
The Forgotten

Well this is not what I thought it was like to die..

My name is ... was?.. am??.. well I'm not sure but for now call me Rai, I was a typical guy living in bla bla bla, loved anime and so on, honestly just normal well accept for my obsession with well you guessed it Naruto but that's normal isn't it?, I mean everyone has something they get excited about, from the release of a new game or book to collecting stamps or coins,  I just liked naruto, the story the people, the conflict and most of all the passion. As a kid and as an "adult" it enraptured me, a world where fighting to live whilst life and death is truly on the line, fantasy like power which can obliterate nations, villains that can make you laugh and hero's which make you shiver in fear. but hey its not all worship some shit really bothered me,  like how Naruto could just forgive people that abused and demonized him literally! and how no one in this damn world knows how to help a child in need,  I sware you give the main protagonists and villains a single child psychologist and half the problems disappear but who am I to get in the way of a anime trope, pain makes people strong and all that babble.

Ranting aside and more to the point where am I, it's warm and dark and it seems like I can't open my eyes. at this moment Words that appear within my mine pulse with what seems like urgency.



And with that prompt I thought "STATUS!", the words disappear and are replaced with an ethereal green status window just like within a game. I looked through its content and to say the least it surprised me.


NAME: (unnamed - Rai)

AGE: Foetus - 8 months 12 weeks

LEVEL: 0 (0/100)


CHAKRA - (100/100)

HEALTH - (50/50)



[ 3 ] STR

[ 1 ] STA

[ 9 ] INT

[ 10 ] VIT

[ 10 ] CHA

[ 5 ] CHA-C

[ 2 ] LUCK



SENJU: The Senju are inheritors of powerful life force and chakra and most notably have access to Mokuton or what most refer to as the nature transformation kekki genkai wood release.









Reincarnator: As your soul has travelled through multiple planes of existence it has become tempered and robust allowing the owner of the skill to retain memory's of his past life as well as a strengthened willpower.


BE BORN - (start small, welcome the world by greeting your parent with a smile.

Reward: 10EXP access to new skill.)



SENJU!!! I'm a senju! How? who am I going to be? have I been reincarnated as Hashirama? Tobirama? Itama? Nawaki? ....oh shit they all die or have way more responsibility than I'm ready for, well at least they are powerful I mean being born as the god of shinobi or the inventor of the flying thunder god technique isn't bad at all but am I gonna be stuck dying for the greater good? or in a battle to the death against my rival? or hundreds of bloodthirsty ninja?!!. Damn this is gonna be tricky... I mean who else is there?. Well one step at a time I guess I'm not even born yet and I'm worrying about how I'm gonna die let's just take it slow and worry about the possibility of me dying tragically later.

At least its not all bad wood release, increased vitality and chakra from birth that's going to help me survive especially with all the crazy murder psychos that exist in the naruto universe. looking at my stats is kinda pointless for now as I have no way to compare with others but hopefully they are high for a baby.


HP -37

WTF!! I feel like my whole being just got thrown against a concrete wall! did I just get hit? is my newly found mom getting beaten? BASTARDS!!! I haven't even had a breath of fresh air and this world is trying to kill me! I hear mumbled voices from within my mothers belly and shout/think "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING !???!"


POV: Momma Senju - 30 minutes ago

Traveling through the trees of the land of fire a woman with messy dark brown hair, heavily pregnant and wearing nothing but a bloody black cloak rushes from branch to branch clucking her belly in a protective manner.

Momma senju:"No.. not now I must escape if not for me then for this child of mine, I can't let him be an experiment for that beast"  panic and fear can be seen on her face as she whispers to herself.

Behind the woman in the distance as she looks back shadows follow her, the darkness of the night is illuminated by the full moon and these shadows take form as she gazes into the trees masks of white with depictions of beasts, silent but for the sound of unsheathing blades pursue and are speeding towards her.

Shadow-Ox mask: "Woman stop! you can't escape no harm shall befall you it is a promise made by our master, all we want is the child your purpose is complete."

Momma Senju:"Damn there catching up, there close enough that I can hear its voice clearly. I thought I had lost them when I split myself, I'm almost at the border if what the guards said when I was locked up is true and not just idle gossip there should be patrols around here I guess there's no choice its time to make some noise"

Whilst she whispers this to herself momma senju finally sees what she's been searching for SAND!, jumping down from the branch with much strain not to injure herself or the child she's carrying 3 shadows land in front of her with tanto blades drawn.

Shadow-Ox mask:"As I said young miss return with us and no harm shall come to you, your exhausted and it looks like your overdrawn on chakra protecting your stomach"

Momma Senju:"and what of my child?"

Shadow-Ox mask:"that's of no concern to you, it's masters, you have no say, but he offers freedom in place of the child"


As she says this the last of her chakra blazes like a chocking fire all around her, the environment beneath her feet starts to sway and breath as the trees and grass bend and flex to her will. instinct overtakes rationality as she lunges towards the shadows and as she does this thorny vines and tree branch stretch and morph towards the trio in a vicious flurry of leaves and bark.

Shadow-Ox mask:"SHIT!! MOVE!"

The shadow with the ox mask disappears in a flash of smoke and is replaced by a wooden log however unfortunately for his companions as momma senju strikes the log it fractures and grows into knife like branches charging and impaling the two that stood behind him, duel screams Pierce the night as their pain intensifies not only are they impaled by multiple branches these branches begin to twist and gouge new holes like the tentacles of an octopus and In an instant the body's explode in a mixture of flesh and gore.

On her knees momma senju is breathing heavily and blood seeps from her mouth the man in the ox mask shocked by the power she still holds returns in front of her seeing she is at deaths door and of little threat.

Shadow-Ox mask:"what a waste, those two were pretty useful but fresh out of training disappointing.. i shall report this to the master and hopefully this can be avoided in the future"

Momma Senju lifts her head and moves her hands attempting to form a seal but it's too late and a kick is applied to her face sending her tumbling towards the sand cushioning her fall but not the impact.

Shadow-Ox mask:"Well hopefully there's no damage to the child Senjus are known for their vitality, I guess il just cut the child from your belly and burn any evidence... it could of been different if only you weren't so stubborn"

Momma Senju cradles her stomach in the last effort of protection she can offer beaten and broken she strains to speak "Noo..please.. Help someone"

As she pleads not for herself but the child she does not know but still loves with a burning passion. hers eyes start to dim and the man walks towards her his eyes shining with malicious intent.

POV unknown:

Hidden In the trees arriving but moments ago an older looking woman eyes widen as she thinks "Senju huh, this is more complicated than a group of bandits or rouge ninjas damn leaf bastards always making trouble" her thoughts stray to a certain yellow haired busty girl who has caused her so much trouble recently anger flashes on her face and she moves to leave when she hears the woman's plea, freezing an image of her son and daughter in law dead bodies fresh with blood sand sticking to their wounds much like the woman she sees below her. "fucking leaf all they know is how to inflict pain.. not again.." pulling a scroll from her pouch she jumps to impose herself between the two.

Unknown Granny:"Secret White Move: Chikamatsu's 10 Puppets"