
Chapter - (3) « Mindscape~!?! / Stats~ Rozen The True Vampire~!?! »

« Word Count - 1554 »


Leaning against a cave wall is Rozen holding his little sister Anna still fast asleep in his embrace as he analyzes the information he was provided by the system.

His mind and brain worked together at their fullest capabilities making the powers/abilities and knowledge a natural part of himself. This makes it impossible for him to forget or lose the powers after he has learned them.

Feeling he has a favorable control with his new powers, Rozen thought.

' Now onto step two.'

Step two in a sense is basically using his newfound powers with all the data he got stored in his brain. Furthermore, his computer-like brain and mind ran simulations together calculating the outcome of different scenarios, of how he uses his abilities, and how best to use them with perfect or near-perfect utilization. Similarly, this allows Rozen to identify all the variables in any theoretical situation by instantly cross-correlating all information he has on them.

' Now to execute step three: Using my powers/abilities by moving my Supernatural energy in a correct pathway throughout my body.'

As he said this in his mind, Rozen slowly but surely started moving his Supernatural energy in a pattern his mind & brain came up with together.

In his mindscape, he was walking through a Royal yet evil hallway with different types of skeleton and skulls of monsters that he seen and killed before. This hallway is practically a glorified Trophy Room/hallway for Rozen that works like a Labyrinth with unusual twists and turns.


Without warning, his vision shifted into a dungeon-like hallway with water moving upward from the ground.

As he walks he soon spotted rocks inside the ground and floating on the water taking off behind himself.

*Splash!* *Bam!*

All Rozen can hear now is his feet hitting the water and rocks slamming into the wall now and then while at the same time hearing a soft female voice in his ears talking in an unknown fast language that sounds like gibberish to him.

"---A'g`, Ygeualisss!---"

"---K'y`, Lcgeyiaosss---!"

"---A'u`, Sajliopqsss!---"

"---L'i`, Gfoplzhiosss!---"

Rozen can practically hear Samuel L. Jackson, in the background.

" English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!"


After a lot of twists and turns and different landscapes ranging from, Rain forests, vast and endless deserts, wastelands, bloody hallways, high-tech fantasy halls housing a lot of variety of monster statues he killed before, Rozen finally made it through all the pathways. Seeing his work is done he injects himself out of his mindscape while at the same time feeling his mind get separated into nine separate rooms that works like a beehive to their Queen's goal.

*Poof!* *Poof!* *Poof!*

Immediately after he left his mindscape nine versions of himself appeared in front of him on their kneels possessing a fanatic and zealot expression looking at Rozen.



A good stare off, Rozen nodded sagely as he said.

" You know what to do, so get to it."

With a smile that puts joker's to shame, the nine clones said as they got to their feet and started walking in three separate directions in teams of threes.

" Hai~! Hai~! Creators will is absolute~!"

With a twitching eyebrow hearing them, Rozen thought.

' Did I accidentally just start a cult for myself? Of myself?'


Somewhere in a whole different Omniverse a current white-haired Magus/God possessing another body sneezed and looked up at the sky as he said with a smile.

" You get used to it."

" My Prince, who are talking about too?"

" Oh just me, myself, and I. You know you the usual."

" Oh, ok then... Have fun, I guess?"

" Hn... We will."


After seeing his clones gone, Rozen said in his mind.

' System display my stats.'

[Ding~! Displaying Stats!


Name: Rozen Von Morningstar.

Titles: Bloods Only Beloved(Rank - ???): You love blood and anything related to it, and vice versa blood loves you as a lover would. With this title, it lets you use blood-related Powers/Skills/Abilities/ and gives you extraordinary control with blood in general.

Race: True Vampire Race(New): Your True Vampire bloodline was sealed by a powerful Magus of old turning you into a lower species a greedy and selfish Human who's only goal is destroying themselves.

Only now It has awakened as you are in a whole different reality, meaning the Magus's magic will not reach you here. However even if you somehow find yourself back home, the magic will not affect you, because as a True Vampire, you have really high resistance to Magic... And because you now possess the Alpha Stigma that is a basically Magic-God Eye of old.

