
The Flash: Godspeed

So this is how I die? That was the first question that came to my mind when I was struck by lightning in the middle of the night while I was walking home from work. My name is Nathaniel Lang, I am 23 years old and as you have guessed from my name I'm half-American and half-Chinese. Before I got into my current crisis I was someone who inherited the good genes of my parent with my dad being a blonde handsome man and my mother is a beautiful black-haired Chinese woman who had many men chasing after her when she was young and with both of their perfect genes created me who was considered the most handsome guy when I was in high school but not anymore. I had shoulder-length blonde hair, a very handsome face and a very athletic body. Because of my good looks, I was very popular with the girls when I was in high school and it was the same when I became an adult which made me the enemy of any man who has a wife or girlfriends, especially those I used to work with. Thinking back to those days were I used to enjoy life with no care at all makes me feel a little happy even though I am about to die but all in all it was a good life that I led before my tragic end especially when I remembered how I screwed my boss's wife in the bathroom earlier today. Now thinking about that makes me think that what happened to me was the handwork of karma, it's no wonder they call her a bitch. Cold! As I was reminiscing about my life, I felt my extremely damaged body go cold and my consciousness began slipping into the darkness. I knew immediately that death has finally found me and was about to take me into her cold embrace, although I don't regret the life I lived until this point the only regret I have now was not being able to f*ck my crush when I had the chance. Damn! Thinking about how I spent my life bone the girls of other guys and never got the chance to f*ck the one I truly loved made me feel like sh*t but there is nothing I can do about it now, can I? With that thought in my head, I fully let myself into the embrace of death and died with a smile on my scorched face as everything went dark for me. #### This is the life of Nathanial Lang, are world famous womanizer that died from a lightning strike while on his way home and was reborn as the twin the twin brother of the world's fastest man alive or so he would have became if Nathanial hadn't been born. #### A/N: Hello, this is my second story and I'm still working on the other that will come later. If you want advance chapters you can visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy.

UchihaIzuna · テレビ
30 Chs

Chapter 24


Kara walked out of the elevator after the door opened and immediately as she did, she was met by Winn, who asked whether the smell was coming from her. Kara explained to Winn that even after three showers she still smelled of burning oil, expressing that she went from a superhero to an eco-terrorist after the previous day's failed heroics.

Despite Nathaniel intervening in yesterday's crisis and saving the day, Kara was still not spared by the media as she was labelled a menace for the destruction that she would have caused if Nathaniel wasn't around.

Talking about Nathaniel, every single media out there wanted to have a face-to-face interview with the man who was able to rewind time. This also sparked multiple questions from women who asked if he was able to perform his abilities on people but is a topic for another day.

Winn, attempting to comfort her, pointed out that she had only been a superhero for a week and that it was not wrong for her to make some rookie mistakes.

["Talking about Supergirl's lack of experience, think about the trouble that she would bring. If not for that mysterious hero who saved the day yesterday, what do you think would have happened? Having superheroes is good and all but you must also think about the problems that follow them."]

["Look at Metropolis for instance, since Superman's arrival, super bad wars have been waged on that city and their maintenance budget has quadrupled. National City does not need Metropolis' problems."]

"Who cares what that guy says and talking about superheroes do you know that speedster?"

Both Winn and Kara turned their head towards one of the many TV presents, the two watched Maxwell Lord on television explaining that Supergirl would bring trouble to National City that it didn't need, and using Metropolis as an example, brought up that since Superman's arrival, Metropolis' maintenance budget had quadrupled, as a super bad guy war had been waged on the city.

Winn then told Kara who cared what Maxwell Lord thought and then asked if Kara knew about Nathaniel as they were standing close together before Kara took action to stop the fire.

"I do but he wants to remain in the dark so I can't tell who he is or introduce you, and about Maxwell, wasn't he your personal hero."

"I admit that I own a couple of Max-lord watches and both his biography and autobiography."

Kara nodded to Winn's question regarding Nathan but refused to tell him about him or introduce them even before Winn could ask. She then pointed out that wasn't Lord was his personal hero, which in turn forced Winn to admit to owning several of Lord's watches, and both his biography and autobiography.

"She's here."

Using her super hearing, Kara picks up on Grant's mutters in the lift and alerts Winn that Cat Grant has arrived, with Winn commenting on how he finally knew how she was able to know that.

"Here is your Latte, Ms Grant."

"It hot?"

"Just how you like it."

Heating up Cat's latte with her heat vision, Kara met Grant outside her private elevator, gave her the latte, and was informed that a content meeting was taking place in her office in two minutes.


"We are aware of Supergirl's latest screw-ups and also about our wonderful neighbourhood speedster."

"Yes, National City's superhero and wonder maker."

In her office, Cat told everyone that she assumed they were all aware of Supergirl's latest heroic failure and also Nathaniel's wonder to which a certain man commented on.

"That story was the lead story of Daily Planet's homepage. They already have a go-to superhero and yet they are trying to still mine. Now, when I branded Supergirl I didn't know she had ties with a wonderful treasure trove like our white ghost."

Cat informed everyone that it was the lead story on the Daily Planet homepage, their fifth in as many days, and it annoyed her because they already had a go-to superhero and they were trying to steal hers. Continuing on, Grant made it known that when she branded Supergirl, she did know that she had a connection with Nathaniel.

"I want an interview. I want every single one of you to get me a chance to have an interview with this hero and I want it by the end of the week or else."

"What's so funny, Kar'rah?"

"It's nothing, Ms Grant. Just remember a kitten video I saw last night."

Cat then announced that she wanted an interview with Nathaniel. Hearing this, Kara snickered and Grant asked her why she did that to which Kara told her it was because of a kitten video that she had seen last night.

"James, perhaps your friend in blue can be of help here."

"I'm afraid that isn't how it works, Ms Grant."

"Well then, dismiss and I want that interview by the end of the week."

Cat then asked James whether or not he could ask Superman to arrange an interview with Supergirl and then Nathaniel through Supergirl the next time they hung out, though James told her that wasn't the way things worked. Finishing, Cat looked at James for a few seconds and told the attendees of the meeting to dismiss with her reminding them about the exclusive interview with Nathaniel by the end of the week.

"Hey... Kara, wait up."


After being dismissed by Cat, Kara was on her way heading to her table when she heard him calling her to which she turned around with a curious look on her face as to what he wanted to talk about with her. Jame then signaled her for them to meet on the roof to which she nodded and went back to her desk.



"And done."

While Kara was thinking about how to get an exclusive interview with Nathaniel, the person in question was on the other hand cleaning his room and arranging everything in a perfect other.

Nathaniel is doing this because he is ready to return back to his earth as he has spent quite a lot of time here and he doesn't even know how the time difference between two Earths works so he plans on going back and checking it out and maybe visit back here when he gets time.

Anyway, Nathaniel took the hoodie that he had on the couch after he was done with cleaning and left the house.


https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.