
Shocked speechless

Imperial physician Fei, there must be something wrong with your head. I mean do you seriously think that I would come out right and admit that I'm not Chen Yu Lan. Ha! As if I would spill the beans, do I look like I want my head to fly?

"I wonder what imperial physician Fei is implying?" I turned to face him with a confused expression

"My apologies your majesty. This servant dare not mean to imply anything with my words but your majesty truly has grown up. " said imperial physician Fei as he quickly followed after Shen Mu Lan to her courtyard.

After arriving he notices that Shen Mu Lan's courtyard was really empty! Other than the two pair of servants that he saw earlier there was no one else here. He couldn't help but stop in his track as he looked around the courtyard.

There was only one entrance to the courtyard. The walls were so far away from the building. Not to mention that all the trees of the courtyard were close to the building, none lingering close to the wall at all so that one may use to climb the wall. He really couldn't help but applude the emperor for his meticulous design of the courtyard. Despite this there's still a lotus pond with a pavilion next to it and flowers all over the place giving the courtyard a look of elegance and beauty.

The courtyard was really amazing to look at but seeing how desolate and quiet it looked, it instead gave him an impression of a beautifully designed cage. Really, the emperor put a lot of thoughts into the design of the courtyard he couldn't help but applaud once again as he also felt a shiver run down his spine.

He heaved out a heavy sigh as he thought that he should stay on the emperor's good side.

Shen Mu Lan couldn't help but sneak a look at Imperial physician Fei as she walked. She could see admiration and fear reflecting in his eyes as he turned his head to look around. She quickly turned her head forward when she noticed that he was about to turn back and follow her.

When they finally arrived at the main hall he couldn't help but ask questionably, "Your majesty, may this servant know why you had called for a imperial physician?"

"I had called for Doctor Yun cause he was the one who had instructed me to call for him after the ceremony was done."

I don't know if he said that though, knowing whether or not the emperor would be here.

Imperial physician Fei was now even more shocked after hearing Shen Mu Lan's statement, afterall Doctor Yun was famous for not supporting anyone, for all he cared about was curing the injured. So for him to tell Shen Mu Lan to call him only meant that she was badly injured.

He couldn't help but look at her again cause she didn't show any signs of one's illness at all.

Shen Mu Lan just looked back at imperial physician Fei as he kept looking at her trying to discover what was wrong with her.

Sigh, if being poisoned was that easy to detect, then Chen Yu Lan would not have passed away.

"Your majesty, may this servant check your pulse?" imperial physician Fei couldn't help but ask since he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her.

Shen Mu Lan shook her head slowly before she spoke.

"Imperial physician Fei even if you took my pulse you would not be able to help this lady for even Doctor Yun was unable to identify the poison used on this lady."

Imperial physician Fei was once again shocked. If even Doctor Yun couldn't figure out the poison used then even more so for him. Afterall Doctor Yun was the widely acknowledged doctor in the country for being the best physician there is.

Lost in his own thoughts imperial physician Fei didn't even notice Doctor Yun entering the room.

"Your majesty, please excuse this servant for his late arrival." said Doctor Yun as he bowed to Shen Mu Lan

"No need for apologies Doctor Yun. This lady was in no rush. Afterall, this poison won't kill this lady right away. " I couldn't help but send a helpless smile towards Doctor Yun.

"Sigh, you silly girl. Even though you won't die immediately, moving around so much will make the poison spread much faster. If I knew that you liked to move around so much I would have arrived much sooner." Now it was Doctor Yun's turn to look helplessly at Shen Mu Lan.

Shen Mu Lan just shrugs her shoulders as if she didn't do anything wrong but she still couldn't help but be a little shocked by the way Doctor Yun spoke to her. "Girl?" she wasn't that young.

Well if you compare looks then yes I look much younger than him but this old soul was definitely older then Doctor Yun.

Not to mention Shen Mu Lan being shocked, Imperial physician was shocked speechless!

How can these two talk to each other and act as if they're old acquaintances who hadn't seen each other in a long time!? More importantly, how can Doctor Yun just casually speak with her majesty? Sure, Shen Mu Lan was just a empress in name but she was still an empress.

The other two in the room couldn't help but look at imperial physician Fei facial expression since it was just priceless. After a moment of looking at imperial physician Fei the two bursted out into laughter.

All the servants in the court couldn't help let their mouths gape open as they stare at the expressions of the three in the room.

After Shen Mu Lan and Doctor Yun calmed down they finally turned to look at each other and seriously spoke to each other.

"Alright girl, enough joking around let this old man take your pulse again."

Shen Mu Lan quickly handed her left arm over to Doctor Yun. Doctor Yun put his fingers on her wrist to take her pulse only to discover that the poison had indeed spread. Shen Mu Lan's body was now in the same condition it was in before the wedding ceremony even began.

"Sigh, girl I believe I wouldn't have to tell you much as you should be able to feel it for yourself?"

"Yes, I know. My body has currently ended back up to the way it was before the ceremony began."

"Tha-" Before Doctor Yun could even finish his sentence Imperial physician Fei cut him off shouting in a slightly higher tone then usual.

"Before the ceremony!? Your majesty you were poisoned before the wedding ceremony began!!!?"

The other two could only turn to look at imperial physician Fei with dissatisfaction and wonder if imperial physician Fei was really a little lacking in the head. After all if you just follow the conversation between the two you would know that she was indeed poisoned before the wedding began.

"Imperial physician Fei, I was indeed poisoned before the wedding." said Shen Mu Lan before she begin nodding her head along with Doctor Yun.

Imperial physician Fei just looked at Shen Mu Lan with just and his voice quivered just a bit as he said, "Then that means that your majesty just got up to complete the wedding ceremony and that the emperor has no knowledge of your majesty being poisoned?"


"Your majesty this is a major event and should be reported! Even if you had not married the emperor yet at that moment you were already consider as part of royalty. If the poisoner could get to you they may try to get to the royalty in the palace!" shouted imperial physician Fei as he looked at Shen Mu Lan with a stern look.

He couldn't believe that she would just be nonchalant about being poisoned.

Shen Mu Lan looked at Imperial physician Fei in the eyes and said coldly, "Why would I report it? Wasn't I only a empress in name with no power? Are you sure his majesty would even bother? I can bet that he would probably just let me die so that his beloved Zheng can be the empress."

Imperial physician Fei was once again shocked speechless. He had no words that he could retort with afterall what Shen Mu Lan had said was the truth.

Everyone in the room just stared at her wide eyed as the room turns deathly silent. They just couldn't believe what they had heard. If the empress knew all of that, why did she decide to marry the emperor!?