
The first strike

We could hear sirens off in the distance, planes flying above head, a dark and cold day. Clouds keeping any sunlight to reach the earth's surface. Bombs can be heard being dropped and exploding, gunshots firing and tanks driving. We rushed out of our home, which was once a quiet and peaceful home. Almost everywhere we looked we could see dead bodies and soldiers running and firing guns in different directions, it was clear. A war has started, and we were cought in the middle of it.

"Johnny, get your brother and mother to the car!" i could hear my father yell, both in a rush and full of fear knowing if we didnt leave soon we'd all be killed in a matter of minuets.

"No! i won't leave you" i responded, with a strained voice of fear and terror as my eyes watered and body shuck.

"If we don't get out of here soon, we will all die! now go!" As my father yelled this i already knew what he was about to do with the strong look in his eyes even while he trembled with fear and worry for us.

Eventually i finnaly got to the car with my mother and little brother, Jack, and drove off as i watched my father in the mirror. Holding a shotgun firing in directions of enemy soilders. What I saw next, broke me. I drove away and watched as my father was shot through his head and body.