
The Hero



He left, I keep drinking, I order more bear, more was delivered, not long a guy burst in, people began to lie down, some stood up and bow, and some almost enter the ground. They are all chanting, hail the great, all powerful, all wise, hail the great, all powerful, all wise. I kept my cool sitting down, drinking my beer.

Baboon: who the hell are you.

I turn my head around,

James: look, just keep doing what you are doing, I won't disturb. Please.

He move close to me, walk to my front,

Baboon: You are new here, since that is the case, I will forgive you, now kneel before me, or face my wrath.

James: I thought I say please.

Baboon: say it again.

James: Please.

Baboon: laughing) now say it while kneeling down.

James: I am just looking for a peaceful place to have my drink. PLEASE.

Baboon: how dare you talk to me in such manner, do you know me, I am the greatest.....

James: I don't have time to do this,

I hold my drink gulp it up at once, slam it on the table, drop the cash. Wait wait wait, I dont have money, shit, I forgot I have nothing.

Baboon: where do you think you are going.

I keep searching my pocket, then I feel a hard stuff in it I thought it's money When I brought it out, it's just a picture of Dora. Baboon snatched it away from.

Baboon: who is this, your girlfriend?

James: I won't say it twice, give me back the pic, get the hell out of this village and stop terrorising this area. You only have one chance to talk. Choose it wisely.

Baboon: who the hell do you think you are, a savage corps, they don't scare me?........

Booooomm, I blew his head off,

James: me neither.

Searching his pocket found a lot of cash.

James: well I'll be dammed.

Pay my fees, walk out

I move out, The people Hold me, .

#: wait, who are you, forget that, who ever you are, you saved us, we will be grateful to repay your kindness. Please accept it.

James: repay, more so, sorry, but I did not do it for this, just leave me alone. I need to go.

A girl walk out,

Girl: where are you going,

I wanted to say something. But even I don't know where am going.

Girl: you can rest by my place, no harm done, at least fresh up, cleen all this mess on you, and tomorrow you can leave.

James: (sigh) okay, thanks, (people began to hail me call me all sorts of good names)

James: well I might get use to this.

The next day

The city

Dara has been starring at his dad picture for 30 minute, thinking about all the time she had with her dad. After all the thinking, she start moving around the room check all thing, she came across my room, decide to lock it up, she change her mind, get inside my room, start checking all, she saw the pic we took together at the mountain Everest, that was the first pic we snap together. That day was full of fun, she move to my wardrobe, saw a lot of her pic I took secretly, she move on, the more she look the more she miss me, but she does not want to accept it. Not long.

Knock, knock, knock.

Dora open the door.

Dora: wait, how did you get in.

Man:(creepy voice) hehehe, found you

Dora: What. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(voice faint away)

Dear diary.

It the second day living in this hell, everything about this place is bad, food, water, alcohol, houses, road. Almost everything, here is worst, including women, I should have not peeped out this morning, I've heard of it but I've never seen a breast this saaaag and sad in my life, she look young but her boob is, wow, I can't call it boob cause it's something else entirely, Oh God I wish I could get it out of my head. It's still replaying every single time. Worst part, there is no water in here, geez I wonder how normal human cope with no powers, it must be stressful. Well there is nothing I can do so. It's their problem. Lastly, After the action I pulled the other day, the mayor of this village.( I can't believe this village has a mayor). Well he called me talked to me like his son. Wish he had one, cause he did not do well in that aspect. We talk for almost 2 hours, and what did we talk about? You won't believe it. We talk about absolutely nothing.

Flash back

Both in office (wrecked). Facing each other.

Mayor: Xup

James: am chill

Silent for some minute.

James: ummm is there something you wanna talk about.

Mayor: yep.

James: ooookkkaaayyyy.





James: am already here.

Mayor: I hear that you killed the savage cops that has been terrorising this village.

James: yeah, although I did not know he is a savage corps.

Mayor: okay.

Silent again.

James: dude, I have Some things to do.

Mayor: you can go, I'll call you in two days time.

James: that's it? YOU WASTED MY TIME FOR NOTHING, OOOOOHHHHHH GOD. Alright alright am chill. I forgive you.

And that how it ends, a whole 2 hours. Damn. Am not sure why am mad cause it's not like I have anything better to do within the hours. So I guess, it stress me out a little.

2 days later.

Knock knock knock.

James: who the hell is that?

Lady: it's me Kate. I wanna come In

James: Get out.

Kate: but am still out here...

James: don't bother.

Kate: the mayor wanna see you, he is waiting for you in the bar.

James: which bar.

Kate: I thought you knew, there is only one bar in this village.

James: can I ask you a question.

Kate: yes?

James: what so good in this village that attract the savage corps into taking it over. I mean this is a waste land.

I went to meet the mayor.