
Galegold's Fall

Dumbledore appeared two minutes later in the hallway in front of the door and surveyed the area. The alert spells he put in advance seemed to have malfunctioned for a moment before flowing smoothly again, perhaps he was just getting too old, but what was here was too important and it was better to be safe.

He walked over to the mirror and touched it with the palm of his hand, feeling if the stone was still there. He only breathed easy once he confirmed that he had not left.

"A false alarm...

It seems that the nerves were playing a trick on him. After failing his chess game with Tom using the token known as Hermione, Snape informed him that the situation had all but been revealed by the strange boy, Soisen, Galegold's heir.

After what happened during the House Ceremony, he used his contacts to investigate the Galegold family and found very little. Someone or several people had worked very hard to erase the information of that family from the books for centuries, but there were still traces and some memories that his friend Flamel remembered from his youth came to the fore when he mentioned the last name.

The Galegold family was founded by their ancestor, Siramon Galegold, even before the Sacred Twenty-Eight were established, a renowned family that had only two passions: magic research and trade, whose profits they invested in their security and research.

It is said that twenty percent of the magic known in the entire wizarding world eighteen hundred years ago came from that family, which was ahead of any other family by two hundred years!

They also had a keen eye for trade, making trades that were lucrative and fair for all, but they did not tolerate deception or swindling. He even discovered that there was a saying:

If you value your life, never break a deal with a Galegold!

But such an outstanding family would naturally arouse envy, despair, jealousy, and greed. Due to a vast conspiracy at some confusing point in wizarding history, over ninety percent of its members died, leaving only a few survivors behind.

What no one expected is that the family, cornered and desperate, went to extreme measures and used their deaths, accumulated knowledge, and almost all the wealth as a huge sacrificial ritual to cast a single magic!

He made all the magical beasts in the world tremble before they fainted from shock!

It is said that after successfully casting the magic, even the heavens shed tears of blood for seven days and seven nights!

Just thinking about the amount of magic required for such a phenomenon to be unleashed… made goosebumps rise on his skin and his hands shake.

Scariest of all? No one knew what magic they cast!

Their enemies ran out of loot to claim, the main reason for their movement, and they felt lost. Dealing with the Galegolds only resulted in massive losses….

Time passed and the Galegold family tried to recover, but they encountered constant obstacles and their numbers dwindled further. The time came when it was believed that the lineage died with Cyrah Galegold and they disappeared into the river of time.

And then Soisen appeared, almost a thousand years later, the last seed of the lineage.

Establishing a new House at Hogwarts, gaining ownership of the castle at the age of majority and who knows what else he had in his possession or right…

By the lemon drops, even his authority over the house elves in the castle was superior to that of the headmaster!

And now he had to figure out how to go through with his plan with Harry without him messing it up.

"I'm too old for this shit…" she muttered to herself as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

He was just an old man who wanted to fix some of the mistakes he made in the past before he died.

For the greater good!

…Two months later…

"Hagrid?" Soisen was surprised to find the half-giant in the library. Only after seeing the books did she remember what the reason could be.

How to identify a dragon egg? By Balthazar Vicks

How to feed and care for a baby dragon. By Fan Kierton

"Soisen!" Hagrid hid the books in his mole clothes in surprise. "He just found some stories to read to Fang." You know, so that she sleeps better. He's been having insomnia for a few days and I thought it would be a good idea.

—I see —Soisen smiled and didn't give it away— Although I don't know what stories Fang likes, I don't recommend those. I have read them and while they are informative, they are not soporific, so perhaps you should look for others.

-Really? Hagrid didn't expect to find someone knowledgeable on the subject. "If I described an egg to you, would you be able to identify it?"

-You do not believe me? Sure, he accepted the challenge.

…After a rather clumsy explanation from Hagrid…

"It's a Norwegian Ridgeback egg, no doubt about it.

"A Norwegian ridgeback, of course..." Hagrid searched the book to check and nodded thoughtfully.

"You should feed him a mixture of chicken blood and firewhisky when he hatches," Soisen added. "How long before that, by the way?"

"She still has a couple of days left, from what I just read, she has to absorb more heat," Hagrid replied as he wrote down the food suggestion and suddenly froze. "I shouldn't have said that..."

"Come on, Hagrid, were you really going to hide such an incredible event as the hatching of a dragon egg from me?" Soisen pretended to look downcast and betrayed.

"It's just that I…" Hagrid hesitated and felt a little guilty.

Soisen was one of the few people who came to visit his cabin apart from the teachers and the principal, but having a dragon was a touchy thing to begin with and even he knew better than to openly brag about it.
