
The evil god in Marvel

" You nearly killed 4 people and yet here you are having the gall to smile !! " The detective shouted at the teenager cuffed on the tables. The teenager's smile slowly faded and his face became serious. " Tell me detective , why should I apologize for what I did to them when they didn't apologize for making me a monster ? " ._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._. Grey was an orphan who never felt the warmth of parents . Constantly bullied for being weak and constantly being used , he finally had enough but what could you do . Life had taught him that the strongest always trample on the weak. He nearly gave up until the monarch of the void gave him a book that would make him stronger, better . Would use his powers for good or for.... Nah he will use it just for the most heinous evils .

Kinshu_War · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

He died young.

Max got to work. He needed to know more about the anomaly.

After a few weeks his search had yielded results. He know had information about Grey including off his sister.

' I'll just have to target your sister then , won't I? ' He thought with a glint in his eye.

He was on his bed with two of the most beautiful women in Marvel . Wanda and Natasha. 

They both had agreed to a threesome. He had worked hard to court Wanda and now luckily she was in his harem.

He got out of his bed to get prepared to go to Charles' school. 

Wanda woke up and seeing Max getting ready walked towards him with slight difficulty. She was still naked as she kissed Max.

" Where are you going at such early hours?" She asked.

" What do you think about getting another sister?" Max asked. 

She sighed.

" As long as she isn't bitchy then it's ok " Wanda said.

Max smiled and gave her a peck before going to get his car. 

He arrived at the school by midday and people had already swarmed to see him . 

He was a rising trend after all.

" Mr Nova . Professor Charles request and audience with you. Could you kindly follow me ?" A bluse skinned beast beckoned for his attention.

Max smiled and agreed like the gentleman he is.

They walked to the office where Charles waited for him. 

" How are you Mr. Nova "

" Just call me Max , Mr. Xavier. " Max said.

" Then call me Charles. What brings you to my humble abode?" Charles asked.

He couldn't read his mind so he had no way of knowing what he was thinking. 

However he knew that Max didn't want to do anything bad as he himself was a mutant 

" I just wanted to see this school and maybe if possible fund it. " Max said.

Charles was internally excited. They were currently lacking in funds after all.

" That would be perfect. Let me call Jean . She would ... " Charles suddenly got alerted of a new arrival making him frown . 

However he hid that quickly.

" Jean is preoccupied with someone, let B... "

" Could you let the legendary Rogue guide me ?" Max said making Charles frown slightly.

" She's unfortunately.... unstable currently" Grey said.

" That's unfortunate.... maybe next time. " Max turned around about to leave when Charles halted him.

" Wait , if that's your wish then who am I to disagree " 

He summoned Anna and Max could help but let his eye wonder to her accentuating curve.

" Damn , Anna's curvy as hell . I can't wait to get that juicy taste. " Max thought. 

" Professor you called me ?" Anna asked.

" Ah yes could you kindly show Max around " Charles said.

Anna looked at the guest and her heart couldn't help but skip a beat. He was handsome. 

" Of course Professor, my name is Anna " She said extending her hand ( in gloves ) . 

Max shook his hands

" Am Max , a pleasure to meet you. " 

Charles excused the two as she showed her the place. 

" This place is great Anna " Max said.

" Yeah .... Um great ?" Anna said.

She looked downcast and Max internally grinned. Now was his chance.

" What's the problem. " He asked in a caring tone .

" It's just personal issues. " 

" Am sorry for what's disturbing you . I'll lend you a helping..... " 

Suddenly a frisbee was thrown and hit Anna right in the head. 

Mercy slightly laughed and went to get the frisbee. 

As she approached she took the frisbee and was about to go away when Max held her gently 

" Hi little girl what's your name . " Mercy snotted and refused to tell her name. This slightly angered Max but he did not let his demeanor fall.

" Why don't you apologize to Rogue?" Max asked .

Mercy looked at Rogue and snorted once again.

" Fuck her . I hope she dies " Mercy said with venom looking at her.

" Listen here you little shit " Max said letting go of that calm demeanor.

" You're hurting me " Mercy said feeling the force of Max's hand. 

Anna became uncomfortable with what Max was doing. 

" Let her go Mr Nova. " 

" What , so that she can insult you more ?" Max said.

" Please, just leave me alone or I'll call my friend to beat you " Mercy said.

" I'd like to see you try " Max said darkly.

In his previous life he once worked at kindergarten before quitting and one of the things he grew a hatred of was spoilt brats. 

