
the fourth scourge of star wars

Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original Sin of the Solar Empire”, “Halo”, “EVE”, “StarCraft”, “Stellaris”? ? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire!

Mallison · 映画
229 Chs

The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars Vol 2 Chapter 215: civil war broke out

The mighty parade is advancing, unstoppable!

People in the tech movement, chanting slogans of breaking the closure and moving towards the future, rushed into every village they passed along the way, killing and destroying them.

While shouting to abandon ignorance and embrace technology, they smashed all the things in the residents' homes that represented primitive and backwardness in their eyes, and then left some inexplicable technological gadgets and went away.

A Cerian child was crying loudly at the door of a cluttered home, holding a holographic player that someone shoved her into. Just now, marchers from the tech movement rushed into her home, knocked her parents unconscious, smashed the house, and smashed the juice jars they had been brewing for months. Throwing something inexplicable to her and leaving.

The local sheriff wanted to drive out the parade, but these small villages were only a few thousand people, and with those dozens of security teams trying to block the army of nearly 100,000 people from the technical movement, it was just a dream!

And along the way, many young people who were attracted by technology products joined the team.

The Celia Planet Presbyterian sent an army of 4,000 people to line up the road, trying to block the technological movement. But Elder Dole raised his arms in the LAV attack car and shouted, "Rush up! For the future! For technology! For civilization!! In the face of the general trend, they dare not resist!"

Tens of thousands of marchers rushed up, howling loudly, and the army did not dare to use force against the civilians, and was immediately dispersed. The marchers robbed the army of weapons and mounts, and morale was even higher.

They also **** hundreds of captured soldiers and dragged them to the front of the line, with slogans like ignorance and backwardness hanging around their necks, proclaiming the end of the primitive era.

This move finally completely angered the Celia Planet Presbyterian Church. They assembled a 100,000-strong army to form a formation on a plain, and sent messengers to issue an ultimatum to Elder Dole-Femi-Bonmi-immediately dismiss the parade and return to The elders will be judged.

Facing an army of 100,000 people, Elder Dole was apprehensive, but the matter had come to an end, and the arrow had to be fired! He beat the messenger and drove back, and then let his 5,000-strong army begin to deploy.

The Seria Presbyterian army made a tentative attack, but the force of more than 10,000 men was ripped apart by the assault rifles of Techno Movement and was quickly dispersed. This time around, though, tech sports are using rubber bullets.

Seeing the situation of the battle, Elder Dole also issued an ultimatum to the Seria Presbyterian Church, telling them that he was here to participate in the Presbyterian meeting two days later, and no one had the right to prevent him from participating. Plus, next time, his army will use lethal weapons!

The response of the Presbyterian army was to start changing formations. The Yalix cavalry was arranged on the two wings of the army, and the shield wall was formed with large shield soldiers on the front. Hedgehog in general.

The mount of the Yalix cavalry is a large bird called Yalix, which is a chocobo, carnivorous, and runs very fast. And the Yalix bird can be domesticated and is a very widespread means of transportation on the planet Celia, just like the horses on Earth.

The second battle will start soon!

This time, the Seria Presbyterian Church made up its mind, and the 100,000 army launched a frontal assault without any scruples!

The Yalix cavalry flanked from the flanks, and the frontal shield infantry and spearmen cooperated with the archers to advance steadily!

But the Yalix cavalry hit a dense rain of bullets head-on! The 5,000 assault rifles fired tens of thousands of bullets in an instant, pouring down like raindrops. The cavalry in the front were knocked down by bullets one by one, but the brave Celia warriors still shouted slogans and rushed forward on the corpses of their companions!

This terrifying momentum immediately terrified the army of the technology movement. They were called the army. In fact, they were only civilians not long ago. The main reason was that they were loyal and fanatical enough to the technology movement to be distributed as the army. There is no systematic system at all. Training is just a mob.

After a Yalix cavalry unit paid 70% of the casualties, the remaining hundreds of people finally rushed to the front of the technical movement army and slashed at random. The technical movement army suddenly suffered heavy casualties.

The follow-up troops rushed over to completely annihilate this cavalry unit. All I saw was the corpse of the Celia on the ground mixed with the corpse of the big bird Yalix, and the smell of blood permeated.

While the cavalry unit was entangled with the technical movement, the main force of the Ceria Presbyterian Church began to press down, and the archers shot a rain of arrows! Immediately, hundreds of technical movement soldiers were shot dead, and chaos began to appear in the army.

After all, it is an army of 100,000! Such a black piece is pressed from the front, and no one can resist such a terrifying coercion!

Just when Elder Dole was about to take the LAV attack car to run away, he suddenly heard a roar from the parade behind!

"Down with the rotten Presbyterian!!"

"Fight for Celia's future!!"


The parade of tens of thousands rushed up frantically, and what was even more terrifying was that they were all holding Type 21 assault rifles! !

Elder Dole turned his head in surprise, only to see a convoy of suspended trucks behind the team, full of weapons and ammunition! ! And those parades that have long been instigated are scrambling to take over their weapons, and then roaring and rushing towards the Presbyterian army!

A suspended car drove over, and the driver was Vitaly Olof. Yuri sat in the co-pilot seat, waved at Elder Dole, and said with a smile: "Hahaha! Santa's gift. coming!"

"Mr. Yuri!!" Elder Dole survived in a desperate situation was almost unable to speak, "You...you...they..."

Yuri-Olov smiled, "Oh, it's fine. The weapons I made are simple and easy to use, know where to point the muzzle, know how to pull the trigger. Insurance? It's okay, I gave them all the way. opened."

This messy motley army swarmed up and charged towards the Presbyterian army. And what's more terrible is that these people are holding assault rifles! !

The crackling sound of gunfire rang out, and those people simply learned how to shoot. There were many fires in the chaos, and many people were killed and injured by their own guns.

But the enthusiasm has been ignited. When these people rushed to the front, picked up the assault rifles and fired, watching the majestic Presbyterian soldiers in front of them being knocked down by bullets, and seeing the large wooden shield shattering in front of the bullets , these people are even more frenzied!


[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Seria and Yalix the Big Bird. ]