
The First Dream Ruler.

What would you do if you are reincarnated with OP powers and some very heavy tasks on your hands? You are reincarnated in a place where almost every world you go into will be from Mangas, Manhwas, Anime's, Comics, Games, etc. even the cartoons you used to watch and play as a child till now. Well, that is exactly what is happening in this story, just with some more spices with twist and turns. Though, be warned that our MC in not some goodie two shoes as he had known the evil of the world and done some evil in the world. Our MC is NOT going to be someone who goes around helping the protagonists of every world he goes to. He would plunder and steal their chances and might even kill them if need be. MC is cool, openminded, OP, Harem chasing, power seeking, and many other things, but he is neither a not a simp nor is he a coward. >CURRENT WORLD: High School of The Dead (Modified). >NEXT WORLD: Solo Leveling. ....................................... Hey guy's this is my first work and English is not my first language, so, there might be some mistakes in grammar. You can tell me about your view in the comments, and I will try to improve my work. ...................................... The cover photo is not mine it's taken from Pinterest, but if the owner has some problem with me using it, they can ask me to remove it on or mention their name on a DM. ...................................... https://discord.gg/m46f3zYZUq -> This is my discord server. I will keep you updated about next release of chapters there. ...................................... PLEASE LIKE AND DONATE POWER STONES.

Cosmic_Ceaser · その他
38 Chs

CHAPTER 8 – Power and Abilities 1.

Inside Fujimi High School in Saitama, a bus was accelerating towards the main gate while crushing the zombies that came in its way. The bus broke the gate and continued moving for some distance then stopped in front of a street that was 300-400m from the school gate. The gate of the bus opened and a handsome boy, with silver-white hair and shiny sky-blue eyes, came out followed by a boy and two girls. They are Haru, Toma, Naomi and Hana.

"Alright, take care. When you have found your parents you should come to the Central area, block 4, and find the biggest house or villa you can find, you will find us there. It is better to stay with a group at a time like this so we can protect each other. Oh, I almost forgot to say this," Haru paused which caused everyone even the people on the bus to focus on what he was going to say.

"Kill as many zombies as you can, you may not have noticed but we can increase our power by killing them. I can feel my power increasing little by little by little every time I kill a zombie. You can ask Saeko and Kohta as they would have also felt that." His words caused them to open their eyes wide in surprise then they quickly turned towards Saeko and Kohta for their opinion at which both nodded their head, as they really felt their strength increase little by little.

Even though the increase in strength is very little, it would still be noticeable when they are still in lower ranks.

"Thank you," x3. The three of them thanked him from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's alright, the three of you are good people, and even though only for a while, you were still under my wings, and I always care for my people." He said with a smile.

Just then wind blew, blowing his hair sideways showing his face that somehow looked more handsome. No one could look away from him for a while, as his body was emanating aura of power and confidence.

They only broke from their daze when he got on the bus. The girls quickly looked down hiding the blush on their faces and trying to calm their hearts, while the boys just shook their heads with a sigh thinking why the world was so unfair.

Haru again sat on the seat he was sitting in, and the bus started to move as everyone waved their hands towards Toma, Naomi and Hana.

(Haru POV)

As we started to move, I now focused on everyone's status starting with mine, as I didn't have time to check them and had only looked briefly.

[ Name: Haru.

Age: 17.

Race: Human.

Title: Candidate Dream Dimension Ruler.

Strength: C+; Agility: C+; Stamina: C+; Wisdom: C+; Essence/Mana: ∞; Luck: U; 

Charm: S+ => A (suppressed).

Potential: U.

System points: 1273

Shop <

Inventory <

Skills: -

(Innate)- Steal; Killing thought; Dream ruler body; Sane mind; Prime six eyes; Limitless; Inspect.

Martial arts prodigy (Active/Passive)- (U rank): You are a prodigy in martial arts, and you can learn most martial arts-related skills just by seeing them once. You can use body aura by using Mana to cover all of your body or some part of your body according to your will, which can raise your defences higher. Your every martial arts skill will merge with this skill, except for some special skills.

Sword & Blade prodigy (Active/Passive)- (U rank): You are a sword and blade prodigy and can learn most sword/blade-related skills just by seeing them once. You can use a sword and blade aura by using mana and it can be used to cut anything. Your every sword/blade skill will merge with this skill, except some special skills.

Tutor expert (Active)- (U rank): You have increased the strength of many people by training them, so this skill allows users to increase the strength of the people you have taught. This skill is activated when you are teaching.

Elemental comprehension (Active)- (U rank): You have special eyes that help you control any energy to the molecular level along with a limitless body. So, this ability helps you perceive any element by seeing it being used and awakening affinity for it. It also provides Elemental sight that lets you see a long distance and detailed view.

Long-range mastery (Active)- (S+ rank): This skill is activated when you hold any weapon that can be used in long range. This skill makes you have 100% accuracy in the range of the weapon, it also has a homing ability that can be used 1 time every 30 seconds. It also increases the speed of the attack by some degree.

Charisma (Active/Passive)- (A+ rank): You have great leadership qualities along with high charm, and it makes it easy for you to persuade someone. This skill gives you an aura of authority and charisma that makes people want to follow you. It can be used to fight against any other kind of persuasion or seduction skills. Your passive aura makes people feel calm and comfortable, which is much more effective for the opposite gender.

Cultist leader (Active/Passive)- (A+ rank): Lets the user persuade the people to do their bidding if they have even a little trust in the user, but those who don't trust or hate the user will start to have a more negative image if the user. Continuous use can turn people into frantic believers of the user.

