
The Elites (The sorcerer the guardian and the girl)

He appeared in a blink of an eye. I didn't see him when my eyes were reading the dress code and the people. Either he fell from the sky or just teleported here. As soon as my eyes landed on him, they widened at his aspect. He was wearing complete white which was complementing his silver silky hair. He gleams like shiny white armor. My eyes followed him, as he was getting closer in my direction.

ErzaLockhart_8373 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4

I kept silent for a minute and then for two minutes. And then, I gulped the nervousness that was blocking my throat.

"My mother has the same watch. It's ok if you don't want to talk about her." The boy said.

I tilted my head to the side to face him. He gave me a big bright smile which made me chuckle a little.

"Sorry to remind you of your mother." He said.

With a curt nod, I accepted his apology, though it was not needed. I am internally thankful for his senses here, he was concerned about the feelings of others. Though my feelings were different from what he thought they would be, I really appreciate his concern which somehow saved me today.

I again glanced at him after a couple of minutes, he was busy concentrating on the lecture that is being taught. Dropping my thoughts, I focused on the class. Soon the class ended and now it was a short break, so I decided to go out of the class to breathe fresh air. I was waiting for the boy next to me to get up as I was inside the bench, meanwhile, I was reading the schedule for further classes. When he got up, I glanced at him to get up as well. He waved a bye at me as I looked at him. It was not verbal, it was just an act of hand. Giving him a nod once again in response, I came out of the class. The students who left were returning to their classes.

I went to the corner of the corridor, facing the balcony. Looking down at the ground, I was once again admiring the beauty of the college. Leaning forward, I placed my elbows on the railing of the balcony. The air smelled fresh and grassy. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, the air turned white. I blinked a couple of times to clear the white smoke in front of me. Nothing happened, it increased further. Worried, I took a sudden step back, then something heavy collided with me as if it almost fell on me. My feet wobbled by the heavy impact and I was unable to see what was happening in the pale white smoke. I stretched my hand to hold anything, to restrain myself from falling back. Feeling something under my touch, I grabbed it and pulled my form forward towards it. The front of my body hit that something which I held for support then I looked up to see what it was.

"Oh." My lips made a round O as I gaped 'oh' realizing what it was. His bright sky eyes gazed down at me. There was no emotion in them. They were pale as the smoke that formed a moment ago. From his eyes, my eyes moved to my hand which was holding the collar of the guardian. With a sudden jerk, I left the collar and stepped back. Giving an embarrassing smile, I raised my hand in defense. "Sorry." I then murmured and realized the white smoke that surrounds us began to fade now.

Ignoring me and my sorry completely, he turned to the side to go wherever he was going and then I heard, whispers of the girls eyeing him.

'Wait, haven't they seen him since then?

He was here for more than 5 minutes.

Wait a minute, where did he come from?..'

My thoughts were interrupted as the speaker gave a beep sound to gain everyone's attention.

"Standing at the corners of the corridors means violating the protocols of the Elites. I repeat, standing at the corners of the corridors means violating the protocols of the Elites." The speaker said.

I suddenly took a couple of steps back. 'Was that a warning to me?' I said to myself.

"Who would go there? Everyone knows the rules." Some of the students were murmuring

And now I am sure it was for me. Without being noticeable to anyone, I quickly moved away and made my way to the class. 'Damn it. I broke the rule on the first day.' I murmured internally. Everything is going out of plan today. It starts with a hat, then being late, and now the break of rule. I can't continue to be like this.

I decided to go to the library during lunchtime to borrow the book of rules. The next two periods went by quickly, my mind was completely on learning the rules, and I couldn't focus on the classes. The lunch began and I swiftly made my way to the library without having any food, I went to the 5th floor where the library was and strode inside.

It was a humongous hall with dozens of rows standing side by side, separated by 5 feet distance. All four side walls were designed as shelves filled with books. When I wandered my eyes from left to right, I could only see books one after another. For a fraction of a second, I felt dizzy by the number of books present here. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. Glancing around, I searched for the reception. It was to the right end beside the window. The curtain of the window was blowing by the heavy wind, hiding the face of the receptionist behind it. The sun rays were penetrating from the window, falling on the desk.

Taking a right turn, I walk towards it. While I walked there, I was trying to have a glance at the person behind the desk but couldn't have so. As I got closer and stood in front of it, I could see it was a lady. She was bent down behind the desk, searching for something in the pull opened drawer. I waited there for her to finish her work, It took a couple of minutes then she straightened her form, with some papers in her hand.

"Oh!" She said as soon as she saw me.

"Hello," I said with a smile.

"Have you been waiting long?" She asked.

"Oh no." I said. "A minute or two." I said.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"I want a book of rules of the college." I said.

"I see. So you are newly enrolled." She asked.

"Indeed." I said.

She bent to the side and pulled open a drawer, rummaging her hand in it, she pulled out a small book from it.

"I usually don't keep any books with me but this rule book is always in the drawer." She said and kept the book on the desk.

I looked at it, it looked more like a diary than a book. Bending forward, I picked it up and then realized I don't have a library card.

"I still have to make the library card." I said.

"That's alright." She said, placing a paper on the desk and asked me to sign it. "I'll make your entry here."

"Thank you." I said and signed on the paper.

Taking the book, I turned around and made my way back to the class.

'I should memories every rule tonight itself.' I thought, looking at the book.