
the new town

Jordan and Jessie are with their Twenty-nine infants Jestina and Martina, today is house cleaning and laundry day, Hal of their sons and daughters left home to find wives and husbands, Hank and Thomas are in their office going over case dockets in Lake-town, Jordan, and Jessie are spring cleaning the house, “Kids bring your dirty clothes down, Camer, Hank, Warner, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Dolton Jessup could up dears for your poor humbled mother and Aunt go cut some wood and be careful, said, Jessie. “ did she just call themselves humbled and poor? Asked, Renshaw, they brought their clothes down, “ thank you gals, now sons please bring your clothes down boys they can be wash, they bring their clothes down, " really mom I don't find you and Aunt Jordan poor. They put their clothes into the boiling hot water, Thomas and Hank walked into the kitchen, " what wrong Mr Garrett? Asked, Jordan. " you and Jessie on your feet in the heat, it is 78% degrees outside, with the temperature increased to go up today, it is a great idea to get some shores done. " we trying to get washing and house cleaning done, said. Jessie, " won't you have a seat Jes I take care of the clothes, said. Hank, " I am good Hank, I been washing mending children and our clothes while carrying all twenty-two kids and raising the oldest children, said. Jessie, " we are here now,I do the house cleaning go set,said. Thomas, " ain't we so lucky Jessie to have two loving caring good looking husbands? We been doing baring by you, but you can go clean the turners for us. Said, Jordan. " okay, of course we cared about you, after you are done please get off your feet gals. Said, Hank " yes Mr. Garrett, said. Jessie, they walked up slap then on their butts, " stop abuse us, said. Jessie, " no women would be crazy enough to bare thirty or more kids, said. Thomas, " then something must be wrong with us then because we baring your 30th child, Said. Jordan, " what do you mean by more, she stir the clothes with an wooden spoon, Connor and Thristan, Ryan and Bryson is four. And Kendall, Rosen Jestina and Joesph, Rayne, Isabella, Randolph, Martina, are grown up into adults now, now Jessie and Jordan is barring their thirty children Xander and Crystal. Meanwhile Jordan is cleaning the house. Marco and Josie rode up to the house, they got a telegram from Oklahoma, that is where Marco parents lives, he got out the c5and help her out,Thomas and Hank put down their scrub brushes. "