Age: Looks like an 18-21-year-old, however mentally is unknown.

Strength: A+ | Endurance: A | Agility: A+ | Mana: A | Luck: A |



Enhanced Condition(Inborn Talent): You possess capabilities, attributes and aspects at an enhanced level, beyond that of the average member of your own species. This means your aspects (beauty, charisma, character, and physique) attributes (physical and mental condition) as well as capabilities (potential, feats, skills, and abilities, be it natural or supernatural) would be beyond that of anyone you meet.

In human terms, this entails that an enhanced human would have an enhanced mental and physical condition, incredible judgement, knowledge, creativity, imagination, and other cognitive and brain-related abilities as well as being able to lift weights and output strength even the strongest weightlifters couldn't hope to achieve, moving at speeds similar to that of cars to even subsonic speeds, being immune to nigh-fatal damage and harm and performing at peak performance without tiring for long periods. In conclusion. Basically, you're an all-rounder that is superior of your own species.


Intuitive Aptitude(Inborn Talent): You can instantly learn and understand the workings and mechanics of anything, regardless of how simple or complex it is. You can comprehend the complexity and exactness of events, organisms, objects, subjects, fields, powers, etc. without the need of long-term or special education, or explanation.


Bio-Blood Manipulation: You can channel your bio-energy field to create, control, and manipulate your or others' blood, the essence in a person that absorbs and transfers nutrients throughout your body. This goes far beyond mere blood manipulation as you are able to harness the very properties of your and others' blood to manifest a variety of versatile capabilities. This includes energy absorption, temperature control, electricity conductivity, and more. You can even influence the very concept of "blood" in general.


True Vampire Bloodline: Having this bloodline you are a True Vampire. A true vampire is a vampire that has always been a vampire whether born or created as the  "First" of their kind. A true vampire are usually very powerful, elegant, and beautiful. This causes most true vampires to look down on those who were turned, viewing them as lesser beings.

In most cases, this haughty attitude is somewhat justified given that most true vampires will be more powerful than their turned counterparts. Some will even be free of the vampiric weaknesses that converted vampires have.

Some true vampires may have the potential to be  "Transcendent"  while others are not, however most will undoubtably be "Paragons" of their own species because of their purity.

Furthermore, Once someone falls prey to a True Vampire, they become vampire servants under their master.

Likewise, True Vampires are vicious and use their monstrous proportions to their advantage. Using their vampiric fangs they are capable of sucking a human dry of its blood within minutes or even seconds until it becomes a mummified corpse. 

Possessing speed even beyond that of normal vampires, escaping from a True Vampire is near impossible.

Furthermore, they are capable of creating lesser Vampires whose intelligence rivals that of a normal human being.



Scanning his stats, Rozen thought with a slight smile.

' Now that explains why I love blood so much.'

' Furthermore, If what I'm seeing is correct, I'm strong as Hercules(Berserker) from the Nasuverse.'

[What Lord Rozen has somewhat concluded is correct.]

Hearing the system, Rozen said in his mind with a raised eyebrow.

'Oh, please explain my lovely system.'

[ Lord Rozen being strong as Hercules(Berserker) is only your base form. Because as a True Vampire, blood would level you up in a sense bypassing your current Strength.

If you want to get technical you are a Saiyan with several different power-ups using blood as your source of energy.



Listening to the system, Rozen thought with a smile.

' Ah, I see you're a being of culture as well.'

Of course, an anime lover like him would not miss that Dragon ball reference.

Getting over his system of culture, for now, Rozen said his mind to his clones.

' Team 1 - Report.'

*"* Roger! Team 1 has found a fascinating little spider. Other than that we found nothing of the sort of fun or interesting.*"*

Nodding, Rozen said while thinking about that manga and anime about an OP spider.

' Bring her to me.'

*"* Hai~ Hai~ Roger that Boss!*"*

He then thought as a mysterious smile made its way to his face.

' Well, well, What should I do with this spider? Turn her into my first Noble or Royal Vampire? Kill her because why not? Do some fun experiments on her and with her? Drink her blood till she is nothing but a mummified spider?'

" Haaaa... So many things to do!"
