
Chapter 1

Linda Munro, a forensic scientist, working with the FBI for 10 years, suddenly started receiving, strange phone calls one day. She wasn't alarmed until one day she went to investigate a murder and realized someone had left her a personal note. Linda who has been married for over 10 years with a 15 year old daughter, life was about to change . She never once imagined, that her life would lead to this path. Little did she know, She was in for alot of surprises. Linda was one of the best in her region, she loved her job and the job loved her, which is a rather weird thing to say. Her husband Michael Munro was a lawyer, a very good one too. The two was doing very well in life. Both making good money, owned a beautiful home, nice cars, vacation at least twice per year. They lived a good life and their daughter was very happy and was doing great in school. Though what no one knew, was that, at age 16 Linda gave birth to her daughter, her first born , whom was given up for adoption and later named Nakita. Linda never went looking for her daughter, she just went on with her life. Never asked any questions or anything, she just left it as it was. That same daughter she neglected was about to change her life forever.

One day as she sat at home, on her day off, she received a call from her job.

"Its my day off Steve. " she said as she answered the phone.

"I know Linda but we need you today, we have an intern and a body the same day and there's something at the scene specifically for you ."

She was a bit puzzled, as to what was left there for her, by whom and why. So many things crossed her mind as she got dressed for work. As she arrived at the scene she was introduced to her intern.

"Linda, this is Nakita, she's your intern." said Steve

"Okay, where's the body ?" she asked

She was more interested in the body and what was there for her. She approached the body, gloves on, gears in her hands. She examined the body, then took the note and read it. As it said;

"Let play a game, Linda Munro, I know who you are, now its time for you to figure out who I am."

Nakita stood in the distance as she watched Linda read the note and stood there with this puzzled look on her face. Nakita approached her ;

"Are you okay??" she asked Linda.

"Get the bag." she replied.

"So Linda whats this about?" Steve asked .

"He wasn't killed here, he was moved here, he died from a lost of blood, id say he bled out over a period of time. He's been dead for about 9 hours. "

"I meant, the note Linda ."

"That I dont know, ill go run the tests and let you know who our body is."

She headed back to the station, went straight to her lab and proceeded to run tests. She tried to look unbothered, but if anyone knows her, they know how she is. She will pretend to be okay as much as she could but even she would crack. Over 10 years in this business and she actually has never encountered this kind of nonsense before, why now?? Nevertheless she wasn't going to allow this to get the best of her. She went about her day as she normally done. After she got her results in, wrote up her report, took them to Steve, she left. Went across the street for coffee and then went home.

"Nakita, take the day, resume tomorrow." Steve said

As she left, she went tailing Linda. She had to know Linda's every move of everyday.

Later that day , as Linda prepared dinner for her family, she received a phone call. The caller said nothing. They just sat on the call a while before they hang up. Linda figured it had something to do with note so the minute her husband walked through the door she told him what was going on. Michael told her she would need to tell her boss so they can look into it for her. Maybe trace the calls , to make sure its nothing serious . Maybe just some bored teenager or a pervert. They sat and ate dinner, then she cleaned up and went to bed. The following morning she woke up, got dressed for work. As she pulled up so did Nakita. They both entered the building together. Linda showed Nakita around, gave her pointers and all. Made her comfortable. Aboug 10 am, another body presented it self. This time it was a woman, found in a pool. Again, there was a note for Linda. This time it said ;

"Let the games begin, Figure out what killed this person by 3 pm and there won't be another body and note for a week. "

It started to creep her out even more. So she did just that. She was very good at her job, that wasn't that big of a challenge. She headed to the morgue as she did the autopsy there with the mortician, then went to her lab to run further tests. By 3 pm she received a phone call.

"Tell me Linda, what caused her death?"

"Copper sulphate poisoning."

" That is correct ."

"Who is this?? "

The phone hang up as she asked. She got up and headed to Steve.

"Our Vic ingested copper sulphate, alot of it. Which poisoned her causing her death and I think the murderer just called me" she said.

"I'll have detective Radavich trace the call. " Steve replied

This was there second body in one two days. That was a bit much, but if the person on the phone was being fair, they won't have another for a whole week. Let's hope for that. As the week went on, there was no more body but there were gift and more notes. Nothing threatening but it was still weird. Flowers, wine, chocolate. She kept on taking them to work to run finger prints hoping this person would slip up at least once, but no. Who ever it was, they were very careful not to leave anything traceable . From the calls to the gifts were all a lost cause. Linda remained herself and not to allow this to get the best of her.
