
Chapter 44: Aspiring to Become a Military Doctor

Feng Yao accompanied Su Yuxin for a while before returning to the military camp. After his departure, Su Yuxin sent someone to fetch Xia Zhi.


Xia Zhi, originally helping Xia Momo with the fire, hurried over upon hearing Su Yuxin's call. His face flushed, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead.


"Lady summons me?" Xia Zhi asked, slightly out of breath.


"Do you desire to learn?" Su Yuxin asked directly.


"Study?" Xia Zhi was momentarily startled. A glint of eagerness flickered in his eyes but quickly dimmed. "I am a servant's son, unworthy..."


"Qualification is within my judgment. I simply ask, do you wish to study?" Su Yuxin interjected.


"I do, of course, even in my dreams," Xia Zhi pressed his lips, nodding vigorously.


Indeed, if he did not wish to learn, he wouldn't have secretly listened outside private schools whenever he had the chance or meticulously studied any medical book he found as if it were a treasure.


"Shall I arrange for someone to teach you?" Su Yuxin asked.


"Really?" Xia Zhi looked up suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.


"Naturally, I've already arranged for a teacher," Su Yuxin handed Xia Zhi a box on the table, "Here, these are the brushes, ink, paper, and inkstone I bought for you. Additionally, there are several beginner-friendly medical books. I find your medicine sachets well-made, and you possess a talent in this field. You will start learning letters and words from the teacher. If you're willing, I'll arrange for a reputable physician to mentor you in the future. What do you say?"


Xia Zhi widened his eyes, mouth slightly ajar, his mind buzzing, taking quite a while to regain his senses.


Seeing Xia Zhi frozen like a statue, Su Yuxin couldn't help but smile gently, "Don't want them?"


"I want them, I want them," Xia Zhi finally recovered, gingerly receiving the box as if it held the most precious thing in the world. His dream had unexpectedly come true.


"Put these things away for now. I will take you to meet the teacher later," Su Yuxin said, feeling a pang of sadness.


Children from noble families were naturally eligible for scholarly teachings, yet many lacked enthusiasm. Conversely, children from impoverished families who desired education often couldn't afford tutors, which was quite ironic.


If one day, a public school could be established, allowing children of appropriate age to attend, it would be wonderful.


"Many thanks, my Lady, many thanks," Xia Zhi's eyes sparkled with tears, speaking with excitement.


"Go now, remember to groom yourself properly. It's a sign of respect for the teacher," Su Yuxin patted Xia Zhi's head.


"Yes, I'll be right back." With that, Xia Zhi dashed away, returning within a short while.


He had changed into a new set of clothes and carried a red cloth bundle in his hand.


"What's in the red cloth bundle?" Su Yuxin asked.


"A gift for the teacher," Xia Zhi replied.


Upon learning that Su Yuxin had specifically arranged for a teacher for Xia Zhi, Xia Momo was overjoyed but also conflicted. She remembered hearing that students were required to present a gift to their first teacher, so she quickly took out her hidden silver to prepare the red cloth bundle for Xia Zhi.


"I have already prepared your gift," Su Yuxin said, "Keep this one for later when you officially become a student."


"Lady, it's already so much trouble for you to arrange a teacher for me. How could I let you prepare another gift?" Xia Zhi scratched his head, speaking modestly.


"No need for formality with me," Su Yuxin smiled, "You belong to my General's residence, and your acquired skills will also benefit my General's residence."


"I will study diligently and not disappoint your guidance," Xia Zhi earnestly promised.


"Let's go; I'll take you there," Su Yuxin nodded with satisfaction, then led Xia Zhi towards Yuewai Pavilion.


Arriving there, Jiang Han was sitting in the courtyard, reading in front of the bamboo grove. The gentle breeze rustled, casting elegant shadows on his white clothing.


"Lady," Jiang Han put down his book, respectfully welcoming her, bowing.


"Are you comfortable living here, sir? Is there anything lacking?" Su Yuxin inquired.


"The household arrangements are impeccable; I am honored. I have not contributed much yet," Jiang Han smiled warmly.


"You've not contributed much? That's not true," Su Yuxin smiled, pushing Xia Zhi forward, "This is the student you will be teaching."


"Xia Zhi, paying respects to the teacher," Xia Zhi immediately bowed, showing respect and courtesy.


"No need for formalities," Jiang Han helped Xia Zhi up, inspecting him thoroughly before remarking, "This child has a bright forehead; he shall surely prosper in the future."


His words were not just flattery; he had previously studied physiognomy for half a year under a monk and a Taoist. While he hadn't mastered its essence, he could manage simple face reading.


"Thank you for your auspicious words," Su Yuxin smiled, taking a long red wooden box from Qing Que, "This is a gift I offer to you, please accept it."


"I dare not," Jiang Han waved his hand, "Your Ladyship's invitation as a tutor is already a great favor, resolving my urgent need."


"It is only proper to present this gift, representing the respect from the student to the teacher," Su Yuxin insisted, offering the box once more.


"In that case, I'll accept it humbly," Jiang Han accepted the gift.


"May I know when it would be convenient for you to commence teaching?" Su Yuxin inquired.


"I need to understand this child's foundation first, see where to begin teaching," Jiang Han contemplated, "I'll keep him with me for a while, talk to him, and then devise a corresponding study plan."


"Thank you for your trouble, sir," Su Yuxin nodded politely, "Then I won't disturb you further."


With that, Su Yuxin left Yuewai Pavilion with Qing Que.


After Su Yuxin departed, Jiang Han led Xia Zhi to sit in front of the bamboo grove, asking him about his name, the books he had read, and the characters he knew. Xia Zhi answered each question.


Jiang Han was quite surprised. He had initially thought Xia Zhi was related to Su Yuxin, but it turned out he was just a servant in the residence. The treatment at the General's residence was indeed excellent; the master even arranged a tutor for the servants. This increased Jiang Han's favor towards Su Yuxin.


Facing Jiang Han's slightly astonished gaze, Xia Zhi remained composed, showing a clear and calm demeanor. Jiang Han nodded approvingly.


For a seven or eight-year-old child to possess such composure and maturity indicated a limitless future.


"Earlier at the bookstore, I saw the Lady purchase medical books. Were they for you?" Jiang Han inquired.


"Lady has already


 given them to me," Xia Zhi nodded.


"Do you aspire to become a physician in the future?" Jiang Han asked again.


"Yes," Xia Zhi answered decisively, without hesitation.


"Why not aim for the imperial examination? Are you worried that being a slave will prevent you from participating?" Jiang Han continued to ask.


"No," Xia Zhi shook his head, "I wish to follow the General onto the battlefield and become a military doctor."


If Su Yuxin were present and knew Xia Zhi's thoughts at this moment, she would have surely been moved to tears.


"You're quite exceptional," Jiang Han smiled, saying so.


"Thank you for the praise, sir," Xia Zhi was a bit embarrassed, facing Jiang Han's admiration.


"You need not feel embarrassed; one must acknowledge their weaknesses and understand their strengths," Jiang Han stood up, "Wait here."


After a moment, he returned, holding a book, "This is the Thousand Character Classic. Today, go back and copy down the words you do not recognize or understand from the first page. Tomorrow morning, come here, and I will explain them to you."


"Yes," Xia Zhi respectfully accepted the book and bowed, "I'll take my leave."