
The Employed Empress

"An empress is employed! While the Imperial noble consort is the true love, ah!" What's so bad being a subordinate? As long as you do your work properly, you'll be paid and still have time to play. Responsibilities? we have our boss for that! if things go wrong they'll hold the sky for you. Don't want to? Ayaya, point your fingers to them and people will hold them responsible for you. If there's something, just say you don't know while redirecting the problem to them. When bad things come, you hold their thighs. Be a good underling and boss will shield you from the rain! Such simple logic! "Luckily the emperor is a good and powerful boss!" Wei Yi Yi happily plans how to make him take all responsibility to her ploys. ----- Tags #femalelead #slowprogression #slowromance #sliceoflife #flawedcharacters #GLpairing #BLpairing #ShounenAI #ShoujoAI ^because I like people guessing multiple shippable chara (evil laugh)

Xiao_yue · 歴史
194 Chs

There's no Unconditional Love

Four immobile limbs never limited a desperate person in her struggle. 

Wei Yi Yi struck Jiang Yu squarely with her head. Including the unsuspecting Jiang Yu, not an ounce of hesitation halted her brute action. Their foreheads smacking with a loud 'tonk!'. Jiang Yu fell on his back while Wei Yi Yi rolled out straight down on the floor.

Two idiots faced one another, both of them clutching their reddened forehead.

"Why are you so violent?!" 

"You were too close! It's disrespectful!"

"What are you fussing about?" Jiang Yu was dizzy and now there's a following headache. "It's not the first time we are sleeping together."

"Who is sleeping with you?!"

Damn Wei Yi Yi's loose screw. Damn her dirty mind. She has now labeled Jiang Yu as a wolf; a tainted filter is now attached to all his actions and words, alerting her nerves to high tension.