
The Flash: Godspeed

So this is how I die? That was the first question that came to my mind when I was struck by lightning in the middle of the night while I was walking home from work. My name is Nathaniel Lang, I am 23 years old and as you have guessed from my name I'm half-American and half-Chinese. Before I got into my current crisis I was someone who inherited the good genes of my parent with my dad being a blonde handsome man and my mother is a beautiful black-haired Chinese woman who had many men chasing after her when she was young and with both of their perfect genes created me who was considered the most handsome guy when I was in high school but not anymore. I had shoulder-length blonde hair, a very handsome face and a very athletic body. Because of my good looks, I was very popular with the girls when I was in high school and it was the same when I became an adult which made me the enemy of any man who has a wife or girlfriends, especially those I used to work with. Thinking back to those days were I used to enjoy life with no care at all makes me feel a little happy even though I am about to die but all in all it was a good life that I led before my tragic end especially when I remembered how I screwed my boss's wife in the bathroom earlier today. Now thinking about that makes me think that what happened to me was the handwork of karma, it's no wonder they call her a bitch. Cold! As I was reminiscing about my life, I felt my extremely damaged body go cold and my consciousness began slipping into the darkness. I knew immediately that death has finally found me and was about to take me into her cold embrace, although I don't regret the life I lived until this point the only regret I have now was not being able to f*ck my crush when I had the chance. Damn! Thinking about how I spent my life bone the girls of other guys and never got the chance to f*ck the one I truly loved made me feel like sh*t but there is nothing I can do about it now, can I? With that thought in my head, I fully let myself into the embrace of death and died with a smile on my scorched face as everything went dark for me. #### This is the life of Nathanial Lang, are world famous womanizer that died from a lightning strike while on his way home and was reborn as the twin the twin brother of the world's fastest man alive or so he would have became if Nathanial hadn't been born. #### A/N: Hello, this is my second story and I'm still working on the other that will come later. If you want advance chapters you can visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy.

UchihaIzuna · テレビ
30 Chs

Chapter 9

Nathaniel wasn't shocked at the sight of his speeding hands and the interface but instead, gears in his head started turning as he started to put things together.

"Those people at our house that day had powers that I knew but where and how they got it was a mystery too but now, it all makes sense. Before I was taken away the black speedster was about to attack me but I was saved by the white speedster. I asked myself why he saved me."

Nathaniel murmured to himself as he look at his speeding hands with white lightning flickering around them.

"I saved myself, the speedster that saved me was... me."

Upon coming to this conclusion, a new realm of possibilities regarding his mother's murder and what happened that night opened to him.

"If I'm the white Speedster, then is Barry the other Speedster and if so who are the two other Speedsters and which one of them killed mom?"

Nathaniel fell into deep thought as he began putting the piece together to complete a massive side of the puzzle and the reason for more clues was S.T.A.R. Labs.

"I may be jumping my guns too quickly but my guts says I'm right about it. The biggest clue to mother's case lies within the halls of S.T.A.R. Labs."

"System, what is the speed force."

Nathaniel decided to stop thinking about his mother's murder for now and focus more on finding out the secret behind his newly gained powers and how to use them.

[DING: The Speed Force is a cosmic force based around velocity and movement and one of the Seven Forces of the Universe. It is the representation of reality in motion, being the very cosmic force that pushes space and time forward.

The Speed Force is also an extra-dimensional source of infinite energy that provides speedsters with their powers.]

[DING: The system has rewarded you a gift as the chosen avatar of the speed force. This will be the first and last time you receive an item from the system, do you want to open it?]


Nathaniel suddenly heard a female voice in his head that explained everything to him and right after the explanation of the speed force she presented Nathaniel with a gift as he is the chosen avatar. Nathaniel accepted the gift after thinking about it briefly.

[DING: Super suit has been claimed]

[DING: Super suit.

