
Chapter 1 Birth Of The First Princess

The storm grew louder as the crispy cold winds hits the windows of the Lotus Palace. Screams of pain hardly heard as the storm roared. His Majesty, Emperor Wu Fu Pei paced back and forth in front of The Empress's bed chambers. His dark black hair messy from the wind and his pace increasing in speed.

" What's taking so long?" His majesty roar with anger and fear. All the servants knees to the floor.

" You're majesty, don't worry. The Empress will be fine." Eunch Li reply, keeping his head so low that he could kiss the ground.

Meanwhile inside The Empress's bed chamber, The Empress of the Wu Empire, Yue Hua, panted with pain and agony.

" You're almost there your Highness. Just one more push! Push harder!" Gu MoMo directed. The Empress braced herself and pushed with all her might. Her sweat dripping down her forehead. Soon after all you could hear was the faint sound of a baby's cry against the howling wind.

The Emperor barged in so fast that the doors made a loud clank as it hit the walls behind him. He ran to his Empress's bedside and sat down beside her. His face full of love and concern, his deep dark eyes gaze at his beautiful Empress.

" Hua'er, you've done well. Thank you so much." He said as he bent over and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

" Congratulations to The Emperor. Congratulations to the Empress. You have a beautiful Baby Princess." Gu MoMo announced while still kneeling with a baby in her arms wrapped in a silk cloth with golden threads. Emperor Wu Fu Pei reach over and held the baby in his arms as Gu MoMo kneed back down after handing the Princess to the Emperor.

"Congratulations His Majesty. Congratulations Her Highness." All the servants exclaimed. Emperor Fu Pei beamed with happiness as he held the baby princess close in his arms show her to his Empress.

" Look Hua'er, a beautiful princess just like you. I could not be happier." Emperor Fu Pei said, as he looked at the baby princess. His eyes filled with love he kiss the baby princess on the forehead. She had become the most precious treasure he had ever received. The Empress took a deep breath and smiled. Before replying to her husband, The Emperor.

" You're Majesty, I'm so sorry, I did not birth you a dragon. I have let you down." Empress Yue Hua whispered weakly back, as small tears welled in her eyes. She knew just how badly he wanted and needed an heir. If only she would have been born a boy. It would have solve all the Emperor's worries. She loves the Emperor Fu Pei so much and it hurts her to not be able to give what he want and needed. Fu Pei saw the tears that welled his Empress eyes.

" A Phoenix is just a great a blessing. she will be call Kai Shi, let her be that start of a new bliss. She will be a blessing to the Great Wu Empire. She will be titled The First Princess of Wu Empire, let my Decree be heard." He looked at his wife and smiled and she smiled back.

"Now rest my dear. Gu MoMo will take care of the Princess. Don't worry." He reassured his wife. Empress Yue Hua drifted slowly to sleep.

Meanwhile at Jade palace, Imperial Concubine Si got word from her spy.

" Highness, The Empress birthed a Phoenix, not a Dragon." The news of this made her face light up with joy, she hasn't lost her chance. She shall birth the first prince and then claim the position of Empress for herself. Imperial Concubine married into the place 3 years after the Empress was crowned. Concubine Si unlike the Empress Yue Hua's angelic like beauty, Imperial Concubine Si was a sultry seductive beautiful. Her father was none other then Prime Minister Si, who held a strong position in the royal court. He was a just and fair man. Many people love and honor his talents. earlier that year while dining and drinking with the Prime Minister. Concubine Si was planing to seduce his Majesty the Emperor while he was drunken with alchohol.

-One year ago-

" I believe that would work." Prime Minister Si replied to the Emperor. While they were talking about the plans for the flooding that had occurred during the wet season, causing lots of citizens to be out of home and food. Prime Minister Si, oldest son Si Long making plan to send provisions and many helpers to rebuild. Si Ling, Concubine Si's real name before being married to the Emperor. She knocked on the door of her father's Study.

" Come in." Prime Minister Si answer will still looking the the map of the flooded territories in front of him. Si Ling walked in she was wear a purple gown embroidered with silver and red peonies, with a v-neck cut so low, that you could she her collar bones and even he cleavage was openly exposed. She knew she was voluminous and knew exactly how to enhance herself that made her appear more sultry and seductive. she wore a golden necklace that hung low into her cleavage, with golden pins in her hair.

" Father, Ge, Your Majesty. Dinner is ready." She announced bowing low enough that you could see her cleavage even more. The men in the study continue on with their discussions.

