
the fourth scourge of star wars

Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original Sin of the Solar Empire”, “Halo”, “EVE”, “StarCraft”, “Stellaris”? ? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire!

Mallison · 映画
229 Chs

The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars Chapter 8: I need help!

"We, Corellia, merchants. We look for furs, rare metals. Please, let us, go home." A cylindrical robot was translating word by word.

Beside the robot, the three militants who had been captured before were lying on the table and groaning feebly, banging out a word from time to time.

Tang Xiao sat across the table in the interrogation room, watching the performance of the three people with Erlang's legs crossed. T-850 stood behind him expressionlessly, keeping his feet flush with his shoulders, and a standard soldier standing with his hands behind him. posture.

One Earth Standard Day has passed. During these 24 hours, under the demands of the mastermind and the beatings of the marines, the three militants were forced to say countless words for analysis. Maybe they came out of their mother's womb to the present, and they even counted the crying when they were babies, and they didn't say much on this day.

Now the analysis of this language called Galactic Standard Language has exceeded 40%, and a certain level of dialogue can be conducted. But the parsing of the letters, words, and grammars that follow will take a while.

The three militants had no idea that their miserable future was ahead, and they were still trying their best to pretend to be miserable, hoping that Tang Xiao, who looked amiable and young, could open up and let them go.

Tang Xiao turned a blind eye to their performance, turned to the translation robot and said, "Where is the capital of the Galactic Empire?"

The three of them were at a loss when they heard the translation, and one of them corrected: "The Galactic Republic, not the Empire. Coruscant, the capital."

"So who is the leader of the Jedi Order?" Tang Xiao asked again.

The three of them continued to look bewildered, shaking their heads to show they didn't know.

That's right, the Jedi Knights during the Republic period were aloof but kept a low profile, silently guarding the Galactic Republic. The existence of the Jedi Knights is mostly just a legend in the eyes of ordinary people in the galaxy.

Tang Xiao thought for a while, then changed the question, "Who is the speaker of the Galactic Council?"

They still thought for a while, and one of them answered, "Finis Valorum."

Tang Xiao's expression changed, and he asked the last question, "Has there ever been a war on the planet Naboo?"

The three shook their heads.

Tang Xiao stood up without saying a word, left the interrogation room and walked towards the bridge.

[The manager has left, let's continue. Please use the most accurate words to describe the appearance of this cat. ] The voice of the mastermind followed, and a few marines with round waists and thick shoulders walked in and watched the militants snort coldly.

Soon there was a miserable cry from the interrogation room.

Back on the bridge, Tang Xiao sat on the main seat, leaning on the back and staring at the ceiling of the command center in a trance. Now he has narrowed down the current Star Wars era to less than 30 years, but the result is by no means happy.

Because in the past 30 years, the galaxy will usher in an unprecedented terrible war and turmoil, and almost every corner of the galaxy will be involved in the war. In this war, the Galactic Republic, which has a history of more than 25,000 years, ushered in its final demise.

Tang Xiao began to sort out the "Star Wars" plot in his memory. Now the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic is Phoenix Valorum, and the war on the planet Naboo has not yet broken out. This is an important node.

Because the Battle for Naboo eventually resulted in the resignation of former Speaker Finnis Valorum, Schiff Palpatine became the new Speaker of the Republic. Then... under his conspiracy, 10 years after the Battle of Naboo, the Galactic Republic was completely divided and at war.

The exploited outer ring planet of the Milky Way announced the establishment of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and confronted the Galactic Republic. The two sides fought a three-year all-out war. Because the Galactic Republic used a lot of clone soldiers, it was called the "Clone Wars".

Schiff Palpatine, possibly the biggest conspirator the Star Wars universe has ever seen, orchestrated it all, using the war to eventually subvert the Galactic Republic, wipe out the Jedi Order, and bring the resistance of the Outer Rim to one place. Sweep away.

Then, he ascended the throne on the ruins of the Galactic Republic, and changed the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire {Note 1}.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao sighed, only feeling his head swell, he groaned, "Why is this the darkest era... I can't be Palpatine's opponent... Whether it's politics or conspiracy, whether it's personal strength Or power, it's far inferior... How can you let me live!"

"Submit to him? Join the Galactic Empire and become a **** of His Majesty the Emperor?" Tang Xiao began to seriously think about this option, but then he sighed again, "Impossible. At that time, the mothership will definitely be confiscated by him. The countless data in the database will also fall into his hands..."

"Why?" Tang Xiao stomped his feet and stood up abruptly, shouting towards the ceiling, "Wow ah ah ah! It's so annoying!!"

Daphne-Clement and Qi Jian hurried over to ask, Tang Xiao shook his head and told them to go back to work. He looked at the backs of the two and said to himself: "I need help... A politician who can fight against Palpatine, yes! Politician!"

He understands that in the "Star Wars" world, at least for now, the Galactic Council has the final say. What does this show? You don't need a strong man who can destroy a thousand armies with one hand. No matter how strong your personal strength is, you can't match the Death Star, but you can't match the Star Destroyer! But a statesman can make countless Star Destroyers work for him with the flip of two lips!

Tang Xiao looked up at the backs of Clement and Qi Jian, and shook his head slightly.

They can't.

Clement's major is not in this at all, don't expect her to get involved in politics. As a staff officer, Qi Jian was only an ordinary person, and his ability is still relatively limited.

He also found that most people in the ordinary class are relatively young, those in the elite class are a little older, and there are many 50- and 60-year-olds in the master class.

This shows that this level division is only based on the person's current achievements. As long as there is enough time and experience, ordinary people can also become master-level figures!

But the cultivation of talents is one aspect. If you want to compete with Palpatine, no, you can't say that. Now he doesn't even have the qualifications to stand on the stage. At least get on the big stage of the Milky Way first, and then talk about who to contend against. In this regard, he does need a politician who is at least a master!

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and started flipping through the list of people who could be awakened. Suddenly, he noticed that the list seemed to have changed! There used to be three levels of ordinary, elite, and master, and there were three question marks behind.

And now one of the question marks has been displayed, it is legendary!

Legendary characters!

"Mastermind! When did you unlock the legendary character?" Tang Xiao asked in surprise.

[After you wake up, manager. If you don't have great abilities, legendary characters and higher will not be loyal to you. Forcibly awakening them may cause chaos instead. At this level, everyone has this ability, or even worse. ]


{Note 1}: This is the main content of the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy movies, as well as the long animation "The Clone Wars".
