
Tragedies Are Only The Begining

One day two beautiful twin babys were born. Luna, and Selene. They were to be the future queens of Spacio. On the twins fourth birthday there was a tragedy.

"Come on the moon raise is about to begin." Selene yelled down the hall at her sister while running to the highest balcony of the castle.

She slowed down a bit so Luna could catch up, exhaustedly trying to keep up with her sister. "Sister I just want to sleep, we see it every night what's so special about the moon tonight?"

Luna pouted wanting to go to bed. "Well you know that a celestial Moon only comes out every 1,000 years but it's only been 653 years since the last celestial moon." They reached the balcony and both heaved for breaths of air. "Have you been studying cause I'm gonna get brain damage, I'm to little for too much information... anyways why do you tell me this?" She looks at Selene with a tired frown. "Theres supposed to be a celestial Moon tonight!!!" Selene says as she smiles at her dumbfounded twin sister. "No!?" "yeah huh." Luna's frown turns into a wide smile as she hugs her sister tight "What are we doing waiting around here, Lets go!!!"

They raced to the front of the Galean and watched the moon start to change color. It was turning a beautiful shade of dark blue. It was almost like a dream...

"Girls!?" They both jumped and turned to see their mother walking towards them in a small light purple gown. Her blue hair, glowing bright as the Celestial moon. All Spacians had dark blue hair and Blue skin, but when it was time for the moon to rise on earth, the Royals hair would glow light blue, its one of the only ways to know if you were a true royal. The only other way was the Royal Birthmark.

Selene looked up at her mother. "Yes mom?" "Isnt it beautiful?" She came up and pat their heads. Luna looked at her pretty dress and her pretty deep blue eyes "yeah ,but your prettier moma" She smiled at her mother and giggled. She'd pick Luna up and look up at the sky as Luna nuzzled her head into her shoulder. "No, Luna, the celestial moon is very rare. In fact, this is the only time we Spacians dont sing to the moon." Selene looked up at her mother in confusion. "But I thought our voices helped lift the moon?" Her mother would then pick her up in her other arm."It does, but there is another almost extinct species that also sings to the moon. They are called celestials, and they are what causes the celestial Moons. The only celestial's that remain is the royal family of Celan." Luna looked at her mother tiredly."Will we ever get to meet the celestials mama?" "Maybe, but no one knows where the royal family is." This bit of information gave Selene more questions and a rampaging headspin. "What on Moon do you mean?" Her mother frowned. "Ever since their planet became a dieing gas planet noone knows where the royal family went or even if there still alive, but after having a celestial moon 653 years ago, hope remained that they were still alive." Luna smiled and clapped her hands at the story."Wow!!!" The moon began to return to normal. Selene looked at her mother. "If their song can turn the moon such a lovely shade of blue, it must be a ever so lovely song." Her mother smiled. "I heard it sounds like an angel from the heavens." Luna frowned and looked at the moon."If you really are out there, and the moon likes your song more than ours, I will find you and hear your song." She confidentally whispered to herself. "Ok then, it's time for bed." Luna whined,"But I'm not tired."

"Ok, but if you dont wake up before your sister, it's not my fault if she eats all the Lupen."

Luna ran to her room. Serene following running after her. Their mother giggled and followed in pursuit but walked. As soon as she gets to their room, she jumps in bed and sits up. "I'm tired now!!!" Her sister looks at her disgusted. "Ew, you didn't even change clothes, Luna." Luna looked at her clothes and quickly got up and changed, throwing her dirty clothes down the shoot and jumping into bed. "I'm ready now!!!" Their mom laughed and smiled a sweet, gentle smile "Your such a silly Spectro." Luna nuzzled into her pillow."Hey, those Lupens won't eat themselves." A while after everyone had fallen asleep, Luna had jumped up from her bed shaking. A fearful nighmare had grasped her. She grabbed her bear and snuck out the bedroom door. She then wondered off to the kitchen, hugging her bear tightly, memories of the monster from her nightmare having hung her mother in the kitchen. She slowly peeked into the kitchen and sighed of relief as it was clear. She'd run over and grab her space pod. She stepped on it, and it levitated, and she rode it to the roof. She sat on the roof of the moon palace and admired the temple and town. The citizens worked hard. She then looked at the moon and admired its glow as she clenched her knees and her teddy bear. "If there really is another moon species out there that sing to our moon, then why don't they want to meet us?" As she looked up, she noticed a shadow figure out of the corner of her eye. "N...not the Moon Walker from my dreams!!!" Shed clench her teddy bear and hid her face. Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her foot, and then she was gone.

This is my first story, So if there anything you think I should fix or change just give me a comment and thanks for reading, i hope it didnt suck?

ZendoNuggiezcreators' thoughts