" Yes, We'll be there shorty." Prime Minister Si replied.

The Emperor looked up and saw how she looked, his face flustered red. He looked back down quickly to continue focusing at the task in from of him. A smile creeped on Si Ling's face, she had noticed how flustered the Emperor was. Her plan was in the works. Slowly she retreated from the room back to her quarters until dinner time.

Prime Minister Si still looking down an making adjustments, while Si Long writing the rest of the plan. They finally put their brush down.

" You're Majesty, let us eat and drink in celebration of our success." He smiled and lead the Emperor out of her study. Emperor Fu Pei's face had now returned to his normal color, followed the Prime Minister's lead. In the Dining Hall of Si Mansion, they sat at a round table with Emperor Fu Pei sat in the center, to his right was Prime Minister Si, Si Long on the left, next to the Prime Minister was his wife Mei Lin, unlike Si Ling her mother was sultry but elegant and posed, she wore a rose colored silk gown with golden threads weaved in the pattern of roses. Next to her was Prime minister Si's 2nd madam Sua wearing a light purple gown with light purple and silver threads. Si Ling taking a seat directly across from his Majesty and next to her, sat her half brother Si Yu who is 12 years old. The servants served dinner and wine.

" You're Majesty this wine is the finest wine from Qing Providence. It called Drunken Jade, known for its crystal clear taste and strong aroma. But be careful because it is very strong." Prime Minister Si said pouring the wine. Si Ling had bought the wine for her father a months ago knowing that the Emperor would becoming this month to visit and meet her father. She has heard of the Emperor's love for wine. Drunken Jade maybe crystal clear in taste and strong in aroma but not just that. It was strong enough to make even her father and brother who drank wine regularly and could hold alchohol, drunk. The more you drink it the more you become addicted to it, and you won't stop until the jug is done, knowing so she bought multiple jugs of it. Her father and brother loved this wine because it was the one of the few wine that would make them drunk and it suited their taste. The Emperor laughed at Prime Minister Si's warning, he had drunk lots of wine is his 20 years of life never once had he been drunk, He had tried lots of fine wine before. He was excited to try new wine. The men toast their cups and gulped it down all at once. The wine went down the Emperor throat, its sharp crisp flavor made his tongue tingle. The Emperor smiled.

" Good wine!" He said excitedly.

As the continue their dinner. Si Long poured the wine refilling the cups.

" Toast to you, Your Majesty. I wish you great health and many, many sons and daughters." The gulped down his cup. The Emperor gulp down his cup as well. He was in a great mood, the Empress was finally pregnant. They've been married for 3 years and now finally they we're going to have an heir. Emperor Fu Pei pick up the wine jug and refilled the cups. As dinner went on, Si Ling instructed the servants to keep refill the wine, she told the, it would be bad manner the service The Emperor with empty cups. As they ate, toasted, and drank more and more they become more drunk.

" Let us drink til we're drunk." The Emperor announced. He was merry, nothing could go wrong.

"Yes, let us." Prime Minister Si agreed holding his cup for a toast.

The men drank and drank even after dinner was finished, and the servants had cleared away the food. 1st Madam Mei Lin and 2nd Madam Sua, Si Ling and her younger brother Si Yu had left the dining hall living the men to drink as they wished. They drank happily and chatted. Prime Minister Si and Si Long congratulated the Emperor over and over again. They drank until late into the night, until they could barely walk.

When 1st Madam Mei Lin returned back to the dining hall with her daughter Si Ling and a couple of servants. Seeing them so drunk, she decided to call it a night for the men.

" Xiao Po, take your young master to rest." she directed.

" Yes, Madam" Replied Xiao Po, who is the young master Si Long's most trusted aide, held his master up and took him to his bed chamber. Madam Si sighed, thinking, could they say no to the Emperor drinks? Her old husband must think he is still young. She shook her heads and sighed again.

" Steward Gong, come help the Master to bed." Steward Gong had worked for their family for years. He came over the help his master up. Prime Ministers Si still mumbling to pour more wine.

" His Majesty, it is late now you should just stay here the night." Suggested 1st Madam Mei Lin.

Eunch Li nodded in agreement see how drunk the Emperor had became.

Si Ling found her chance, a small smirk glimmered on her face, the Emperor will bestow favor upon her tonight. She walked over to her mother.

