the cabin, not far from the village, there's a girl lying on the ground. She have short black hair and black eyes and around 127cm height. She just wear dirty clothe, no, its not even a clothe, its just a sack that perforated and worn as a clothe. Her body full of bruises and stink like a person that not take a shower for long time. Her body is so skinny as if there's just a bone and skin on her body. She just lying there while waiting her life to end.

'Maybe if i die here, i will get happiness that i want for long time.'

Her life is far from what you call happiness. Her parents die when she still 2 years old because a bear that come to her village and go rampage. A lot of people get injured at that time but her parents get killed by that bear. She don't know if it's her good luck or bad luck, but she survive.

After that, she live with her uncle, her dad's brother, which doesn't like her so much, he even hate her. She don't know why he hate her, she will get beaten everyday for 5 years by him, didn't get enough food to eat, she often not eat any food for 5 days. She often eat grass just to fill her stomach, but her hunger never disappear. Its miracel that she still alive until now, though, maybe she don't think like that.

'But i still want to live, i want to eat food until my stomach full, i want to sleep with fluffy bed, i want to take a shower, i want to wear nice clothe, i want to have a friend, i want to talk with them, laugh with them, play with them. Why i can't do that? Why i can't have that? What have i done to get treated like this? I just want to be... happy.....'


Cabin's door opened and a man come inside with a bottle of wine on his hand. He looks drunk, his walk not stabil, its look like he will fall to the ground anytime but he manage to get closer to the girl.

"Hm? What is this? Why there's a girl in here?" He lowers his body into squat position.


Maybe because he drunk, he take off his pants even after see her body and throw the bottle to the side. She don't have any charm left but he still want to rape her. And after that, he rip her clothe, and ready to unleash his lust.

'Will i die like this? After get raped buy this human piece of shit? Why my life always like this? Unfortunate after unfortunate. God, why you do this to me? Why? why? why? why? WHy? WHy? WHy? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?!!!!!!'


She suddenly get up and hug the man. She open widely her mouth and bite his neck with all her streangth. But because she don't have much muscle on her body she barely make any injuries.

"What the fuck?!!" The man shocked by her action and try to push her away.

But strangely she stick on him like a glue. And her bite become stronger. He remember he have a sword on his waist. He try to unsheat his sword and stab her on the stomach but its too late. Sudden strength that come to her body make her bite get stronger and successfully rip his throat. He failed to take his sword and fell to the ground with blood splurting from his throat. He try to scream but there's no voice come out from his mouth. He try to cover his throat to prevent blood loss but in vain. He keep losing a blood and gradually losing his consciousness. And just like that, he died.

The girl still sit above his dead body and chewing his meat inside her mouth. The meat is hard to chew and the flavor of blood spread on her mouth. There's blood covering her face but she didn't care. She keep chewing the meat and after almost one minute of chewing, she finally swallow the meat. The feeling of food inside her stomach after long time make her smile. Her eyes sparkling and her smile become wider from ear to ear. She open her mouth again and bite his body again, rip it with her teeth and eat it. She keep eating him for one hour until his upper body is gone and leaving just the bone and his clothe.

She swallow the last meat on her mouth and said,

"So, this is what it feels like to be full."
