
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Stepping Stone

"Here is the report my Lord" Old Fu handed the monthly report. In a month time the development of the village was very fast, other than housing the villagers begin to open land for farms and simple industrial factory like sawmills was build. The villager begin to have decent meals, but they have to pay rent for the Wen family, since they own the land.

"Old Fu, this is the tax collections?" Wen Jin reading the bookings.

"Yes my lord! Did the numbers not suitable your expectations, we are just beginning to developed.." Old Fu was worried.

Wen Jin read the sub total, one hundred and thirty eight thousand.

"Hmm do the villager got three times meal a day?" Wen Jin asked.

"Some can, some manage by two times" Old Fu.

"How many children are there in the village?" Wen Jin asked again.

"About twenty families had children, why do you asked my lord?" Old Fu.

"Tell me how many are from this little children that miraculously developed spiritual talent?" Wen Jin.

"Almost none my lord, we are of lowly bloodline not as noble as you and the other great families!" Old Fu.

"Please listed every family name on the village, how many surname they have!" Wen Jin.

"That is easy! Only three! Ye, Fa and Yu! My full name is Ye Fu!" Old Fu.

"Then from now on i call you Chief Ye Fu! A surname should be cherish, it is our heritage!" Wen Jin answer startle Old Fu.

"Please tell them to put their sur name under every Wen papers, of this village want to became well developed we need to set roots! And those tax tribute please do not enforced it to families with small children, they are exempt to pay tax!" Wen Jin.

Chief Ye Fu was stunned, never in his life he found a leader such as Wen Jin, who thinks and treats people with lowborn status like equals human being.

"On behalf of the family with small children i thank you my lord!" Chief Ye Fu.

"And children over the age of three not older than seven should be sent to my mansion to receive spiritual training if their body allowed them to, once a week!" Wen Jin.

"My lord, this is lowborn we are talking not a noble born such as you!" Chief Ye Fu.

"Find them! Sent to me! I handle the rest!" Wen Jin.

Wen Jin realize that his sister body was still in it's prime to learn, older than seven was the limit of such critical time to have maximal development to be a spiritual cultivator, older people could be awaken but their energy capacity base was already set at the limit, Wen Jin was an exceptions since his veins was clogged by so many herbs that compressed energy!

By the next day 6 children was sent to the mansion, three of the Ye, two of them Fa and one of them Yu. Wen Jin examine them only three have minimal aptitude to be awaken, the journey of the three family start today!

One of each surname Ye, Yu and Fa.

Hongfa would take the Ye family as his student.

Tiangou would take the Yu family as his student.

Jingwei would take the Fa family as her student.

"Sahuang!" The assassin bodyguard approach Wen Jin from the shadows.

"You would teach the three of this children the art of camouflage!" Wen Jin.

"As you wish master!" Sahuang was gone.

Now since the welfare of the people was taken care of, it's time to visit the black turtle!

The journey to the black ice mountain was dangerous, that is why the Azure dragon lend Wen Jin the flying pagoda, actually by subjugating the shrieking willows forest Wen Jin has already start his main quest, it was all fates, the Wen family could given him to work on another land but no, it has to be coincidentally this one, what was the odds?

That night when Wen Jin went to sleep, the black turtle visit his dream.

"Wen Jin, you has done a great job to cleanse the land from the evil demon and now undead legions, i do not know how much that the old dragon has told you about the secret of the heaven descent continent, but don't be to hasty about the mission to cleanse the north, your preparations has not meets the requirements of the many obstacles you will face!" Xuanwu.

"Xuanwu, the Canglong begs of your forgiveness!" Wen Jin immediately goes for the kill on this one!

"Aren't you a smart one, taking every advantage to your liking, very well explain what were you said!" Xuanwu.

"This is about his sons having an affair with your daughter, and a son has born out of that inappropriate relationship, it was a slap in the face for Canglong but he never dare to openly talk about this matters to you!" Wen Jin explained.

"Hahaha! That cowards azure dragon, i have been waiting for him to bait me on this topic for eight hundred years, he haven't find the courage to tell it to my face!" Xuanwu.

"You knew?" Wen Jin.

"What do you think i am senile? I am a celestial being, of course i know! Am i mad? Of course i am! But i knew the love that the prince had for my daughter is real, but to a dragon having to married a turtle, huh!?" Xuanwu sighed.

"What about your grandson Bixi?" Wen Jin.

"I heard he is with you now!" Xuanwu.

"Yes he is!" Wen Jin.

"Call for him!" Xuanwu.

"What!? In a dream? Can i?" Wen Jin.

"This is not a dream, it's a higher consciousnesses realm, you can call to his consciousnesses to join this realm!" Xuanwu.

A new consciousnesses floating and combined in a link, Bixi was there!

"Where am i?" Bixi.

"Bixi!" Xuanwu.

"Oh my! Grandfather! Am i dead?" Bixi.

"Nonsense! Then i am dead too!?" Xuanwu.

"That is not what i meant!" Bixi.

"Stupid! Why don't you visit this grand father of yours when you run away from east sea dragon island? This matter would be over five hundred years ago!" Xuanwu.

"!" Bixi was lost for words.

"Wen Jin, thank you for taking care of him, consider my business over my daughter have been settled, i give my blessings to Bixi's mother! Tell her to come home once in a while!" Xuanwu.

"I will Xuanwu" Wen Jin cupped his hand.

"You too Bixi, my grandson! The cold north is also your home! Take this gift as your legacy from me!" Xuanwu sent something private through the consciousnesses link, it was something powerful.

The link ended, and Wen Jin open his eyes!

"Bixi what did the Xuanwu give you?" Wen Jin asked Bixi through his contract.

"He gave me a spiritual turtle totem, i am complete! I am a full celestial within the lowest rank!" Bixi laughing!

"What how? Please explain!" Wen Jin.

"You know to be a celestial being, blood has half the birthright of a celestial, the other half was the soul, my grandfather Xuanwu just give me a piece of his soul to made me a celestial!" Bixi.

"Hmm, there is something about this that does not seems to click!" Wen Jin.

"I know, let me say it to you! You are a human having me a celestial as a partner!" Bixi.

"Yes! That is one but the soul, that made you a turtle rather then a dragon right!" Wen Jin.

"!" Bixi.

"Now i know the true meaning of this mission! Canglong that sneaky dragon!" Wen Jin.

"For once, i am speechless again, even when you are a human you could think something better than me! I am entrusting my self in your hand brother Jin!" Bixi disconnected the link.

"Sui ling!" Wen Jin called the water dragon.

That night Wen Jin, Goldy, Sui Lang and Sui Ling made an arrangement to delegate responsibility!

Wen Jin began to extensively trains his three family members they should reach level 5 or 6 for ideal cultivation to runs the branch domain! Sahuang would be asked to protect either Wen Siang, Wen Su or Wen Ping as one of them would be the acting family head.

Water God recently has been training a quarter deity beast that he take as a student in his pond, he name it Xiao Lang! It was a diamond shell crab, it was so shiny Wen Jin decided to call it little lamp!

The Gold dragon has been in close door training, his body size is gaining some heights, Goldy body is becoming more and more like a juvenile dragon.

Sui Ling began to delegate ans trained some of his high level dragonewt subordinate to safe guard the mansion!

The four of the original quest bearer would make some inquiry regarding the quest and this weird side quest that was out of the context of reasonable!

Wen Jin was a bit pissed toward Canglong because of four words "i have been used!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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