
Chapter 6: Horrifying Truths, Part 1

(Yo. I didn't play video games last weekend, and I want to unwind by playing some this weekend, so this short chapter will have to hold y'all over until next Tuesday.)

(Also, this chapter focuses on the kind of stuff Chikyu sees, hears and knows thanks to being connected to the planet. Just letting you know now: It's very, very strange. This will also be the introduction to some of the stuff that will be where the biggest changes to canon are going to come from.)

-2 hours after the end of last chapter, Chikyu POV-

I got home an hour ago. Mom and the others are still out, doing hero work, so I'm the only one at the lodge right now. Good, that's exactly what I need.

It's about time for me to go back.. there.

Going into my room, I take the key and lock the door. No one else can know this, not even Mom. At least, biological Mom. Earth Mom already knows. She knew before me. In fact, she was the one to tell me.

I walked over to a very specific plant that I housed in my room. To anyone else, it looks like a thorn-apple plant. To me, however, it was quite different.

Bright neon colours adorned parts of it, looking like an aurora. The rest of it seemed to mimic the beautiful colours and patterns of the cosmos, somewhat like a night sky petunia. The difference was that this flowers resemblance to the outer expanse of space was to the point that it could probably be called mimicry.

(Image here)

-3rd POV-

"Wake up.", Chikyu said.

A neon glow of blue, purple and white emerged from and surrounded the strange flower. It seemed to "yawn", as it's petals raised for a few seconds and then fell back to their original position.

"Greetings, Shizen Umare.", it said. It's voice sounded mostly feminine, but also slightly masculine.

"For fuck's sake, stop calling me that. It's Chikyu Tsuchikawa.", Chikyu responded, annoyed.

"Apologies, sir. What do you need me to do?", it asked.

"Open up the entrance to Mienai again.", he ordered.

"Very well, sir."

A hole opened up in the middle of Chikyu's room. It seemed to go down for a long time, as it was pitch black if peered down at from the top.

Despite this, Chikyu, without even a second of hesitation or pause jumped down the hole. As he fell through it, it closed back up, making it seem as if it was never there in the first place.

Chikyu, despite having fell from what must have been thousands of feet underground, was completely unharmed as he finally touched solid ground. Not through durability, but through the aid of small neon creatures that gently carried him down to the ground as he was falling. They looked like little more than glowing orbs in terms of appearance. As soon as Chikyu was set down, they flew off.

If one other than Chikyu were to set eyes upon the area, they would think it fake, or an illusion. It looked like an art piece more than it did a real location.

(Image here)

-Chikyu POV-

"You've come here again? What are you expecting to find here, my boy? I know you have a fascination with the Unseen that dwell here, but you come here almost three times a week. Are you looking for something specific? Or is it merely curiosity?", a feminine voice asked me in my head.

Looks like Earth Mom is back. She tends to be "away" for some periods of time occasionally, only coming back at some point later. I don't dislike her for it, not at all. She is the planet, after all. She has to take care of lots and lots of things constantly because of that, as well as take care of any event that happens that could damage her.

"A bit of both. While you are right about my interest in the Unseen, I also feel like there are things to be found here. Good to see you again, by the way.", I responded.

"It's pleasant to see you once again as well, my boy."

Taking a different path than I did the last time I came here, I wander the area. As I wander, I see countless things that look like they came straight out of a fantasy world.

Eventually, after around 10 minutes of going down the path I chose, I find a new sight that I haven't encountered in this place before.

The area was gigantic and open. However, unlike many of the other areas, this part had nearly no colour. It was all just dull greys and a blue mist. However, that wasn't the strange part.

There was a creature in the middle of the area chained by strange metallic tubes and chains. It was grey all over, stood on two legs, had a strange "muzzle" on it's face, and weird "tendrils" on it's head. It was looking down at the ground, looking to be in thought.

(Image. Couldn't find who the original artist was)

I approached the creature. I stayed on guard though, ready to tighten it's metallic bonds to crush it's arms, legs and face at a moment's notice, should it show hostility.

It raised it's head, looking at me. Despite having no facial features, I could tell it was curious about something.

Then, it spoke.

"What does the Earth-Born want with me?"