Description: The super suit is made of unknown material from another universe and it was made using nanotechnology. The suit can absorb kinetic energy and can also be released at any time the user wants. The suit also has resistance to fire, Ice, friction and anti-matter.]

The system displayed a picture of the suit along with its description. The suit is a white-coloured full-body suit with a golden lightning emblem on its chest, there were also golden linings on the suit with a full face mask that had golden ears. ( Godspeed's suit)

"Impressive design."

Nathaniel muttered to himself before he retrieved it from the system. A white-coloured bracelet with golden lightning on it appeared around his right hand and from it the suit covered him like a symbiote.

Nathaniel felt extremely comfortable wearing the suit as it felt like he was wearing another skin on top of his body, he got up from the bed and started working out.

After he was done with his series of workouts, he was about to use his speed he decided against it because of where he is and also he could hear the voice of Alex and Felicity so he commanded the suit to revert back to the bracelet form and it did before he got back on the.

A minute after Nathaniel got back onto the bed the door opened and Alex and Felicity walked in with happy expressions on their face.

"Nathen, the doctor said there is nothing wrong with you so we could go back home anytime."

Alex was the first to talk and Felicity nodded her head to confirm that she wasn't joking. Nathaniel nodded his head to both of them because he knew that there was nothing wrong with him so he got up from the bed and wore his shoes before leaving the hospital with his girls.


It's been a day since Nathaniel was released from the hospital and currently, he was in his room going through videos he got after he hacked into the S.T.A.R. Labs security camera on his laptop.

"Huh! What's this?"

While going through the video files, he spotted an interesting footage so he selected it and it started playing but as the footage played, Nathaniel became surprised.

In the video, it shows two people having a conversation. One of the individuals was the CEO of S.T.A.R. Labs while the other was an employee and they were talking about the particle accelerator.

The employee was telling him that the particle accelerator is unstable to go online but Harrison acted like he already knew and asked some security guards to take the employee away while he walked back into the cortex of the lab and the video ended.

"He knew the accelerator will blow up yet he still he went on with it because he wanted it to explode, why? Why did he also take Barry S.T.A.R. Labs? Could he also be a speedster?"

Nathaniel asked himself this questions that he had no answers to. Nathaniel thought deeply about it and the more he did, the more confused he became as he asked himself the biggest question, Why? If Harrison Wells is a speedster and also the one who killed his mother, what was his reason for doing it? Why did he kill their mother?

"SIGH! I won't find any answers just by sitting in the house, now would I? I also have to figure out more about my newly gained powers."

Nathaniel sighed to himself as he shut down the laptop and placed it aside before getting out of bed and left the room. Nathanial came downstairs where he saw Felicity having a conversation with Oliver on the phone while Alex was nowhere to be seen.


"Hey, Fel. I'm going to visit Barry at S.T.A.R. Labs and I don't think I will be back early so you guys shouldn't worry about me when I'm back."

Nathaniel told Felicity after they shared a kiss and left the house. After he walk a couple of meters away from the neighbourhood, Nathaniel found a place and got into a running position.



Nathanial then started counting from three and he reached one, his eyes glowed with white lightning before his body dashed off with an insane speed that blew a huge gust of wind behind him as he ran and everything in the world became as slow as a turtle.


Nathaniel continued running and when he achieve (343m/s) his body started discharging white lightning as ran. Nathanial then called upon his suit as he felt his burn away due to friction.

'The system said my current maximum speed is Mach 10, let's test it out shall we.'

Nathaniel was fully taken by the adrenaline rush he was feeling and increased his speed which made his eyes glow with deep lightning and suddenly 'Boom' he was outside the city.


Nathaniel screamed out in excitement as he felt the wind brush against his face while he ran with all his might and left Central City behind with no destination in his mind and just kept on running.

Meanwhile, back in Central City, everyone was wondering what caused the sonic boom but couldn't come up with an answer to their own questions but some people knew that world is about to change.


https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.