
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · ファンタジー
55 Chs

To war?

Wen Jin enter a close door cultivation the next day after the wedding, after two month of full cultivation he immediately breakthrough to level 8, the Rui shi was changing their color starting to have golden sparkle.

"They are close to being a deity!" Goldy.

"I want to press on!" Wen Jin press on the cultivation.

Almost six month later did he breakthrough to level 9 but the energy he condensed in the top room was lack of everything he felt the pain he was having when trapped under the pagoda!

"Heaven tribulation!" Goldy told him.

"What the heck!" Wen Jin surprised.

"Yes! You need that to break into the master tier spiritualist, it was the same as a spirit beast who wanted to be a deity! That was the rules!" Goldy.

"Any other way?" Wen Jin.

"Nope! And you need understanding!" Goldy.

"What do you mean, enlighten me please brother Goldy!" Wen Jin.

"Understanding the connection between the celestial realm and the earth realm would help you regain the first lower secret of the heavenly realm! I can not explain it to you, everyone have different understanding!" Goldy.

"So no need for me to condensed energy?" Wen Jin.

"Nope! You have reach your healthy earthly limit!" Goldy.

"Alright i would be traveling then!" Wen Jin.

The Rui Shi was almost golden in color, their aura became almost the same as the three generals! There are no improvement on their skills, Goldy told me that perhaps the Rui Shi would learn new celestial skills when they passed the heaven tribulation!

Only sacred items like celestial soul piece or dragon pearls able to help to breakthrough, and the items has to be compatible with the nature of cultivation to be in effect!

The first thing he do when he got out was meeting Junlong! Junlong hugged him tight "I missed you!" Wen Jin

"Me too!" Junlong kissed him.

"So!?" Wen Jin.

"Not yet!" Junlong smiled with a red face.

"Ah! Just stay beside me then!" Wen Jin.

"You can hugged me!" Junlong face was red hot when she said it.

(It's better than nothing, Wen Jin was excited!) Wen Jin can not sleep through the night, so was Junlong they laying so close that the adrenaline was rushing in to make an all nighter insomnia experience!

It was the start of winter when Wen Jin start the close training, it is now the spring and the new year was near, the town manage to survived the winter without a hitch. The farmland than the Han Xin open, help both region to sustain food over the winter. Han Xin has a very good land to cultivate as a farmland mostly the land was a leveled grassland, some of it was a rocky hills and mountains, but no source of wood. Wen Jin land was a wild hunting ground for spirit beast and full of jungle only a small part was a rocky mountain area near a river. Farmland suitability was questioned on a short and long run. But luckily with the wood from the Wen and the food from the Han, both area survived the winter without a hitch.

That afternoon was slow when a messenger comes from Wen family, the elder notified all the wen family members that the area east of central plains was at war with the Liang.

"Dear nephew, recently we are dealing with many problems, the Liang was trying to get into the central plains forcefully! Their land spread evenly with our border to the east, separated only by natural barrier such as rocky hills, ravine and wide rivers! They are making a small colony across the wide river and forcing their way dominating the water filled area, they are very proficient in naval battle and very skillful, we need our best resources at hand to deal with them!"

Wen Su and Wen Ping was able to level up into the 6 level of cultivation, they want to participate on the war battle field. But Wen Jin stopped them, since the family was not informed about their proficiency in spiritual cultivation (Wen Jin has awaken them secretly). They keep insisting Wen Jin, then after a couple of hustling for information, they finally admit that their mother has sent them words of their father Wen Fai has been sent to lead the Wen forces to the battle field since Wen Fai was one of five master hall of combat training at the Wen family house.

"He is old, he would die! Please let us go!" Wen Su.

"Call the Cheng brothers!" Wen Jin.

Several minutes later Chengwu and Chengsan arrived, Wen Jin was writing a letter.

"Both of you, here is a letter prove of temporary appointment to control operational decisions, but for final decisions you will have to deal with my wife Junlong, these other letter is to asked Wen siang to come back here to control the ants!" Wen Jin handed each of them a letter.

Turning towards Wen Su and Wen Ping "if you should go, i will come with you! I am also an able man of the Wen family!" Wen Jin said, Wen Su and Wen Ping looked at each other then smiled in relieve.

"When do we leave?" Wen Su.

"Soon let me arrange who should guard the domain and who i should bring!" Wen Jin.

That night Wen Jin was arranging the domain management in preparation for his departure, suddenly Bixi head poke out from the white vortex "Master Wen, my grandfather Xuanwu asked for you, let me convey the coordinates, you can teleport there right now!" Bixi told him a summon from Xuanwu.

Wen Jin straighten his clothes, Bixi transmit the location of the Xuanwu temple, it was somewhere in a valley in Black ice mountain "Blip!"

He appeared in front of the Xuanwu, the black turtle was closing his eyes, Bixi jumped out from his celestial dimension space! "Greetings Xuanwu, you summon me?" Wen Jin cupped his hand and bowed his head.

"You made Canglong vomited blood!" Xuanwu.

"Yes i did, he was shameless!" Wen Jin.

"Hahahaha! He is right! That old bag of bones!" Xuanwu laughed.

"I am glad it amuses you!" Wen Jin smiling.

"I sure it wounded his high pride somewhere, but enough talk! I want to show you something!" Xuanwu cast a formation spell that became a reflective mirror, they a live streaming of event was shown!

"This is what happen on the north east border!" It seems many undead was coming in using some kind of portal.

"I need you to buy me time, i want to do patch work, well not only me! The leak was so big i need my whole clan to weave a runic formation! I can not spare anyone, and you Bixi a celestial you and Wen jin has to hold the fort!" Xuanwu.

"So many of them, only both of us? Even by using teleport and flash i'll be exhausted!" Wen Jin.

"I know, so i have to give you two this!" Two scrolls give out an orb of lights and floating into Wen Jin and Bixi fore head!

"Celestial art!" In a moment Wen Jin mind was filled with the image of a living earth, a being that can take down tree and hold a river!

Bixi's mind was filled with the image of living tree, an entity that was silently forgotten by the living thing but their primordial essence lives on!

"These celestial arts are 'earth puppet' and 'tree sentinels' it was a nature control arts that only can be used on earth level realm! A low celestial arts but you two can use it as an army to stop the undead! Their undead spell and poison can not harmed the being that you summon with the arts!" Xuanwu.

"This is a powerful arts why is it low level?" Wen Jin.

"The earth puppet need earth to work! You can not used it against other element, it's constricted that way! The tree sentinel need plants to work the same requirements! The complete scrolls was an middle level arts called the 'five element armies' what you have only two parts out of five, the arts was simply to powerful to be owned by one individuals!" Xuanwu.

"I see, thank you Xuanwu!" Wen jin bowed his head in gratitute.

"Now get along i will teleport you there!" Xuanwu.

Xuanwu cast a spell, the spell bound Wen Jin and Bixi "Blip!" They appeared not to far from dozens of vortex windows that was raining undead creature from the other side!

"Undead mountain!" Bixi see a glance of the vortex opening on the other sides.

Wen Jin raise his hand towards the ground condensing his level 9 cultivation energy he shout "Earth guardian!"

Bixi body is glowing towards the trees on that jungle he press his celestial energy and summoned the tree to fight for him "Tree sentinels!"

Dozens of earth golem started to rising from the ground, tree began to shake and their roots started to jumping out from the ground!

In unison they shout "charge!!"

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