
The Eyes Of Rah

In the world beyond, there exists a powerful spiritual being named Phemerah. Blessed with the extraordinary abilities than her peers, she commands the forces of nature and possesses a profound connection to the ethereal. However, her most formidable gift lies within her eyes - a pair that mirrors the universe's. Phemerah's blessing eventually turns out to be a curse - her punishment for the constant interference with other creatures, especially in the living realm - left with no choice but to share her abilities among the species below the realm. Meanwhile... In the living realm where creatures of various kinds exist, Seraphine Patrick was born with a colourless iris. She endured the cruelty of being labelled an anomaly which got worse when she became an orphan. In the course of journeying through life alone while enduring the harsh treatment of her fellow human and other creatures, she came across a pure blood vampire, who defies the cosmic order - he was not meant to be born - leading to a torturous existence. Both realise that they need each other in order to survive, as Xavier and Seraphine navigate a world plagued with prejudice and prophecies, they discover a shared resilience that goes beyond their individual struggle. What will become of a battle among the species in a quest for the possession of the greatest power of all? The eyes of Rah. Excerpt; "Is everything okay?" They asked, one doesn't need to ask about her power which has clearly left her body, the radiant skin is not the only give away but also the change in the colour of her eyes, all trace of purple or lavender is gone, replace by brown eyes which marched her hair. "I'm fine" she repeated. "We both felt your abilities when it blessed our people, the surge of power in my wolves' limbs was enough to know they had gotten stronger." The Sun King agreed, "I felt the agility in my people's body as well. The lightness in weight and strength in their power are enough tell sign that they have gotten stronger." The Moon goddess could not keep her curiosity at bay, "what about the eyes?" Phorus at that moment barged in, not minding that he could be punished for his rudeness, all he cared about was seeing his mistress. The Moon goddess glared at him, just when she wanted to hear the location of the most powerful thing, "what insolence!" with narrowed eyes at Phorus for the rude interruption. Phorus bowed immediately, "forgive me my lady, I couldn't help but see for myself that that Lady Mine is awake, hale and hearty" "Do that again next time and you'll lose that eyes of yours, never to see your dear mistress anymore" she declared after Phemerah gave her an apologetic look for Phorus' behaviour. "Dear Phorus, as you can see, I'm fine. I told you everything will be all right" "I'm glad you really are, Lady Mine, I thought I would never see you again." Not one to be patient for too long, the Moon goddess shooed him away so Phemerah could continue her speech. "So, what about the eyes?" "I don't know exactly where they are but I'm sure they are still in the Spirit realm; I can still feel them searching for a worthy abode. I'll know when they reside in another." "Is it possible to reside in a wolf" "Of course, species don't matter to them, they will reside in whoever they deem fit." "What if the worthy one is not yet born?" Asked the Sun king "They will wait, even if they had to wait for centuries; they will." Phemerah spoke as she stared into space.

Reemah_Rede · ファンタジー
129 Chs

Future is Here

"Where is your brother?" Xavier directed the question to Diane as he looked around his office to see she and Francis alone.

"I should ask you, he didn't come home yesterday"

"He's probably at his villa wrapped between the thighs of a beautiful woman" Francis smirked while passing the time by flicking the tail of a dangling pen.

"The news of the demon king's demise is all over the town" Diane spoke with all seriousness with a hint of relief around it, "doesn't that mean our dear girl is safe and out of harm's way?" Posing a cheer with the empty glass cup which once had blood in it.

"I wouldn't conclude that just yet, Damien's son, who is the new king has already approached the Upper House with the intention of joining"

"He's joining for a reason, he definitely has something up his sleeves" Francis spoke, looking right at the door as he sniffed the air.

The door opened and Daniel walked in, "what did I miss?" He bellowed, flashing his teeth around the room.

Francis scoffed, " I knew you were definitely rising from a woman's arms" throwing a crumpled paper at him, "you didn't miss much"

Xavier continued the discussion, "he has invited the members to his coronation, I'll use the opportunity to observe him. Perhaps we could stumble upon something that could give us a clue of his intention"

Throwing the paper right back at Francis, Daniel hadn't stopped grinning, "then I need to inform my valet to prepare for a suitable attire for a coronation" facing a serious faced Xavier, "I hear you have two additional annoying flies in your household"

"Stephen's parents are around?" Diane chuckled, with knowing looks which showed they were all thinking the same thing; their visit will be anything but peaceful.

Xavier hadn't bothered to reply with a vocal response, only a curt nod, he however commented on a more important issue, "I can wager that whatever Desmond's intention is, it can't be far from getting his hands on the Eyes, just like my cousin and his parents"

"I don't really know about him but I heard he despise listening to anything related to his father's obsession with the Eyes. Since his father had devoted all his time with searching for it while ignoring him, he had somehow developed an aversion for it"

"I'm afraid it could be otherwise" Xavier added, staring blankly at a spot on his desk, "we'll see when we get there for the coronation."

Francis sniffed the air again while looking directly at Daniel, soon after the door opened again and the redhead witch entered.

