
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Raising The Flag

"For whatever it worth! I was not making this an excuse! I would handle things down and clean this up when you failed! Or better you all just relax here and give me a chance to engage in the battle field!" Wen Jin.

"What!? You and what army?" One of the other senior hall master cynically grinning towards him!

"Alright it's a deal! If we won you would be discarded from the family, but you would handle this matter if we would lost, please press on the word would on the paper!" The eldest senior hall master replied.

"Wait! Please note my demand if i won too!" Wen Jin replies.

"Outrageous!" Several senior shook their heads!

"Who's bloodline did you belongs!" One of the slammed the table!

"MINE!" Suddenly Wen Xiong slammed the table!

There is silent on the room, two other elder shook their head.

"You saying about taking no lost, what if it does! Saying about things like responsibilities, you start the war, but responsibilities always favors the old ones namely the three elders here! Or do you think the three of us are senile old fools! Now made those paper if your dare! The Young generations even more bolder than you! You put down only words in your justified actions but the young lords dare to speak terms of winning rewards! Sign or resign! As easy as that! You! Wen Jin! Speak of your terms and get it over with! I hate debates! Action speaks louder than words!" Wen Xiong.

"This! But elder! This cowards is causing a fuss! It is inappropriate! Aiyaaaa!" The eldest senior hall master then sit in silence.

"Speak! Then Wen Jin! Otherwise this three old senile old fools would gain an added "cowards' in our title name!" Wen Xiong.

A shock was on their faces, they are discussing the words cowards as Wen Jin ruse of suppressing their war intentions, not because insinuating that the ideas of negotiating with the Liang's was a cowards act!

"Dear Elders, Seniors hall master, Juniors hall master and fellow lords! To successfully suppressing any of the Liang's intentions to retaliate and prolonged war i would like to asked the land northeast of the central plains!" Wen Jin.

The land northeast was a rocky barren land, there are nothing can grow there the climate was cold as it was directly connected with the black ice rocky mountain foot. The Wen family use the northern area forest as the second spirit beast hunting area for common hunter, the spirit beast at the north was used as meat and domestic labors!

"That's it?" The senior hall master widen their eyes.

"Let's get this over with!" Wen Xiong.

The Junior hall master then take out papers, ink stone and a brush. Writing the terms of agreements and listing all the participant, the elders act as a witness, but the other two branch family also sided with the elders, since they could not gain anything but asked to be joined into the battle field aiding with the senior and junior hall masters, but then again siding with Wen Jin was absurd!

After the signing they exit the main tent abruptly, the killing intent was very high!

Wen Xiong glance at Wen Jin before leaving the tent, Wen Jin nod in gratitude.

"Let's go! We need the best seat for the war, this is going to be our chance to dominate the north!" Wen Jin eyes was gleaming with excitement!

Three hours later the Wen was dominating the naval battle, the Liang was only defensively fending off the Wen, even with their mighty spirit beast the dragon type they rate refusing to head on in the water!

"This is weird, why are they so timid?" One of the senior hall master picks up the odd strategy the liang was implementing.

"They are afraid!" The other one replied.

"That is understandable, we out numbered them three to one!" A junior hall master support the senior hall master "they afraid" theory.

"I guess so, let us not overthink it! Charge!" The senior hall master sword was held high charging at the Liang's fighters.

"Oh no! They fell for it!" Jingwei sent a telepathic message to Wen Jin.

"Shit!" Wen Jin replied "Get ready guys! Our turns would be up soon!" Wen Jin told Wen Su, Wen ping, Sahuang, Hongfa and Tiangou.

The Wen fighters was chasing after the Liang's fighters, they are many that they could injured, but the injury was seems rather superficial. A man was watching all this with contempt in his face, he was Liang Fan! Right next to him was Liang elder Liang Guan.

"They took the bait!" Liang Guan.

"I told my man to give themselves away sometimes, to push their killing intent, the smell of blood always seems to do the trick, just like facing a spirit beast dragon shark!" Liang Fan smiled.

"When do we activate the trap?" Liang Guan eyes was gleaming with excitement.

"According to my plan, we should wait until the last of our clansmen away from the water!" Liang Fan.

"Ah! Yes safety first, zero casualties from our side!" Liang Guan.

Several minutes later all the Liang's fighter was on the shore while 70% of the Wen fighters was on the water!

"Father come out from the water now!" Wen Su shout at his father that was leading the chase!

"Get out of here! What is wrong?" Wen Fai.

"Mother is gravely ill, she was heavy injured in an accident!" Wen Ping.

"What!? Brother i need to redrawn! My wife is in trouble!" He cupped his hand to fellows senior hall master.

"Go! We got this! They are so afraid, this is a massacre!" The senior hall masters laughed!

Wen Fai jumped of the water, several fighters from his team also followed him, they run all the way back to the camp!

"BOOM!" A surge of water was unleashed from the up river part, several dragon was invoking the water current invoking a wave that was almost ten meter high! Just like ants watered by a water hose, the Wen break up and washed away down river in one whole sweep!

Only some junior hall master and two senior hall master that was responsible of guarding the rear and treating the injured got away, almost 85% of the Wen attacking forces was wiped out without having a chance to fight back, the power of nature truly fearful!

"Noooooo!" The three elder shook their head!

"Elders! It is time for my participation!" Wen Jin suddenly appeared in front of them!

"Go! Clean this mess as fast as you could!" Wen Xiong looked trouble.

"Great grandfather please do not worried i have tasked 50% of my forces to catch them down river!" Wen Jin words calmed Wen Xiong, he nod to Wen Jin.

Wen Jin shoots over to the sky and a bronze flying turtle shell was there to welcome him in.

"I wish i had a great grandson like that one!" The elder on the left pat Wen Xiong shoulder!

"Well consider he is yours also, he listen to us more then the others stubborn idiots! At least we knew they are some golden apples in our family tree, take no heed of the bad apples!" Wen Xiong frowned, he was still a bit worried about the washed away Wen forces!

"Hongfa stand by in the riverside wait for me! Buy some time if the Liang's attack!" Wen Jin flown down river with Tiangou and 50% of the dragonewt warriors!

He use Tiangou tracking ability to sense the senior hall masters that he personally teleport from the river to his bronze flying turtle shell, the dragonewt hovering in low altitude to pull out anybody that appeared on the surface of the water and put them safe at the side of the river.

"Now we counter attack!" Liang Fan lead the dragon elite legions and start charging towards the river!

"Master they are attacking!" Jingwei informed Wen Jin.

Just about then Wen Jin manage to pull out most of the hall master out of the river only several was lost, but they would has to depend on their own luck!

"I am coming there!" He drove the bronze flying turtle shell in blurring speed and comeback in merely seconds above Hongfa squads.

"Get off all leave them! The medical duty hall master would treat them!" Wen Jin lead Tiangou squads out.

One thousand of dragon elite was charging from the river, Jingwei was constantly relaying every move that the enemy makes to Wen Jin.

"Tiangou squads left, Hongfa squads right, left the middle towards me open!" The two general took their squads as commanded.

The Liang dragon elite made it to the shore and face up with the three side, they saw dragons warriors that was even stronger than their dragons at either side and only one mad man guarding the middle! Logical decisions was always used when you are at the battle field!

"Charge the middle!" Most of them shout at each other "Kill~".

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