" That's enough Mr. Nova. " Anna said holding his shoulder but just then he heard a voice he came to despise.

" What you doing ?" Max suddenly turned to his right to see Grey . 

Grey then looked at a teary Mercy . 

Max out of sudden shock released Mercy who ran to Grey . 

" Mercy , what's wrong?" Grey asked 

" Mr. Nova *sob* wanted to hurt me " Mercy said.

Grey looked at Mercy and gave her a kind smile.

" Don't worry, I'll erase him " Grey said.

His voice seemed innocent but his wording instilled a fear that Max had never known about.

Grey then looked at Anna with an emotionless expression. 

" Fuck off Rogue. I need to talk to this guy. " He said. 

Rogue was about to protest but those eyes made her give up . She slowly walked off. 

Grey then turned to Mercy and smiled.

" Go play with your friends, Kay ?" Mercy nodded and ran off. 

Now it was just the two of them .

Grey suddenly smiled. 

" What a situation . I thought that my future source of hatred would be someone like Gwen considering she is currently the closest person I can currently say I am with. 

But my half sister that's something else. " Grey said.

Max wondered what kind of bullshit he was spitting. 

" You know you did something so unthinkable to me in the future that I had to kill your first born and trust me that's way harder than it looks for me . " Max eyes widened.

This being could see some parts of the future. And where he had a child.

" Then why let me live then ?" He needed to know how this being thought.

" Well obviously to know who I cared about so deeply. Am currently having trouble understanding my emotions. You were simply to help me " Grey said.

" Now what, you kill me ?" Max asked. The trace of fear he had was now replaced with determination. 

" Of course you dummy. You have no other use for me " 

Max suddenly charged a magic spell and blasted at Grey which he just destroyed.

Max used that moment to take the godkiller sword which he bought with a lot of points. 

The sword made contact and cut Grey's head off.

" All that show just to be killed so easily " Max said looking down on the decapitated body of Grey . 

" Yeah that was really pathetic " He suddenly heard a voice beside him . He suddenly turned only to see Grey also looking at the decapitated corpse. 

He suddenly jumped back and was ready to attack again when suddenly Grey appeared in front of him and punched him. 

Max flew to the school mansion destroying a part of it. 

The children got away from Max who was coughing. 

He slowly got up and looked up only to see Grey , looking down on him like some pathetic insect. 

" You survived, that's nice ?" Grey said with a grin.

Max gritted his teeth as he jumped towards him but all he earned was a slap the sent him to another room . 

" Don't worry Max , I'll make sure to take care of your daughter " Grey said as his fist started glowing. 

" I'll fucking kill you " Max said taking his sword and swinging it to Grey which he dodged fluidly before delivering another punch which sent him outside of school grounds.

He now had a nose bleed but his health was still 73% . Meaning Grey wasn't actually that strong. 

He had health potions so he could heal himself and tire Grey then go for the kill. 

Grey landed in front of him . 

' Should I just kill him or play with him ?' Grey thought. 

He decided to just end him when lightning struck him . It was Storm.

The lightning actually hurt but he healed fast. 

He wanted to turn and just punch the lady but he could do that later. 

" Stop . Grey Gravis... I understand you're angry that he hurt Mercy but that was a mistake. " Charles said. 

Max was never thankful of Charles like now. 

" Are you sure, he looks like a pervert" Wolverine held his laughter.

" Of course. Mercy isn't harmed in anywhere so we can just calm down . " Charles said. 

The X-Men expected a fight but they got surprised when he agreed.

" Ok . Let's settle this over a cup of tea . Am famished. " Grey said turning his back on Max.

Max used this chance to upgrade all his points to speed and the god killer. 

This was his chance to strike.

With a sudden burst of speed he aimed for Grey's head. 

Everyone's eyes widened but without a warning , Max's body fell down and his head was everywhere to be seen as his brain mass was scattered across the road. 

Grey then turned to the X-Men. 

" What , I defended myself. " Grey said. 

_-_-_-_-_-_-Later that day_-_-_-_-_-_-_


Max Nova . The CEO of Nova enterprise is dead. 

The footage shows Nova attacking a civilian before his head was blown to bits. 

The police have apprehended the suspect who is known as Grey Grevis. A Midtown High student with clean records.

_-_-_-_-_-_ At the police station _-_-_-_

Grey was now handcuffed in an interrogation inside a police station. 

The X-Men were also to be interrogated however in their mansion as mutants weren't seen in good light. 

_-_-_-_-( A/N ) _-_-_-_

Next up :


Then :

A Witch and an Assassin's rage. .