
The empress is the Alpha

born with the clearest, whitest and most beautiful skin, wei has been receiving praises ever since she was a baby. with her extraordinary glowing skin, blue eyes like the clear sky, pink lips and usual curly midnight black hair. her beauty made heads turn, only those jealous of her would call her a freak for having such kind of skin and eyes and hair. Her beauty was divine but it became too divine as people started to ask questions. 'is she from the moon?' people would ask her mother and always answered that she was from this world but then how can a child from this world keep glowing and become more beautiful with each passing year. At first, this was great attraction and good for business for her mother but it soon became too much to the point she had to swear of her child being of this world before the emperor and the empire. Before her secret come to light, after swearing, she fled with her daughter, leaving her business behind to protect her and not lose her to the people of the moon. There has to be balance in this world and the world of the moon. Such divine beauty cannot be in the human' world but up in the moon. In order to confuse the moon people, wei and her mother never stayed the same place more than two years but what will happen when the love wei had when she was little comes up to the surface and she decides to settle down with the emperor and become the EMPRESS?

Anita_Badei · 歴史
4 Chs


Chapter four


The woman packed the the scared clothing and stood up.

"Think Chu Hua, what else do I need?" She rubbed her temples then suddenly brighten up like she has finally remembered what she had forgotten a long time ago.

"I need the journal too!" She slapped her forehead. "It's been a while but that doesn't mean you should forget everything!" She scolded herself.

She quickly went down close to her cabinet and took her hand under it then brought out a key.

After which she moved the cabinet away from the wall. There was a small locked opening and she used the key to open it then brought out a big dusty old book.

She quickly added the journal as well then wear her veiled hat and left.


She soon entered the forest and walked around in circles five times before taking out the journal and enchant some words.

Her eyes suddenly brightened and she started walking straight ahead.

Soon, a hut appeared in her view although some trees still hid some part of it.

A smile crept up her face. "Thank the heavens that no one is here." She said.

There different seem to be any life inside nor light came from the room.

She felt as though a big weight hasn't been lifted off her shoulders and she hurried over to the hut.

The place was left opened. There was no need for security what so ever cause no one dares come this deep inside the forest and the hut is also impossible to find or see without any help from a witch.

She stepped inside and the smell of potions filled her nostrils.

She breathe them in with a smile on her face. "Ah I've missed this place. Mother Ming Xia has started making disgusting smelly potions again." She said.

The place was empty with no furnitures, anyone would think that the place wasn't in use but she knew there's a hidden room and the door was behind a painting.

The painting was of a beautiful young lady. Her beauty was extraordinary and wasn't from this world. She was from the moon.

The young lady had the same beauty as her daughter.

She stepped closer to the painting and felt it with her hands. She moved her hands to the lady in the painting face.

The features of the lady was exactly similar to her dear daughter's which made her heart pound again.

She had to do this quickly before she's separated from her stubborn daughter.

She moved the painting away. It was difficult as it was heavy but she had done it many times in the past so she finally got it out of the way and stepped inside the hidden room where positions of all sort were on tables.

And dusty old books on shelves.

The room was so big that you would wonder how an old small hut could have such a big space?

None of these surprised her though, it was all as expected.

She was about to make her way in when she felt someone grab her shoulders and pulled her back.

She landed on her butt on the floor.

She looked up and a shiver ran down her spine.

"Why have you returned, Jiao?"