
Mission Mob-possible 3

{{ 2 of 2 Chapters this Week }}

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't handle me so roughly, will you?!" Yazaki yelled out as he was forced to sit down on a couch nearby.

"Heh, so what are you gonna do? Kill me?" He asked with a snarky grin, before the tip of Rinko's blade lifted his chin up.

"No." Rinko replied, "Instead we're going to force your mouth open. Now speak: what deal were you making with that demon?"

"It's about a partnership, that's all!" Yazaki answered, before feeling a stinging pain on his cheek and shoulder

Cuts have appeared on those areas, making them bleed lightly.

"A-Alright, fine! Our hotel, Under Eden is making partnerships with several groups to grow in its business, okay! That's all, I won't tell you anything else, our King will punish me if ever I allow too much to say!" He said, leaning back to get away from Rinko's blade.

So she pulled back her sword and stabbed it near Yazaki's head, wounding his ear.

"Grrrr...!!! Damn it...!"

The politician clenched his teeth and fists in rage, glaring at Rinko.

'Someday I'll avenge myself and humiliate you for this!' He thought.

"Any other information you might give us?"

And so, a cunning idea (to him) came up his mind, this was the perfect question that changed his expression.

"Do you know about the Taimanin who went missing years ago? As I had heard, she was quite a beautiful woman honestly."

Once these words came out, Yukikaze perked up and turned towards Yazaki with surprise.

"What.... What did you say?! Are you taking about---"

She was cut off by a foreboding chuckle by Yazaki as he grinned.

"Heheheheheh.... Yes, I am talking about Shiranui Mizuki! She's a woman with a really great body, you know?"

With an exclamation that brushed through many hair triggers in Yukikaze, the pigtailed taimanin approached him.

"And you know what? She's regarded as the VIP only prostitute of Under Eden! You're going to have to begin searching for a long period of time in order to find out where it is!"


Yazaki's laughter was silenced with a jawbreaking kick that managed to knock him out almost immediately.

The popping and breaking of bones and the snapping of ligaments were heard, and Tatsurou instinctively let go of the politician and looked away.

If he was a demon, he wouldn't have done it.

"Is, is he dead?"

"No. He's still alive, but barely conscious. Let's get out of here before anyone gets inside." Rinko said, turning towards the broken windows. "Yukikaze, take Cid with you."

Yukikaze checked up upon Cid as he looked at Yazaki, not knowing about his real thoughts.

Without the rest of the squad even noticing, a small black blob of slime coming from his suit dropped to the floor, moving towards Yazaki in a quick and unnoticed manner, entering his body through a small wound.

Cid was carried by Yukikaze as they walked to the edge of the building, noticing some envious glances from Tatsurou.

"Cid, are you okay?"

"Why are you so worried about it?"

"Hey, do you want to be dropped down to the ground, or what?"

Yukikaze joked as she puckered her lips, glancing away from Cid and rolling her eyes.

"While being in the air? Uh, no thanks."

With that, they left the building and returned to the hotel they were staying on to give a report not just to the Prime Minister, but also to Yamamoto who both acknowledged the information.

Yamamoto decided to tell them that they should stay for two a while until they are asked to.

Asai simply told them to wait since their mission isn't declared over so early.

It meant that the squad had a lot of free time until more information was given to them.

Days passed.

The usual was happening, except at the end of the week, Tatsurou suddenly asked Cid to come with him "to train together".

Their weapons were also with them, just in case when danger suddenly appears. To stop people from even thinking they were dangerous, they wrapped their weapons in thick clothing.

After somehow going by an empty street not too far from the hotel that was their supposed base, Tatsurou turned towards Cid.

"Hey, Tatsurou. You seem gloomy, did something happen?" Cid asked, playing along to such a simple plot he had.

'I.... I should talk to him.'


Before Tatsurou could tell Cid about what he felt about him, he heard the voice of a woman right behind him.

"Hey, is this real? Two rookie Taimanin on this part of the street, walking alone like idiots without the support of their seniors? Unbelievable."

The woman's tone was condescending, cocky, and even filled with mockery. Aside from that, he felt killing intent coming out behind him.