Echolocation (Active)- (A rank): Allows you to produce very small sound waves that can be used to know the location, shape and size of the things in your surroundings. The range is 200m for now.



.. More <.]< p>

(Author note: There is this thing that I would like to clarify, even if Haru's killing thought can sense any killing intent towards him, that doesn't mean that he will kill every one of them. There might be some people who hate him for his looks, some hate him for his fame, etc. They are like harmless chickens who only think and never do anything, and he does not like needless killing. He can't read the thought of people releasing killing intent to know the reason behind the intent, so he will only be using this ability on those that he marks as an enemy.)

Let's start with my stats, almost every one of my stats is pretty balanced by the help of the zombies. I was able to increase them easily by extracting them from every zombie I see, but now the increase provided by F-rank zombies is very low, it might take 100- 200 more F-rank zombies just to go from C+ to B-.

I also know that it would not be a problem for me, as I have a feeling that in a day or two the number of E-rank zombies will increase dramatically. I can see it on the roadside even now zombies are eating each other to evolve. I had thought that maybe I could extract the zombie's unlimited stamina, but it looks like these zombies are different as they have limited stamina like normal people the only difference is that they have minor regeneration, and they don't feel any pain.

I could steal their minor regeneration, but it would come along with zombie genes and make me a zombie, I also don't need minor regeneration as my own regeneration is better than that. It would be cool if I could become a dragon, but I don't want to become a zombie.

[Haru, you can just sell the zombie's minor healing and Buy minor Dragonic regeneration by adding 1000 points in it, as it would also make you have a little of the Dragonic bloodline in your body. You can just sell any abilities that you don't like to the system, for points in return.]

Sisty said looking at my dilemma, and I was surprised as I had completely forgotten about the sell function of the shop. 'Thank you for reminding me, Sisty.'

I thanked her and thought of doing that later, as I have my own regeneration, and the points can be used when needed. Then I looked at the infinity sign in front of Mana while dancing happily in my mind. This was the result of a little experiment I was conducting, after the first 1.5 minutes of mana strengthening, I have been continuously stealing mana from the atmosphere circulating in my mana pool and then releasing it again.

I continued doing so even while using my abilities during the fighting, which means I didn't use my own mana but the mana from nature. Slowly my pool of mana started to merge with the atmospheric mana that was passing through my body, then finally I could directly use the Mana from nature. Now the Mana in my mana pool is infinite as it is directly linked with the atmospheric mana, so whenever I need to use mana, my body just takes mana from the surroundings and purifies it for me to use.

Then, there is my charm. I had suppressed it to A rank, as even as a child, whenever I smiled it caused people to be dazed and even middle-aged women to blush furiously. I didn't want to be raped by some women so I decreased my charm to a level where people would find me attractive but not to the level where they would even want to commit a crime. It might be just a difference of level A to S but both of them are on a completely different level, in terms of power as well as charm.

I will remove the suppression tonight before going to sleep, as I could feel that with an increase in power even my charm is increasing, so if someone asked how I became more handsome, I would say that it might have happened because of magic energy or mana.

Next, I looked at my abilities, at first, I was a little surprised by them, but thinking about my luck and my talent, I thought that it was only normal as even I didn't know how monstrous my talent was after getting Dream ruler's body. The innate abilities are the abilities I had even before coming into this world, so they cannot be ranked by this world system.

Elemental comprehension is an ability that is very helpful for me as I don't know much about elements even though I can control any kind of energy. Then, there was the Cultist leader which I had stolen from Koichi Shido, I kept thinking it would be good to train some people to become extremely loyal subordinates, but now I am thinking of selling it in the system shop.

I don't want people to become my puppets unless they are my enemies, and this skill is useless against enemies. There are many other minor abilities in the skill tab, for example: Body slam (B rank), Amphibian breathing (D- rank) Agility boost (C rank), Stamina boost (C rank), etc.

They are skills that are easily understandable just by looking at their name, so I didn't look at them and only looked at the main skills.

Then I looked at Saeko's status.

[ Name: Saeko Busujima.

Age: 17.

Race: Human.

Strength: E+; Agility: D-; Stamina: E; Wisdom: E; Essence/Mana: D+; Luck: A+; Charm: A+;

Potential: U.


Null sword (Active)- (U rank): As a sword genius you have mastery over the sword, and this ability allows you to coat a sword or any item that can be used as a replacement for a sword with Null energy, that can cut anything and everything, even magic itself if provided enough mana. This ability can be further developed according to users' mastery of the sword. This ability also awakened Null affinity in you.

Frenzy (Active)- (S- rank): The user has a sadistic side that likes fighting and defeating their enemy mercilessly. This skill grants you an ability so you can enjoy the fights more, as the user continues fighting it fills a gauge with energy inside the user's body, that can be used to increase every aspect of the user's power, for 30 seconds and has a cooldown of 2 minutes.

Calm mind (Passive)- (B rank): This ability helps the user keep their mind calm in drastic situations, the better the rank of the skill the better the effects.

Accuracy (Active)- (C rank); Agility boost (Active)- (D rank); Strength boost (Active)- (E+ rank);]

I should say I expected this, after all, she was shown as a strong character along with being a main character of the series of course she will have an OP power. If my guess is correct, then the Null sword will be the strongest ability in this world if we don't take me into the equation.

Null is where there is nothing or where everything becomes nothing, so it would not be impossible for someone with a null affinity to outright erase a whole planet. Frenzy is also a strong ability, but it is eclipsed by Null Sword.

Now that I have checked her status let's move to others as I have a feeling that I would get some surprises.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Cosmic_Ceasercreators' thoughts