

The sun had long set, and the sky was now dark. The stars shone brightly as the Duke and Faye emerged from their chambers. There was a chill in the night air of the keep as it nipped at Faye's skin, and the distant sound of an owl hooting could be heard outside the fortress.

The Duke placed his warm hand on the small of Faye's back, and she felt a comforting sensation as he guided her down the dimly lit hallway toward the counsel room.

He pointed his finger and directed, "The counsel room is this way."

The scent of burning beeswax candles drifted in the corridor. Faye's heart raced with apprehension for what lay in the meeting ahead. As they approached the chamber, she reached for Sterling's hand and he clasped it. She was relieved to have him by her side.

He stopped before they entered the room. Sterling brushed her long golden strands of hair away from her face to get a better look at her expression. He could see she was worried and distressed.