He leapt forwards, avoiding a hand trying to grab him, then turned towards whoever was attacking the two of them, his weapon ready.

"That woman...."

Cid immediately recognized who the woman was just by the first glance.

'Ah, it's that woman I decapitated earlier last month. Wonder how she's still alive... Was she supposed to be a Main Antagonist?'

Purple, bob cut hair, crazy smile, and even that bodysuit and two long claws that were tucked in her gauntlets.

Yep. It's the C.C.W. (Crazy Claw Woman).

[ "IMAGE" ]

"She feels dangerous...." Cid acted naturally, wielding his katana which had its cover and scabbard removed. He also thought he should fight her, too since at this plotline, he was forced to.

Then the woman started walking towards them, brandishing her gauntlets in which hidden claws from inside it revealed themselves.

"Dangerous? Pfft, I really am, you know. Plus, I've been bored for a very long time.... Ah, I know! I'll just have fun with the two of you since you came across a forbidden area. Sorry boys, rules are rules."

With a terrifying chuckle, the woman vanished, before suddenly appearing right in front of Tatsurou.

'Too fast!'

Tatsurou blocked the attack, his weapon creating sparks just by it grinding on the woman's claw.

He was pushed back, struggling against the strength of the crazy woman who merely had to walk just to push him back easily.

She glanced at Cid and blocked his attack with another claw, shoving the two of them away.

"Seriously? Is that all? Get up and use your Ninja Arts, otherwise you'd end up boring me!"

This fight was just beginning, and it seemed too obvious that the woman was too strong.

Tatsurou sent out several arcs of wind towards the crazy woman, and all of it was blocked or repelled by her.

Cid only used pure techniques against the C.C.W., that he intentionally made to look weak and unpolished, as if he had just learnt it.

The two used a simple tactic of attacking at both sides, cutting at the woman relentlessly even if none cleanly hit or cut her.

At one point, she struck Tatsurou with a breath stopping knee to his upper abdomen, before grabbing the heads of the two trainee Taimanin and slamming them together with such force it might have given them a concussion each if they weren't any weaker.

Then she grabbed the necks of the two, which both struggled to try to pry off.

Their weapons were kicked off easily.

Cid and Tatsurou gagged from the force in which they were choked, and as the two were right above ground, the C.C.W. looked at the two of them.

"Hm~ hmhm~~ Who's gonna be my pig for this time? Is it this scrawny, good looking fool? Or is it this plain looking boy?" The C.C.W. asked, licking her lips.

"Wonder who's squeal will be more fun to hear~?"

Cid looked at Tatsurou, who had recovered his breath.

"Tatsurou.... I can still use my Void Art.... Get out of here! Khhk!!" He spoke, grasping the shoulder of Tatsurou and immediately getting him out of the Crazy Woman's grasp using the art to teleport him to a considerable distance away from them.

Preferably, 16 meters away.

Tatsurou instinctively coughed, wheezing as he tried to regain his breath.

Staring up to Cid, he noticed a smile on his face.

'Cid.... Why?'

Presented with no choice, the blue haired Taimanin retreated, never looking back.

While this annoyed the C.C.W. she barely cared at all as her grip on Cid's neck became stronger.

"Oho~ sacrificing yourself for your ally, huh? Isn't that so.... Stupid? Pfft, whatever! I'm not interested in somebody that's going to break too soon, anyway~!" She said, hitting the back of Cid's head to knock him unconscious.

The CCW, let's just call her Oboro now, then took him to a secret pathway leading to somewhere.

However, she did not notice that it was all Cid's "plans" involving many people.

When Tatsurou returned, he told the truth to Rinko and Yukikaze, causing both to be distraught and forcing them to begin a long search for him.

Tatsurou in the meanwhile was consumed with guilt.

'I am weak. So what? Cid, I don't deserve this. It should have been me who had been captured, not you! Yeah... This is all my fault.'

Driven by guilt, Tatsurou reluctantly trained all by himself while he stayed inside the hotel all alone.

[ ~ TO = BE = CONTINUED ~ ]