" Mother it is late, you should take a rest too. Your daughter can handle these matters. Xiao Pi prepare the best room for his Majesty. Zhu'er prepare a fine room for the honorable Enuch Li. Come help them to their rooms." Seeing her daughter take charge and control, Madam Si was proud to have raised such a filial and good child. She followed Steward Gong to take care of her old husband and rest.

" Where ever the emperor goes, I'll go too. It is my job to take care of the Emperor." Eunch Li insisted on taking care of his Majesty. But as sweet as she could, she looked at Eunch Li with false admiration.

" Eunch Li, do not worry, many Imperial soldiers are here. The mansion is fully guarded. Beside his Majesty is so fortunate to have you serving him. I've watched you serve him all day long you must be tired. A great man like you will need to rest to take care of his Majesty. If you are tried how will his Majesty function without you tomorrow." Hearing these words made Eunch Li proud and honored. he looked at all the people in the mansion, they were all his Majesty's people. He signed in relief, he hadn't had a night of rest since Fu Pei became Emperor.

" Very well, Miss Si Ling. Take good care of the Emperor. I will come early tomorrow to take care of him." Eunuch Li replied.

"Eunuch Li, don't worry, I will take excellent care of The Emperor." Si Ling replied as small smirk burst from Si Ling's lips and disappear just as quickly as it came.

"Zhu Zhu, lead Eunch Li to his room to have a good rest." Si Ling commanded.

" Yes, Miss. This way, please Honorable Enuch Li." Zhu Zhu said. She lead him to the east chambers. Zhu Zhu and Xiao Pi had worked for their Miss for 12 years, they knew how much her Miss loved and adored the Emperor, and how much she wanted to be the Empress. But when the Emperor married Yue Hua and crowned her Empress it broke her heart. When the Empress was not able to get pregnant for a year, she knew she still had a chance. But now the Empress was pregnant she knew she had to move fast to win the Emperor's favor. So when their Miss told them of her plan, Zhu Zhu was hesitant to go along with it, but her Miss's mind was set. Zhu Zhu lead Eunch Li to the big room at the far east of the Mansion where the most of the Si Family's bed chambers reside. While Xiao Pi and her Miss helped the Emperor to the far west of the Mansion. Down the corridor the biggest guest room the Si Family had, with a full bath house inside.

The entered the room and close the door, helping the emperor over to sit on a chair.

" Xiao Pi, light the incense. Make sure no one comes this way. Hurry." Si Ling commanded her quietly. Xiao Pi took out a small pack of incense out of her pocket and lit them in the incense burner. She hurried out the door and shut it right away. The incense that she lit was a custom made aphrodisiac, made just for men. A strong aphrodisiac that works quickly and effectively especially when alcohol is involved.

Inside the bed chamber Si Ling adjust her gown, lowering her purple gown finely embellished with silver and red peonies, exposing her bare shoulders and her the top of her breast that you could see almost see her nipples. she adjust her necklace and fix her hair to the side. The she waited for the aphrodisiac to wake up the Emperor.

After about 15 minutes Fu Pei awoke, still in a slightly drunk state his body burning, raging.

"What is going on with me, I feel so hot." Fu pei whispered, he felt something changing, something wrong with his body. He stood up trying to find his balance, sobbing. Si Ling ran to help him bed for he almost fell over.

"Emperor, how are you feeling? You've had alot to drink. Let this Miss help you." She said in her most sultry voice, pushing her body closer to him as the Fu pei relax his weight on the her. Fu pei still slightly drunk realized who she was.

" I'm doing fine, just a little hot. Thank you, Miss Si Ling, for helping me." Fu pei replied. Small beads of sweat started to form around his neck.

"Come, I will help you to rest." Si Ling replied as she lead him to the bed. Helping the emperor sit down on the bed. After sitting on the bed Fu Pei saw her exposed bare shoulders, her voluminous breast directly in his face. Suddenly his face flushed red and his body still burning his vision starting to clear. Si Ling took her hand and placed on his head.

" Oh my, Emperor you're burning up." Si Ling started thinking to herself did the aphrodisiac not work. The Emperor sat up on the bed. Si Ling walked over to the table across fro the bed to pour the emperor some tea, she took a small pouch of medicine from out of her sleeve and put it in the tea. The medicine should for sure work, the Emperor will bed her tonight. She mixed it quickly and offered it to the Emperor.

" Here, please drink some tea, it'll make you feel better."

