
The First Trial: War

Ferric sauntered through the double doors as they creaked open, revealing a weapon rack, an arena, and a hulking figure. The weapon rack had every kind of weapon that Ferric had ever seen and more, including the khopesh (1) that Dagi had earlier. Passing over the smaller blades like the katars, the qin sais, and more, Ferric's gaze rested upon a weapon rack that contained weapons more suitable to his build. On it were long spears, battle axes, broadswords, and many other deadly weapons. Ferric walked over to the rack, and picked up a great sword, weighing it in his hand before shaking his head and putting it back down. Next he picked up a pair of axes, swinging them experimentally before once again putting it down. Finally, his gaze rested on a huge battle axe. On it were deep engravings and it looked like it could cleave straight through steel like butter. Ferric lifted it up, grunting at the weight in his hand, before turning towards the arena and what awaited ahead.

The arena was a basic circular combat arena, about 50 yards in diameter, leaving plenty of space for maneuverability. At the far side of the arena was a kneeling figure. It slowly looked up at him, revealing a mask with a slit that opened around the eyes and the center of the face. The man, or creature, Ferric wasn't quite sure yet, had on heavy gray plate armor that covered his entire body, simply leaving enough holes for movement. A red cape flowed from his back, as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Another foolish mortal come to die at my feet." His voice was deep and gravelly, yet powerful, and it seemed to shake the very room in which they stood. The man slowly climbed to his feet, his armor clanging as he stood upright. "So, this newcomer wants to try his luck. I hope you can prove more of a challenge than the last. He barely lasted one blow."

Ferric laughed, a fire in his eyes. "Don't compare me with the average warrior. I think you'll find me... surprising."

"Hmmm, not much surprises me anymore. I am the god of war, Ares. When the gods asked who would occupy the first place in the Gauntlet, I stepped forward, and I have remained nearly immovable in this position since," Ares replied.

"Well, its about time someone moved the fat man blocking the road, wouldn't you think, Ares?" Ferric taunted.

"Hah!", Ares laughed, "A god of war does not back away from scathing words! Come, let us settle this with our blades."

His sword screeched out like a banshee as he pulled it from the scabbard on his back. The sword was six feet long and finely polished, a perfect match to the giant figure holding it.

Ferric subconsciously tightened his grip on his axe, entering a ready position. Both fighters stared at each other, eyes locked. Suddenly, Ferric sprang towards Ares. He raised his axe over his head and brought it down hard, putting all of his 200 pounds of pure muscle into the swing. Ares responded, bringing up the sword with one hand as he leisurely blocked Ferric's swing. Shocked, Ferric pushed back off of the sword with his axe and jumped backwards.

"It will take a lot more than that to beat me, mortal." Ares said, sliding his leg backwards. Ferric recognized the motion and moved to defend just as Ares jumped towards him, fast as lightning. Surprised by the agility of the massive figure, Ferric could just barely get his axe up before he was struck and sent flying by the force of the blow. Landing painfully on his back, Ferric felt the axe slide out of his grip. Gasping for breath, he looked up just to see a sword tip descending down towards him. Desperately rolling out of the way, his eyes searched for his weapon, finally seeing it behind Ares's steel-plated body.

Ares turned towards him, wrenching his sword out of the ground. "Now what will you do, mortal? You are defenseless, simply prey waiting to be hunted."

Ferric narrowed his eyes at the biting words and stood up, dusting himself off. "Don't count me out just yet Ares. You'll be surprised at what us mortals can do when we're backed into a corner."

Ares seemed to stop at this. "Yes, I have seen that before," Ares muttered to himself. Ferric took advantage of Ares's lapse in attention and dove for his axe. Ares reacted a second too late, swinging his sword down just as Ferric dodged under his legs, scooped up the battle axe, and rolled around to face his opponent.

Ares had immediately started a backhand swing as soon as he felt Ferric pass under him. Ferric narrowly avoided it, jumping back again at the last second. Using the gap in Ares's defenses, Ferric swung his axe at Ares, hitting him squarely in the chest, only to have his blade bounce off the heavy armor with a resounding clang. Ares gave him no time to think, his left hand smacking Ferric backwards like he weighed nothing. Struggling to breath once more, Ferric looked up at the god in shock.

Ares's form faced him, now seeming like an insurmountable mountain rather than a challenge to be beat. Ferric stared at him, trying to figure out how he would ever reach the second god.

(1) An Egyptian sickle-like sword.