"You smell nice, Annaliese" Diane gave her twin a quick glare before smiling sweetly at Annaliese. Francis smiled as well, knowing it was the same scent he sniffed in the air a while ago. Xavier had also caught on but didn't show any sign except welcoming the witch.

"Thank you" Annaliese held her head up high, knowing perfectly well that they must have all caught the faint rose scent from her. Choosing to act like she was unaware would quickly rid her of the embarrassing moment, she walked right passed the vampire whose mouth had been in hers few hours ago. Clearing her throat to rid herself of the image which caused a blotch in her cheeks, she placed her hand on her laps.

"I got your message and I agree with you that taking Seraphine along is a good idea. It will erase any suspicious Desmond might have. If actually he is after the eyes."

Xavier checked the watch again, he had sent words to Seraphine as well to join them a while ago. He was wondering what could be keeping her waiting when one of his men brought a letter.

"I think we'll discuss this without her presence, I'll have to fill her in later."


"Down boy!"

Seraphine sighed heavily as she shook her head at the old man.

"You know it will be less stressful if you allow her to just stay in the room instead of trying to discipline her on the etiquette of composing herself whenever she sees a meal"

"What nonsense are you saying, the fact that she's a dog doesn't mean she can't learn how to take her eyes off of an attractive meal that is not meant for her" Mr. Pawn slammed the napkin he had just used to wipe his mouth on the table.

"She's a dog, not human. This method might not work on her" Seraphine sighed again when the old man shouted the phrase 'down boy's one more time. She was sure their neighbours will soon come knocking anytime soon to warn them of the disturbing noise.

The old man had taken it upon himself to be the one to instil discipline in Phoenix, concluding that she, the owner had been doing a poor job.

"I know what she is and besides, if I could discipline you, teaching her basic etiquette can't be a problem" 

Seraphine gasped, "did you just compare me to Phoenix" glaring at the annoying old man.

"Excuse me but I think we have more pressing matters to discuss, such as how to get me back home, remember?" a new voice cleared her throat, "this is the second time you both are arguing like sworn enemies" she rolled her eyes.

The clash of glares broke as both glarers looked at the third occupant at the table.  They had forgotten they had a visitor dining with them.

"Pardon our table manners, dear. Believe me, this is not how we act in front of visitors" Seraphine assured the lady. They had decided to close the shop for that day and had a decent meal together in the kitchenette to honour their guest.

Seraphine smiled a little as she watched the strange lady with a male-like short hair style wobbled around in the heavy gown. She knew she was not comfortable with it but it was better than the appalling cloth they had seen her with.

She recalled how immodest she looked in her appalling choice of cloth the night before when she had stepped out from the back room.

Seraphine had observed open-mouthed with keen interest. How was she comfortable wearing such a small piece of cloth? It was similar to a camisole around the room and the little pair of trousers, which couldn't even be passed as being short was something she had never seen before. It is even shorter than what the men wear to swim.

Large amount of her body was display and she was glad it was in the middle of the night with no one in sight. The old man had quickly taken his gaze of off her.

"Why are you dressed like you're acting a Victorian era movie?" She moved towards them, "and where is the bastard who no longer hold the title of being called my boyfriend, I'm sure he has something to do with this"

"We don't know what you're talking about young lady but could you put on a cloth instead of talking to us naked" Mr. Pawn replied.

"Actually I'm not naked but I wish I put on a longer top" she rubbed her arms, "it's a little bit chilly in here and I have nothing to put on. I didn't know I was going to be kidnapped by that jerk, you know. He knew I was going to report him, didn't he?" snapping back at the old man.

"And could you put on the electricity" holding on to the table to steady herself to avoid her feet from knocking over another unknown object as she rambled on.

"You'll have to wait till morning young lady, the station is closed"

"What do you mean the station is closed. What station?" Juliet looked around the room, with one eye looking for the switch and another for the filming crew, expecting them to say 'cut' anytime soon.

That was the only logical explanation she could give for the weird setting she found herself in.

"The station in charge of supplying light to this part of the town, of course. Could you stay in one place till we know how you find yourself in the backroom?" Mr. Pawn was tired of avoiding her immoral state, she had to make it easy by not walking around.

Finally taking a seat, "what's the deal with her?" Pointing at Seraphine who hadn't moved and had barely spoken since, "I don't think she's a statue coz I thought I heard her spoke a while ago, or was I mistaken?"

Mr. Pawn snorted, "I don't know what you mean by deal but if you're talking about her, i can assure you she's not a statue more like a chatterbox. Don't worry, she'll come around" folding his hands, "tell me young lady, how did you get in there?"

"I don't know! One time I was in a pawn shop to pawn my jewelry while I was on a trip with my boyfriend and I was stranded because my boyfriend maxed out my card and the next thing I know I was pushed into a room on my way out, I am sure the dickhead has something to do with it"

"A pawnshop??"

At that moment, Seraphine jerked as if a switch had turned off her stilled state, "I think you've travelled back in time"