
The flaming crown

The truth of who you are is finally revealed with everything and everyone pointing at you as the next in line

soniaolise9 · 都市
13 Chs

my fears

The next morning, I got up rather early, getting ready to take some of our farm produce to the market to sell, noticing mom was still sleeping, I decided to give her a day rest.

I cultivated all our produce, put them, into the carriage, and went off to the market. Hours went by and not even a single customer came, as all passed without even taking a glance at it.

Augh!!! I became fed up seeing I haven't sold a single fruit. When an elderly man walked up to me, grabbing an apple, from the basket.

"That will be $2 " I mumbled to the man, as he reached on his pouch and handed me the money, with a smile on his face. That was when I noticed, the blue germ he had on, glaring hard at it.

This is a moon gem" the old man said to me".

"It conveys your hidden fears, by channeling your powers to the germ", he also explained, giving it to me.

I held it tightly, with my eyes closed, trying to do exactly what the old man said.

Free your mind", empty your thoughts". He said, softly whispering to me.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes", doing exactly what he said.

I shut my eyes allowing the world fade, away, and abruptly, I saw myself back at home, with a man, holding a knife at mom, attempting all I could to stop him but all effort lost, Seeing her die in front of me.

Hrrnnggh!!, I altered fearfully letting go of the gem.

" learn to control your fears, as it may be your weakness," the man said to me, paying for the apple he collected and left.

It was late as I packed up the remaining fruit and headed home.

On reaching there, mom had already prepared dinner, as she served me,

Thus after dinner, I went to the room, without changing my clothes, dozing off in the bed.

Ahhh" I heard the outcry of mom, Hurriedly I rushed off to her room and saw the same man, holding a knife to her neck, jerking his head at me.

S,s,s, stop please", I begged the man as he held mom with a knife around her neck.

But again, he didn't heed to my pleadings and I saw her die in front of me again.

Noo" I cried out closing my eyes tight when I heard a voice behind me.

" your fear is the quickest way to kill you, Princess".

"Hrrnnggh, I woke up gasping for air, as I ran to mom's room and saw her fast asleep, gradually shutting the door.