
The Genius of Electricity: The Life of Nikola Tesla

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What is The Genius of Electricity: The Life of Nikola Tesla

WebNovel で公開されている、ChuckScribbles の作者が書いた The Genius of Electricity: The Life of Nikola Tesla の小説を読んでください。Nikola Tesla was one of the most brilliant and visionary inventors in human history. Born in Croatia in 1856, Tesla emigrated to the United States in 1884, where he worked with inventor Thomas Edison ...


Nikola Tesla was one of the most brilliant and visionary inventors in human history. Born in Croatia in 1856, Tesla emigrated to the United States in 1884, where he worked with inventor Thomas Edison before going his own way. With a restless and creative mind, he developed numerous revolutionary inventions, including alternating current, the electric motor, and remote control. However, Tesla was also a complex man, often misunderstood and frustrated in his efforts to commercialize his inventions. This gripping and exciting biography follows Tesla's fascinating life, from his childhood in Croatia to his last lonely years in New York. Discover how this genius of electricity changed the world and how his inventions continue to influence our society today.



(WARNING, THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT.) [ON HOLD FOR THE MEAN TIME] ______________ "Let go of me." She uttered coldly at the young man that wrapped one of his hands around her waist, from behind, as they hid in the shade of a dark corner, that could barely contain the two of them. She has never been touched so intimately like this by the opposite gender. The feel of his hand around her waist and the heat from his body, repulsed her. He pulled her closer to his chest and whispered in her ear, in a low but harsh tone; "Shut up! Are you trying to blow our cover!? If you would prefer to be held by those guys, then please, go ahead, be my guest. Just don't implicate me." The man's grip on her waist began loosening and slipping off. When this happened, she noticed that a part of her body was protruding out of the corner. This frightened her. Instinctively, she caught the man's hand before it had completely slipped off her waist and pushed her body onto his. Every part of her behind rested on the man now. "Shameless," He uttered in disgust. His words cut through her like a knife would. It was clear in the way he spoke that he wasn't interested in touching her. In a way, she felt insulted, she couldn't figure out how the man behind her felt disgusted by her body. Her body was to die for. Suddenly, she felt a hard bulge poking the upper part of her butt cheek. Knowing what it was, she smirked. "Vile hypocrite!!" She uttered loudly in triumph. "Aayyoo boys!! I heard a sound coming from over there!!" Immediately they heard this, the smirk on the girl's face disappeared and was replaced with fear. Her heart began beating faster and harder, scared of what was about to befall them. "I told you to shut up." The guy said angry before pushing her off his body and taking off. This scared the girl, she thought that he was leaving her to die, as if cold water had been splashed on her, she regretted her actions... _____________ A story about a young man that meets the many faces reality has. He struggles to fit-in, in a society that rejects a presence like his. His not-so-financially stable family struggling to pay the debts that they owe and trying to provide a better life and a better opportunity for their kids. He is faced with many obstacles, from his parents, his emotions, and the people around him. Not long after getting a scholarship to study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, he found out that there was something he wanted to do. For the first time in his life, he wanted something so bad that it affected his rationality, he wanted to play soccer. He fell in love with the game, the joy that it brought to his heart, the peace that it brought to his mind. This game of ball brewed dreams for him, dreams different from the ones his parents had for him. This could only mean trouble to him. Join in and read as he struggles to try and live up to his dreams and the dreams of his parents. Learn his Odyssey to stardom... __________ Note: MOST OF THE PLACES, CHARACTERS, AND ORGANIZATIONS IN THIS BOOK ARE FICTIONAL. DISCLAIMER: THE COVER OF THE BOOK WAS BORROWED. IF THE OWNER SEES IT AND WANTS IT REMOVED, PLEASE INDICATE IN THE REVIEW OR COMMENT SECTION.

the_fallen · スポーツ
20 Chs

Healing souls

"I will show what I will do to you if you disobey me as you are not liking my good side", he shouted at me and I was shivering by seeing his dangerous glaring eyes which held no remorse. He was cold, arrogant and has no emotions. He dragged me by holding my wrist tightly which is already bruised, with stumbling feet I followed him as he is walking fast. I cant catch up with his speed as I fall down he left my hand and glared at me. I cower back in fear as what he will do to me. I was shivering and crying very badly by seeing him. "I will make your life hell because of what you did to me. I will never forget and forgive for your mistakes, Get that in your head. You will pay for your sins and God will never forgive you. You are a murderer", He spilled venom through his mouth and dragged me on the floor from living hall to the kitchen. I am feeling pain in every part of my body but I cant open my mouth as fear crept inside me and my body became numb. He lifted me up by my shoulders but my body is weak as I cannot stand by myself and leaned onto him.I want to say I cannot bear his tortures anymore. But before that he held my right hand and placed it in the hot water as it was on the stove. I screamed in horror, pain and have no words left my mouth. "Ah...ahh... ahh mumma", I screamed loudly as it was unbearable and I pushed the pan from the stove and it fell down opposite side with the boiling water. "Please lea..ve me, I am rea...lly so sorry dont do thiiis, I will obey your orders Sir", I stuttered as he held my left hand more tightly. As I was feeling dizzy I leaned onto him by holding his shoulder with my right hand. I thought this will be my last day on mother earth. Unstoppable tears flowed through my eyes. "Please help me, let me die in peace", As I uttered those words by staring at him directly, darkness consumed me. *Caution : Mature Content* *This is my First story. Please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes Please vote and comment.*

Favouritedarkness · 都市
5 Chs

Men's Shed

It was supposed to be a one-time thing. A one-time fling. Was supposed to be a once-in-a-while kind of operation. Came about with the deaths of six secondary college students, an old man, and some corpses used for clandestine means. All this death, and Tinsley still can't figure out as to why, or how his family's inherited disease of tuberculosis rapidly brought wroth into his brother's life, and how heavily interconnected and intertwining his brother's death is with the six secondary college students. For inasmuch as an afternoon could give up, it wasn't the first time. This I had marked as that other time in which I was wondering as to why, as episodic a day and its surprises can be, a question still arises. Why would it be any different? Is it different because I am to treat the days in my life like a canto? I was quite fond of turn-tabling an episode, its chaotic nature, and turning it as a page turning chapter in my life. Whether-whenever and inasquite-as a moment may allow the change of pace in a single happenstance, as the world begins revolves selflessly for another in this very person's interest, a compromise made between God and this man whom we shall agree his intentions to be selfish. Otherwise we'd regard this matter to be just another case of the Monday-blues and it wasn't really a big a matter as Cathro would've believed. If only his brother Lucho had stopped their older brother Sycrose from conspiring a plan which would land women resting on each shoulder. Should this plan ever come into fruition after they had the events had already transpired, the very image of the country farther than the Greek-Latin Steppes could guise itself as, the very ugly country we try to form into our own image perhaps.

surrealmadehours · ファンタジー
4 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


