
The flaming crown

The truth of who you are is finally revealed with everything and everyone pointing at you as the next in line

soniaolise9 · 都市
13 Chs

stuck on you

How's your hand" he said while grinning at me.

"It was all you, why? I asked striving to get replies from him.

Then he said to me, " the crown is mine stay away from it, I wouldn't hesitate to take you down the next time I see you close ".

"That burn was just an indication of what I would do next time be warned" .those were his last words to me as  I woke up  gasping out of the air,

Meanwhile, Julia was deep in her sleep not realizing what transpired and the attempt of her knowing anything failed.

Next time morning, Julia woke up and saw me sited gazing outside. She inquired the reason why but I couldn't answer her, as I didn't sleep throughout the night. l missed my step trying to get up, so I can sleep a while.  she became worried, seeing my behavior towards her.

Hurriedly Julia left to call mom, while I laid on the bed helpless and weak without mumbling a word.

Julia slammed on the door while mom rushed to open it.

She stuttered trying to clarify what was going on, but all she could alter was my name.

What happened" mom shouted at her, trying to comprehend what was going on.

She couldn't wait anymore as she ran so fast in my room and saw me on the bed.

"Julia my dear" mom called out to me, attempting to get me to respond to her but all to no avail. Then  She touched me on my forehead and noticed I was running a temperature,

" Get me a bowl of warm water," she told Julia as she rushed out to the kitchen to get it.

A few seconds later, she brought the bowl and placed it on a stool that was near mom.

Mom socked the towel into the bowl, squeeze out the water from it, and carefully placed it on my forehead. I kept breathing so fast, recalling every piece of what occurred last night and the more I thought of it, the hotter my head becomes.

Mom became so worried about me, as she rushed out to call the doctor, leaving Julia alone with me.