
The Few Followers of Naia

Two loving Goddesses once gave life to the people of Greater Eldstone where the groups of followers lived in peace for centuries. Only for one man to change all and pin the assassination of the King on the followers of Naia.

Tsuragi0 · ファンタジー
8 Chs


The afternoon sun casted a soft orange glow through my office window. My desk was covered in papers from the temple requesting aid I was unable to give both due to a lack of manpower and a lack of rewards back. As greedy as it is that's how the world works and we can't risk losing what little power we have in return for a few silver coins. As I picked my quill back up and began to write my response back to Lizbeth my door was thrown open. An officer breathing in ragged breaths stood in the door frame.

"What's wrong?" I said rising from my seat as I grabbed my sabre that was resting on the side.

" We got word of a suspicious hybrid of a large build dragging a small boy through the field." He responded as he stood to attention. Quickly I attached my sabre to my belt and grabbed my long captain's coat as we briskly moved towards the gates of the town.

The mysterious man was certainly a fast walker as by the time we got to the gate he standing there hands up in surrender standing in front of who I was told was a small boy but in fact, just a short and young man and I think my officers and regular men are just freakishly tall.

" State your name and business here," I said holding my head high. Even if I was massively shorter than this hybrid I would not stand down.

" I'm Cal, no last name just Cal. We're travelling, we wanted to leave town and see the world." He said hiding under a massive dirty green cloak. I could barely make out his tanned hand that he had to block us from his companion. No last name meaning he's not a noble...

" And who's that behind you? We will also ask you to drop your bags for a search."

The man who introduced himself as Cal slowly removed his bag and tossed it towards the guards before turning his back to us and assisting his companion to remove theirs.

" This is my close friend Tanen, we both left a small town in the south, it was a fishing village." He explained as he finally brought down the hood of his cloak revealing his face. Long shaggy blond hair spilled from the hood and I could see his slender face and sharp umber eyes. He quickly tied his hair up leaving the fringe to frame his face and revealing...scales? Dark brown scales climbed up the back of his next and sculpted the under part of his jaw and eyes giving him a dangerous look the rest of the scales disappeared under his shirt so who knows how covered he was.

" You're a hybrid?"

" I am, a lizard I think." He replied fidgeting with the bottom that kept his cloak over his broad shoulders.

No way this man was a simple lizard, he's much too muscular and tall. He could be an outlier but the chances are slim as he shows too many traits of an extinct breed.

" Hmm, well nothing suspicious was found on your persons nor in your bags, you're free to wander the town and the inn is next to the knight's hall in the town plaza," I explained as I was being passed one of their bags, but the second it reached my hands the weight caused me to stumble. What was in this bag for it to way more than a person? Cal just simply came closer and plucked it from the ground like a feather and placed it back over his shoulder giving a light smile.

"I take it you're a hybrid as well or is the horn just a fashion statement for the rich?" He asked standing nearly chest to chest.

" Clearly I forgot to introduce myself. I am Vayle Formane and I am the knights leading officer and sorceress, coming from a long line of unicorn hybrids. I am in charge of this town and if you cause mischief you will answer to my sword." He stood for a second before grabbing his silent companion and heading into town. I was far from trusting those two.

" Someone contact Klaus and get him to set a tail on those two till we are sure they are harmless to the people."

" Yes ma'am!"

As I walked down the streets my red hair caught the wind, it was peaceful and I will keep it this way even if it costs my life. My father didn't sacrifice himself for this town to fail and fall into obscurity.

Father this is all for you.