
Chapter 58: Poisonous Insects

When Feng Yao returned to Yimei Garden, Su Yuxin had indeed awakened. She was sitting on the bed lost in thought. Su Yuxin pondered for quite a while but couldn't comprehend how she, enjoying the "full fish banquet," ended up in bed. At this moment, her mind was like a paste, unable to recall anything.


"Awake? Any headache?" Feng Yao walked over, sat beside Su Yuxin, and gently asked, running his fingers through her hair with concern.


"No headache," Su Yuxin shook her head, gripping Feng Yao's hand, feeling a bit stifled. "What happened to me?"


"Don't you remember?" Feng Yao inquired.


"No," Su Yuxin nodded despondently. She only recalled eating and, inexplicably, ending up rolling around with the General.


"You drank Bamboo Leaf Green," Feng Yao chuckled, pinching Su Yuxin's cheek and said, "One cup down."


Su Yuxin's eyes widened. Just one cup and she was drunk? People from the tales could drink barrel after barrel without getting drunk, but she was this weak? Even if she drank one cup and got drunk, she should have gone to sleep. How did she end up rolling on the bed, feeling sore and achy? She collapsed while drunk, but the General didn't restrain himself.


With this realization, Su Yuxin glared at Feng Yao with indignation. "You came at me; I couldn't stop you," Feng Yao smiled, pretending to be innocent.


"How?" Su Yuxin's eyes widened. "Don't you remember wanting to drink a toast with me?" Feng Yao scraped Su Yuxin's little nose, grinning.


In Su Yuxin's mind flashed fragmented scenes. For instance, she voluntarily held Feng Yao's face and fed him wine mouth-to-mouth...


Instantly, Su Yuxin's cheeks reddened like a boiled shrimp, bowing her head, unable to look at Feng Yao. How could she... Would the General think her too undignified?


Regret filled Su Yuxin's heart. If only she hadn't drunk.


Seeing Su Yuxin awkward and remorseful, Feng Yao couldn't help but smile. He extended his arms and pulled her into an embrace. "You're a little silly," Feng Yao's chin rested on Su Yuxin's head. "No matter how you are, I like you very, very much."


"I like the General too," Su Yuxin's heart immediately settled. She stretched her arms around Feng Yao's waist, coyly speaking.


"Are you hungry?" After a while of hugging, Feng Yao stroked Su Yuxin's hair and asked. Previously, Su Yuxin hadn't felt it, but now, when Feng Yao asked, she suddenly felt ravenous.


Feng Yao hurriedly instructed the kitchen to prepare a late-night meal. Xia Mama was swift, knowing Su Yuxin hadn't eaten dinner; she had kept the food warm on the stove. Thus, a table full of dishes was quickly laid out.


After a hearty meal, Su Yuxin felt rejuvenated. However, looking at the night sky outside, Su Yuxin became distressed. She wasn't sleepy at all.


Feng Yao initially thought Su Yuxin might ask about the scar, but seeing her current state, it seemed she had been too inebriated at that time, unable to remember anything. Perhaps not knowing certain things was safer than knowing them, especially not the right time now.


While Su Yuxin pondered whether to pass the time with chess or go, a loud noise echoed from outside. Subsequently, Mai Zi's anxious voice followed, "Sister Qingque, what's wrong with you?"


Startled, Su Yuxin hastily got up and rushed out. Chi Yan and Orange Cloak had already reached there, supporting Qingque.


"What's happening?" Su Yuxin anxiously inquired. How could she suddenly faint when everything seemed fine?


Before Mai Zi could answer, Luo Mama exclaimed, "Zi Yuan, wake up, wake up quickly." Orange Cloak supported Qingque and went to the courtyard to bring Ziyuan. Both were unconscious, their faces pale and slightly transparent, lips red as if bleeding.


"Seems like poisoning," Chi Yan said.


"Poisoned? How could they suddenly be poisoned?" Su Yuxin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. "Quick, quickly call for a doctor."


"Don't worry; it might be just eating something bad," Feng Yao comforted. Even as he said this, he understood. The appearances of these two girls suggested severe poisoning; the more severe the poison, the more vivid the symptoms.


Seeing Su Yuxin crying in anguish, Feng Yao called for Jin Ling and sent him with his name card to summon Dr. Qian.


Dr. Qian arrived first, examined Qingque and Ziyuan, and said, "They're indeed poisoned, from the Gold Thread Ants."


"Gold Thread Ants?" Dr. Sun was taken aback. "That's ranked first among poisonous insects. It's said there's no antidote."


"What?" Su Yuxin's legs weakened; her body swayed. Luckily, Feng Yao was beside her and held her in time.