
The Endless Game

Come join are protagonist zero in his journey across this fantasy world.Watch as zero grows stronger and stronger with the goal to ruler over this fantasy world. Ps.This is my first time writing please don’t be harsh.

Caydin_Klups · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Goddess of reincarnation

There were five boys that are best friends playing tag. One of these boys is named Zero. Zero grew up with only his mother he became friends with four other boys in his neighborhood. Zero is 12 and today he asked his friends to play tag with him. When they were playing tag Zero ran out into the street he heard a honk.

All Zero could see in front of him were two bright lights coming towards him. When the bright lights were right in front of him he felt his body get flung back then he felt as if he hit something hard. People around saw this young boy get hit by a truck and land on the hard cement. This young boy had blood all over him and four other young boys were screaming and crying while other people were screaming. Zero could see all his friends around him crying.

After a couple seconds Zero felt as if he was getting colder and in the next moment all went black. The last thing Zero saw was his mother and friends all around him crying. When Zero opened his eyes he saw a beautiful women in front of him. He looked around and also saw that he was in a complete white space all that was there was two chairs a table with two cups of tea and the women. The women smiled at Zero and said "Come sit you must be confused let me explain". The next moment zero sat down and the women in front of him explained the situation.

A while later and the women stoped talking. She told Zero that he had died and that she was the goddess of reincarnation. She then told him that she would give him two options. The first was to be reincarnated into a new world as a worm and if he chose this he would start of with a ability that lets him evolve into different animals over time. The second chose was he would be reincarnated into a random place in a random world also his species would be random the goddess said as this is the harder choice he will be granted one special ability at random and a system.

When Zero heard system his eyes lit up he has played video games before and he wondered if it was going to be like that so he asked "Is it like those in video games". She laughed at him and said "Yes, it is here say status". Zero was curious so he said status and a blue screen like in the games poped up in front of him.













Unassigned points:None


Zero was surprised when he saw this it was just like a game. Zero asked the goddess to explain strength and all that and she did she said "strength is how much damage you deal agility is how fast you are and how quickly you can react to things around you constitution is how much hp you have or how much damage you can take intelligence is how much mp or mana that you have for casting spells and wisdom is how fast your mp or mana regenerates.".

When she was done speaking she asked Zero if he had made his choice. Even though the second option is the harder one zero did not hesitate to pick it as he was always up for a challenge and he liked the idea of having a system like in the games he use to play. So Zero said right away "I chose the second choice". After Zero said this is vision started turning black again and before he passed out he said "Wait what your name" the goddess laughed and said Celtic. That was the last thing Zero heard before his vision completely descended into darkness.

When Zero awoke all he saw was a blue sky. Zero started looking around and as he did he started screaming. Zero was descending from high in the sky below him he saw a lush green forest that looked like a jungle he could not see anything but trees. A old man in a black robe saw a young boy falling from the sky screaming and started to rush over in that direction. Meanwhile Zero was felling scared he just died and did not want to die again the trees kept getting closer and closer until he hit them right as he hit the trees the impact knocked him out right away.

As zero passed out he was still falling his body went straight through the branches and leafs of the tree until he hit the ground when he hit the ground there was a big "BOOM" sound. The boom sound echoed threw the forest. The old man that was not far away heard the loud sound and now was running even faster he saw a huge crater with the young boy that was falling from the sky in it the young boy looked unscathed. The old man rushed up to the young boy and felt for a pulse he was relieved when he felt the pulse he picked the young boy up and started head towards his cabin which was in the woods by a lake.

When zero awoke he could tell that he was inside a building on a bed and there was a old man starting at him with a weird look. When the old man noticed zero was looking at him he said " who are you". The old mans voice was deep and ferocious, zero felt a shiver down his spine he was planing to lie to the old man but now he had no intention to lie. Zero responded " My name is zero what is yours". The old man looked at him for a second he felt that zero had told the truth so he let out a sigh and said " My name is not of importance right now what is, is how and why did you fall out of the sky".

Zero was silent for a second trying to make up a excuse, but the old man saw this and said " You don't need to tell me right now considering that you just fell from the sky". Zero let out a relived sigh he did not want to deal with people from this world cutting him open to see how he was transferred worlds. At this moment zeros stomach growled from hunger. The old man hear this and looked at zeros embarrassed face but then said " I have some soup in the kitchen let's eat before we talk about anything else" and with this zero started following the old man towards the kitchen.