"Thank you, Miss Si Ling." Fu pei chugged the tea he was so parched from all the wine he had drunk. Slowly he started feeling a hazy sensation. Si Ling positioned herself in front of the emperor. Fu Pei slowly looked at the sight in front of him. His vision blurring and clearing on and off. Si Ling gave him her most seductive look slowly moving closer to him. Fu Pei began to realize how she looked was beautiful, a sultry beauty by his bedside. Si Ling was now right in front of him. His body burning, and his thoughts began to cloud filling with thoughts for lust. What's going on with me, Fu Pei thought. His body seemed to be moving on pits own. He reach his arm out and pulled Si Ling towards him and kissed her.

"Emperor... Emperor... Emperor, I am a still a virgin lady, we should not do this." Si Ling moaned, as she pretended to pull away.

He pulled her closer wrapping his arms around her waist. This bad, he thought, I should stop. But he couldn't, his lips kiss her again and again. His body had a mind of its own. Stop body, Fu Pei's mind told himself again and again. Slowly his lips kiss her lips his tongue down her throat. His lips maneuvered down her neck kissing it, sucking it. Si Ling moaned as his wet lips touch her neck sucking and kissing she soon had faint pink marks on her neck. She felt his lips move down towards her chest. She moaned with pleasure. Si Ling was a virgin after all she never knew that a man's touch would feel like this. Fu Pei kissed his neck and then her chest as he pulled apart her dress. His hand caressing her breast as his lips sucking so tenderly on her nipples. Si Ling moan in delight and pleasure as she slowly pulled off her gown. Fu Pei mind began to blank. Si Ling moved her hands to pull off his robes, his muscular body, his jewel, he was bare in front of her. he was so handsome, she wanted to take her. She moved to laid on the bed, her voluminous body laid bare naked in front of him.

"I am willing to be your woman, Emperor. Come take me, do with me as you want." Si Ling moaned. Fu Pei move placing himself on top of her. His hand caressed her full breast as he kissed her lip harder. Slowly spreading her thighs as he push his body onto hers. Gently and slowly inserting his jewel in the her virgin flower. Si Ling bit her lip in pain as the Emperor took her.

"Emperor, I love you." She moaned. He thrust his body into hers, Her wet flower being deflowered by none other then the Emperor she loves. She moaned louder in pleasure. Fu Pei kiss her lips and caress her breast as he thrusts her. sucking her tender nipples. Si Ling felt a tingly sensation as her body weakened. Fu Pei took her over and over all night, until the burning feeling began to wear off and he drift off the sleep. Si Ling felt sore but good, she loved this man she was willing to so whatever that she need to get him.

The Next morning the news had spread that the Emperor had took favor with Miss Si Ling. When Fu Pei woke he remembered all that he had done to Si Ling. He thought to himself, this is my wrong I will bare the responsibility of her.

A few day later a royal decree arrived at Si Mansion. Fu Pei had announced that Si Ling is now the Imperial Concubine, be so status less could be given to the only daughter of Prime Minister Si. He had her stay Jade place the southern side of the palace opposite of the Empress. Concubine Si was now 7 weeks pregnant. Praying that the child she will birth will a boy.

-back to present-

At lotus Palace, the Emperor visited everyday since the Princess Kai Shi was born. Princess Kai Shi soon became the apple of his eyes. Kai Shi with her fair skin, any one could tell she would be a beauty. Fu Pei would hold Shi'er in his arm and cuddle her. He loved her so much.

The Empress was happy that Fu Pei loved Shi'er so much and all was well in the palace.

" Concubine Si has arrives." Eunch Li announced. The Empress was about to get up when Concubine Si entered.

" Concubine Si, greets the Emperor, the Empress. Jie, please, don't get up. Just rest." Concubine Si said as she walked over to the Empress's bedside.

" You too, Concubine Si. Please rest well, you are carrying the Emperor's child." The Empress reply with full concern. If Concubine Si can birth a dragon then the Emperor will be happy, she didn't think about the dangers to her position, as long as Fu Pei is happy, she would be too.

Concubine Si chatted with the Empress and said she brought over herbal soup for the Empress for speedy recovery, as they chatted she watch Fu Pei play and cuddle the Princess. She was green with envy. The soup that she gave the Empress, she's been giving for a whole year. Inside the soup was an undetectable posion that will kill the Empress slowly and make her pregnancy dangerous and increase the chance for miscarriages. But fortunately the Empress was healthy and the poison wasn't comsume long enough. The Empress took the soup as a gift from her sister. She loved Concubine Si and hoped only for her wellness. Little did she know about Concubine Si real intent.
